Title: Blogs, Wikis, Feeds Workshop
1Blogs, Wikis, Feeds Workshop
23 Goals for Today
- Explain the difference between a Blog and
threaded discussion board - Review Examples of how Blogs are incorporated in
the learning environment. - Explore Wikis
3Blog or Threaded Discussions ?
Locus of Control
- Blogs
- Focus on Individual
- Content is guided by author
- Personal/private
- Knowledge based
- Better for a single contributor but multiple
viewers - Private Journal/diaries
- Posts/Comments
- Discussion Boards
- Group based
- Responses are more dynamic
- Public/social
- Good for multiple contributors
- Public Conversation/bulletin board
- Threads/Replies
4Expanded Differences
Resource Common Craft is a consulting practice
and weblog operated by Lee LeFever. The focus of
Common Craft is Social Design for the Web.
6Links to Resources
- What Is a Blog? http//www.wisc-online.com/objects
/index_tj.asp?objIDETO105 - What Is a Wiki? http//www.wisc-online.com/object
s/index_tj.asp?objIDETO406 - Blogs In Educationlt http//www.wisc-online.com/obj
ects/index_tj.asp?objIDETO706gt - Blog Etiquette in the Educational System
jIDETO506 - Garrod, P., Weblogs Do they belong in
libraries?, Ariadne 40, July 2004
- "The seven-year-old bloggers", BBC News online,
14 June 2004, http//news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/m
agazine/3804773.stm - Williams, J.B., Jacobs, J., "Exploring the use of
blogs as learning spaces in the higher education
sector", Australasian Journal of Educational
Technology, 2004, 20(2), 232-247
http//ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet20/williams.html - Ferdig, R. E., Trammell K. D., "Content delivery
in the Blogosphere", T.H.E. Journal Online,
February 2004, http//www.thejournal.com/magazine/
vault/articleprintversion.cfm?aid4677 - Educause Resource Center Blogs section
RENT_ID645bhcp1 - Remote Authoring of Mobile Blogs for Learning
Environments, JISC DEL E-Tools Project
http//www.jisc.ac.uk/deletramble.html - Bradley, P., Search Engines Weblog search
engines, Ariadne 36, July 2003 http//www.ariadne.
7What is a Wiki?
- A wiki is a website used to bring people together
to collaborate online. - Most website deliver content one-way, wikis
allow participants to edit, update and append
Please note If you don't want your writing to be
edited mercilessly or redistributed by others, do
not submit it. Only public domain resources can
be copied without permissionthis does not
include most web pages. See our policies and
guidelines for more information on editing.
Password Password
12Wiki Shared Editing Space
13Post to Wiki to the Blog
14Blog Feed
15One to One/Now Much to Many
Internet Blogs Wikis
It is not the TOOLS it is the convergence of the
communication systems
16Where Can I Find Out More?
- Main webpage for the TLTGroup
http//www.tltgroup.org - Blogger.com Blog site for the session -
http//tltblog.blogspot.com/ - Custom TLT Website for this session -
kshop.htm - If you have not responded to your invitation to
join the Blog it is not too late. Please sign-in
and join the discussion on the TLT Blog and also
join in the new Blogs being added each day. - Introductory Worksheet - for a quick start
building your first blog, first "Writely"
document, and your first wiki! Designed for use
with this web page - best for people working in
pairs or groups.Click here for PDF version
Click here for MS Word version Click here for
"Writely" version
- Continue to follow the Blog
- Work on Group Blogs
- Create your own Wiki