Title: Lecture 6: To assimilate or not to assimilate?
1Lecture 6 To assimilate or not to assimilate?
- Professor Daniel Bernardi /
- Professor Michelle Martinez
2In the last lecture
- Stereotypes Story
- Six Latino Stereotypes
- Resistance is Possible
- Progressive Images
- Latinos Playing Latinos
Dolores Del Rio
3In this lecture
- Genre the Social Problem Film
- Bordertown (1933) Assimilation Narrative
- Salt of the Earth (1954) Resistance
You can pause the lecture at any point, click on
one of the hyperlinks (text that is underlined)
to visit a site or view a clip , and then return
to the same point in the lecture when youre
4Genre the Social Problem Film
5Remember The Six Types
- El Bandido
- Harlot
- Male Buffoon
- Female Clown
- Latin Lover
- Dark Lady
6Remember Key Concepts
- Denotative Features Change
- Connotative Feature Remain Consistent Across
Hollywood Film History - Visual Formula
- Narrative Formula
Leo Carrillo in The Cisco Kid (1950)
Alfonso Arau in Three Amigos! (1986)
- Specific Representations
- Entrenched Storytelling Conventions
- Goal-Oriented Protagonist
- White, Handsome, Straight, Protestant
- Stereotypes and Minor Characters
- Villains, Sidekicks, Temptresses
- Provide Hero w/ Opportunities to Display Moral,
Physical and Intellectual Preeminence
8What is genre?
- Collection of Visual Features
- Motifs
- Chronotopes
- Iconography
- Recreation of Narrative Elements
- Setting
- Time and Space
- Facilitate Audience Expectations
9Basic Definition
Stated simply, genre movies are those commercial
feature films which, through repetition and
variation, tell familiar stories with familiar
characters in familiar situations. They also
encourage expectations and experiences similar to
those of similar films we have already seen. -
Berry Keith Grant
10Sampling of Hollywood Genres
- Key Genres We Consider
- Western
- Science Fiction
- Chicano/a Film
- Key Questions to Ask
- What are the visual features/motifs?
- What are the narrative features/discourses?
- What are audience expectations
- How are they triangled?
11Social Problem
- Combines Social Analyses
- Prejudice
- Anti-Semitism
- Alcoholism
- Drug Addiction
- War
- Labor Unions
- Dramatic Conflict
- Heroes and Villains
- Families and Nations
12Chicano/a Social Problem
- Bordertown (1935)
- Right Cross (1950)
- The Lawless (1950)
- My Man and I (1952)
- The Ring (1952)
- Salt of the Earth (1954)
- Trial (1955)
- Giant (1956)
13The Problem
- Chicano Faces Poverty
- Chicano Confronts Discrimination
- Chicano Rejects Family to Fight for Rights
- Chicano Stumbles in the Fight
- Whites Help Chicano
- Chicano Returns to Barrio
- Family is More Important than Assimilation
- Chicano Cannot Assimilate, but Whites Shouldnt
- More often than not they endorse the very system
they set out to criticize. Their obligatory
happy ending metaphorically or actually sends the
Chicano back to the barrio where he began,
leaving him to cope with the negligible
opportunity that exists for him there. In an
alternative ending, the Chicano overcomes the
barriers to assimilation and mainstream success
only after he purges himself of the (from the
patriarchal WASP point of view) more problematic
aspects of his character. - Charles Ramírez Berg.
15Bordertown (1933) Assimilation Narrative
John Ramirez (Paul Muni) in Bordertown (1935)
- Released in 1935
- Directed by Archie Mayo
- Stars Paul Muni Bette Davis
- Set on the Border
Shot from Bordertown (1935)
17Plot Summary
- Bordertown follows the standard
rags-to-riches-to-rags assimilation narrative.
Johnny Ramírez, a tough kid from East Los
Angeles, matures into a responsible adult and
acquires ambition and dedication when, as the
judge who delivers his school commencement
address puts it, he realized his opportunities
and duties as an American citizen. He is
betrayed by a white woman, eventually using the
money he has earned to endow a law school in the
barrio, and returns, in his words, back where I
belong with my own people.
This film is difficult to secure for screening.
Review Ramírez Bergs synopsis (pg. 117-118).
Whats important is that you understand his
argument about the film and the evidence from the
film that supports that argument.
- Stereotypical Inversion
- Undiminished Stereotyping
- Male Chicano Protagonist
- Overprotective Mama
- Absent Father
- Absent Chicana
- Alluring but Flawed Anglo Woman
- Reductive Definition of Success
19Stereotypical Inversion
- Boost Ethnics by Denigrating Anglos
- Oversexed Blondes / Materialistic Socialites
- Harsh and Inflexible Authority Figures
- Conflict Bases of Narrative
- White Hero (Paternal) / Hero Mediates
Naturally the Chicano protagonist makes the
sound ethical choice when he recoils from such a
thoroughly venal Anglo universe and retires to
the moral haven of the barrio. Charles
Ramírez Berg
20Undiminished Stereotyping
- Complicated Ethnic Type Mediated by Simplistic
Stereotype of Other Ethnics - Rationalizes Oppression Despite Sympathetic
Plight of Ethnic Assimilation - Dances with Wolves (1990)
- Sioux
- Pawnee
- Bordertown
- Chinese Servant
- Mexican Defense Lawyer
Shot from Dances with Wolves (1990)
21Male Chicano Protagonist
- Palatable to Mainstream Audiences
- Male Lead (Salt of the Earth is an exception)
- Casting Anglo in Role (Touch of Evil)
- Giving Character Upper-Class Status
Since in Hollywood films, an ethnic woman can be
only an overprotective matriarch, the other
woman, or a harlot, this practice automatically
relegates Chicanas to stereotypical roles.
Charles Ramírez Berg.
22Overprotective Mama Absent Father
- Naïve, Good-Natured, Long-Suffering Mom
- The Jazz Singer (1927)
- The Godfather (1972)
- Anglo Family Complete/Ethnic Family Dysfunctional
Often due to Absent Dad - Bordertown
- La Bamba (1987)
23Absent Father as Catalytic
- From the patriarchal perspective, the missing
father is indicative of abnormal Oedipal
development. Never able to identify fully with
the father, the Chicano male cannot symbolically
become like him, nor can he take his productive,
masculine place in society. This interrupted
transition for pleasure principle to reality
principle, from the familial order to the social
one, helps explain his antisocial behavior. - Charles Ramírez Berg
24Absent Chicana
- Except for Mother, Chicana is Almost Non-Existent
(she is background color) - Note Chicano Love Interest
- When Present, Chicana is a Helper
- Often a Love Interest of Anglo Male (remnants of
the Dark Lady stereotype)
25Alluring but Flawed Anglo Woman
- Chicano Males Only Option for Romance
- As Love Interest, Anglo Woman Must Be Flawed
- Emotional Problems
- Psychological Problems
- Moral Problems
By the use of an insidiously controlled
self-preserving logic, Anglo patriarchy maintains
its genetic purity in part by negatively
stereotyping Anglo women as childish miscreants.
Charles Ramírez Berg
26Reductive Definition of Success
Hollywoods providing Mexican American
protagonists in the Chicano-centered social
problem film (save for Salt of the Earth) does
not really improve the situation. A principle
reason is that the heroes in these movies do not
enjoy the sort of unbridled success available to
Anglo protagonists. They get greatly scaled-down
versions of Anglo success or they get failure.
Charles Ramírez Berg
27The Big Point
Given the constraints of the ideological
patterns just described, it is obvious that the
deck is stacked in significant ways against
Chicanos in these films. Add to this the
structure of the Hollywood formula, which demands
that an accessible hero find a happy resolution
to the conflicts animated by these narratives,
and we can appreciate why many of these social
problem films deprecate the group they mean to
celebrate. Charles Ramírez Berg
28Salt of the Earth (1954) Resistance
Ramon Quintero (Juan Chacón) in Salt of the Earth
- Released in 1954
- Directed by Herbert Biberman
- Stars Rosaura Revueltas
- Set in New Mexico
30Plot Summary
- Against a backdrop of social injustice, a
riveting family drama is played out by the
characters of Ramon and Esperanza Quintero, a
Mexican-American miner and his wife. In the
course of the strike, Ramon and Esperanza find
their roles reversed an injunction against the
male strikers moves the women to take over the
picket line, leaving the men to domestic duties.
The women evolve from men's subordinates into
their allies and equals.
31Real Story
- The Salt project was born when the filmmakers
were told of a strike by Mexican-American mine
workers against the Empire Zinc Corporation in
Bayard, New Mexico. The issues at stake included
racist "dual wage rates" that allotted higher pay
to Anglo workers over Mexican-Americans, and
Empire Zincs policy of hiring only
Mexican-Americans for underground work. The film
was scripted and shot on location in Bayard
within months of the strikes settlement. Workers
and wives who had walked the picket lines took
prominent roles in the movie and helped to shape
Michael Wilsons screenplay. - - Bob Wake
32Conditions of Production
- Written, Directed and Produced by Members of the
Hollywood Ten - Declined to Testify Before the House Un-American
Activities Committee - Biberman Spent 6 Months in Jail
- Worked Independently to Beat the Blacklist
- Cast Included Actors and Real Folks
- Mexican Star, Rosaura Revueltas
- Miners and Wives
33Harassment Censorship
- Hollywood Reporter Commie Film
- International Alliance of Theatrical Employees
Made it Difficult to Hire Union Crews (one
reported to be FBI Informant) - Labs Refused to Process Film
- Exhibitors Refused to Screen It
- Rosaura Revueltass Visa Revoked
34Confluence of Oppression
- Oppression of Workers
- Oppression of Mexicans and Chicanos
- Chicano Oppression of Women
Click Here to See Scene from Salt of the Earth
35Reinforces Solidarity
- Rich and Poor
- White and Brown
- Men and Women
- Female Heroine Played by Mexican Actress
- Chicano Lead Played by Real Miner
Click Here to See Scene from Salt of the Earth
- Chicano Chicana Protagonists
- No Stereotypical Inversion
- No Undiminished Stereotyping
- No Overprotective Mama
- Father is Present
- Chicana is Present
- No Alluring but Flawed Anglo Woman
- No Reductive Definition of Success
- Political Film
- Directed to Entertain
- Directed to Make Viewer Think Critically
- Engages Complexity of Political Situation
- Critique of Red Scare Ideology
- Class Warfare (strike)
- Race Oppression (Chicanos)
- Gender Oppression (lead is a woman)
- Explanations Are NOT Reductive
- Whites are Not Stereotyped
- Men are Not Stereotyped
38 End of Lecture 6
- Next Lecture
- How are Latinos/as Represented in the Western?