Title: Tips How To avoid Fat Loss Failure
1Tips How To avoid Fat Loss Failure
2Failure Issue Number 1 Emotional Eating
Breaking free from emotional eating to lose
weight is to start by under-standing that the
brain has two built in directives pleasure
seeking and survival. Which one influences our
eating behaviour? Both
3Failure Issue No. 2 Unaware of your calorie
different recipes that can make up a healthy
eating plan. That is why each month the (Celia
Johnson ) will include healthy eating tips and/or
recipes which So it is important that people
become educated on the right way to eat and the h
will cut out a lot of the guesswork with making a
healthy eating plan.
4Failure Issue Number 3 Lack of social support
By making yourself accountable to someone else or
a group of people you are providing more
motivation to keep going when the going gets
tough. There are many ways of achieving this and
the forum within the Facebook Health And
Wellness membership Site will help to make you
accountable to others in the program as well.
5Failure Issue Number 4 Monitoring Progress
Your body fat is also a really important aspect
of weight loss. Most people that start a program
focus so much on the scales. This is great
initially as a lot of weight loss will be muscle
and water. However after a while the body starts
laying down muscle as well as losing weight. As
muscle weighs more than fat, it is possible for
the scales to measure no weight loss even though
you have lost body fat.
6Failure Issue Number 5 Lack of Physical
At (www.celiajohnsononline.com) or
(www.youtube.com/pilates24) there are video
workouts that you can learn and do, either at
home or in the gym. They will take anywhere 10
30 minutes maximum, and you dont need loads of
equipment. Some workouts will just be using your
bodyweight. So you havent got any excuse.
7Failure Issue Number 6 Procrastination and
I know it is hard but there never will be the
perfect time to exercise and train, you just have
to get on with it. Something really is better
than nothing. As they say a journey of a thousand
miles begins with one step. We just need to make
sure that we make that step!
8Thanks you for watching
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