Title: Your Unbridled Success
1Hello. My name is Henri Langeveldt
and welcome to my slideshow.
2Let me ask you a quick question.
3Do you have a dream?
4... because if you do,
you have found that last puzzle to success.
5I don't know where you are in your life right
6 or what financial problems you are facing.
7Just know that opportunity is knocking on your
8 Sometimes we are so caught up in our daily
lives and personal problems
9 that we don't recognize opportunity,even if
it punches us right in the face.
10How do I know this? Well, let me tell you
something my friend.
11I have been there!
12I have travelled those dark, lonely roads, AND
not just once.
13That however, is a story for another time.
14If YOU have a burning desire to rid yourself of
your financial restraints
15Then explore this opportunity right here, right
16Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you have imagined Henry David
17Unleash Your Unbridled Success!
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