Lecture 2: What does a Latino/a look like? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 2: What does a Latino/a look like?


Title: RACE IN HOLLYWOOD FILM Author: Daniel Bernardi Last modified by: DTCCLLS Created Date: 12/13/2003 3:10:29 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 2: What does a Latino/a look like?

Lecture 2 What does a Latino/a look like?
  • Professor Daniel Bernardi /
  • Professor Michelle Martinez

In the last lecture
  • What is this class about?
  • Assignments
  • Tour of the Website

Daniel Bernardi
Michelle Martinez
You can pause the lecture at any point, click on
one of the hyperlinks (text that is underlined)
to visit a site or view a clip, and then return
to the same point in the lecture when youre
In this lecture
  • Ethnic Labels
  • Complexion
  • Personal Essay
  • Deadline!

Latino Comedy Project
You can pause the lecture at any point, click on
one of the hyperlinks (text that is underlined)
to visit a site or view a clip, and then return
to the same point in the lecture when youre
Ethnic Labels
  • Lecture 2 Part 1

Who are we talking about?
  • Hispanic In the U.S., Hispanic a government
    sanctioned term refers to people whose ancestry
    is from one or more Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Latino Latino, predominantly a U.S.
    grassroots term, embraces resistant politics,
    panethnic awareness (more than Spanish-speaking
    origins), and recognizes the heterogeneity of the
    people it identifies.

Problem w/ Hispanic
  • Tends to Ignore Diversity
  • Race
  • Class
  • Linguistic
  • Gender
  • Tends to Ignore Historical Specificity
  • Chicanos/as vs Puerto Ricans
  • Native Born vs Recently Arrived

Oblers Big Point
  • the term homogenizes class experiences and
    neglects many different linguistic racial and
    ethnic groups within the different nationalities
    themselves, various indigenous populations, the
    descendants of enslaved Africans, waves of
    immigrant populations from every country in
    Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
  • Susanne Obler

Whats in a name?
  • Like other ethnic labels currently used to
    identify minority groups in this country, the
    term Hispanic raises the question of how people
    are defined and classified in this society and in
    turn how they identify themselves in the United
    States. It points to the gap between the
    self-identification of people of Latin American
    descent and their definition through a label
    created and used by others.
  • Susanne Obler

Value of Latino
  • Grass Roots Self-Definition
  • Attempt to Embrace all Latin American
    Nationalities (including those that do not have
    ties to Spain or the Language)
  • Brazilians
  • 2nd 3rd Generation Chicanos Puerto Ricans
  • Indigenous Groups
  • Gender, Class and National Origin

Problem w/ Latino
  • According to Fernando Trevino, the adoption of a
    new term would merely "add to the confusion" and
    would ultimately hinder Hispanics' competition
    with blacks and other groups for much-needed
    government resources.
  • "My point, he notes, is that the continual
    suggestion of new labels only hurts our people."

  • What about pan-ethnic commonalities?
  • What about political issues like resistance?
  • What about self-definition?
  • the reality and significance of ethnicity
    in structuring minority groups' access to better
    housing, to improved socioeconomic and
    educational resources, and to political power has
    also fostered recognition of a much-needed
    pan-ethnic unity
  • Susanne Obler

The Big Point
  • The Latino-conscious person sees himself as a
    Latino/a sometimes and as Puerto Rican, Mexican
    American, Cuban and the like at other times."
  • Felix Padilla

Benicio Del Toro
Edward James Olmos
Raquel Welch
What about race?
  • For Susanne Obler,
  • race, as it is articulated with class and
    gender, is indeed essential to consider in
    understanding the shaping of ethnicity, as well
    as the varied meanings and social values that
    Latinos/as and non-Latinos/as alike have
    attributed both to being Hispanic in different
    historical periods and, more recently, to the
    ethnic label Hispanic.

Specific Case of Chicanos and Puerto Ricans
  • Highlighting the significance of recognizing the
    historical presence of Puerto Ricans and Chicanos
    in U.S. society, the authors of one report
    explain, Hispanic resistance to assimilation is
    fueled by a consciousness of the wrongs of recent
    history... Other migrants have never had to
    swallow the memory of territorial loss of their
    homeland to the United States to become committed
    United States citizens."
  • Susanne Obler

Richard Rodriguez
  • Lecture 2 Part 2

Who is Richard Rodriguez?
  • A prominent writer, an associate editor with
    Pacific News Service in San Francisco, a
    contributing editor of Harper's and the Los
    Angeles Times, and a regular essayist on the Jim
    Lehrer News Hour.
  • Read Essays by Clicking Here
  • Intellectual and Journalist
  • Ph.D, Renaissance Literature, UC Berkeley
  • M.A., Columbia University
  • Read Detailed Bio by Clicking Here

Rodriguez Complexion
  • Personal Narrative
  • Childhood
  • College
  • Intellectual
  • Emphasis on evolving perception

Like some other Mexican families, my family
suggests Mexico's confused colonial past.
Gathered around a table, we appear to be from
separate continents. Richard Rodriguez
Your Complexion
  • Your Personal Narrative is Due Soon
  • What does Latino/a or Hispanic mean to you?
  • How has that meaning changed over time?
  • What impact has media played in that process?
  • You May Elect to Address Skin Color
  • What is the relationship between skin color and
    your personal sense of Latino/a or Hispanic?
  • Whether youre Hispanic, Latino or not, these
    terms have meant something to you.
  • What, why, and how?

Following Rodriguezs Structure
  • Childhood / Parents
  • Education / Peers
  • Work / Laborers

I am the only one in the family whose face is
severely cut to the line of ancient Indian
ancestors. My face is mournfully long, in the
classical Indian manner my profile suggests one
of those beak-nosed Mayan sculptures - the
eagle-like face upturned, open-mouthed, against
the deserted, primitive sky. Richard Rodriguez
  • As a boy, I'd stay in the kitchen (never seeming
    to attract any notice), listening while my aunts
    spoke of their pleasure at having light children.
    (The men, some of whom were dark skinned from
    years of working outdoors, would be in another
    part of the house.) It was the women's spoken
    concern the fear of having a dark-skinned son or
  • Richard Rodriguez

  • At Stanford, it's true, I began to have
    something like a conventional sexual life. I
    don't think, however, that I really believed that
    the women I knew found me physically appealing. I
    continued to stay out of the sun. I didn't linger
    in mirrors. And I was the student at Stanford who
    remembered to notice the Mexican American
    janitors and gardeners working on the campus.
  • Richard Rodriguez

Summer Work
  • I was not bound to this job I could imagine its
    rapid conclusion. For me the sensations of
    exertion and fatigue could be savored. For my
    father or uncle, working at comparable jobs when
    they were my age, such sensations were to be
    feared. Fatigue took a different toll on their
    bodies and minds.
  • Richard Rodriguez

Wealth Reputation
  • At the point when my parents would not consider
    going on vacation, I register at the Hotel
    Carlyle in New York and the Plaza Athenee in
    Paris. I am as taken by the symbols of leisure
    and wealth as they were. For my parents, however,
    those symbols became taunts, reminders of all
    they could not achieve in one lifetime. For me
    those same symbols are reassuring reminders of
    public success.
  • Richard Rodriguez

Public Intellectual
  • my complexion assumes its significance from
    the context of my life. My skin, in itself, means
    nothing. I stress the point because I know there
    are people who would label me disadvantaged
    because of my color. They make the same mistake I
    made as a boy, when I thought a disadvantaged
    life was circumscribed by particular
  • Richard Rodriguez

Suggested Supplemental Reading Hunger of
Memory The Education of Richard Rodriguez by
Richard Rodriguez
The Big Point
  • Identity is Historical / Shifts Changes
  • Identity is Ideological Psychological
  • Family, Church, Government, School, Media
  • Identity is Visible
  • Signified by Skin Color and other Phenotypes
  • Adaptable (from sitting in the sun or not to
    plastic surgery)

Personal Essay
  • Lecture 2 Part 3

Key Points
  • Be Honest
  • Think Deeply About Your Past
  • Talk About Your Identity in Relation to Film and
    Television (and the Web)
  • Revise, Revise, Revise
  • Be Honest

End of Lecture 2
  • Next Lecture
  • What are Stereotypes?
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