Title: Big and Tall: New Candidates for Universal Design
1 Big and Tall New Candidates for Universal
- Lubomir Popov, Ph.D.Bowling Green State
University309 Johnston Hall - Bowling Green, OH 43403-0059lspopov_at_bgsu.edu
- The spirit of Universal Design
- Considering body size implications
- Cases/Examples
- Different sizes, common problems
- Solutions and proposals awareness, advocacy, new
3INTRODUCTION Basic premises
- The spirit of Universal Design is about
- -- accessibility
- -- usability
- -- equal opportunities, and
- -- quality of life
4Basic premises
- Universal Design assists people with unusual
dimensions and motor capabilities that create
severe handicaps or discomfort. - Universal Design assists people with decreased
opportunities to participate fully in activities
and diminish quality of life.
5INTRODUCTION Implications
- Categories of people who need more support and
deserve social assistance to maintain quality of
life. - Reasons to consider Big and Tall people for
Universal Design different dimensions, similar
- Accessibility movement
- Visitability movement
- Other social groups in need of social support and
- The purpose of our project is to
- raise issues
- increase public awareness
- foster research on quality of life
8Scope of project
- Initial step toward fostering research and
design. - Highlight issues and provide examples.
- Awareness for biased practices.
- Limited to body size and motor activities.
9Discrimination or economic logic? EXAMPLES
- Garment Industry The pricing of XXXL garments
- Airline sitting Extra cost of tickets for BT
- Automotive Industry Insufficient headroom and
legroom, less choices, higher prices.
10Health deterioration EXAMPLES
- Children at school suffer
- back deformities as a result of
- sitting on chairs that are
- not appropriate for their size.
11Accidents, health damages, and fatalities
- Furniture and devices that are not designed to
support extra weight and larger size. - Railings that are too low fall accident or
murder? - Minimal dimensions of corridors, stairs, and
doorways falls, bruises and concussions.
12Automotive design accidents
- Car accidents
- Headrest height and whiplash accidents
- Seat size and back pain
- Economic impact of minor injuries
- The common denominator
- Different dimensions, similar problems.
- Commonalities Away from the average.
- The root of the problem Inconsiderate design
14Solutions at Level One Promoting awareness
- A common movement for awareness about size and
discomfort. - Space standards and regulations.
- Educating designers about special populations.
15Solutions at Level One Promoting awareness
- Contribute to increasing the quality of life of a
large number of adults, measuring in the
millions. - A just and fair society has to consider all types
of people and to develop design programs that
will offer fairness for all.
16Solutions at Level Two Organizing advocate
- Advocate movements should work together.
- This discussion can grow into a design movement
for reasonable accommodation of all individuals.
17Solutions at Level Three Employing new
- Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing can offer
small batches and even individually customized
products. - The Universal Design Movement will help to
resolve the usability problems of many other
- Different sizes, common problems
- Solutions and proposals
- Promoting awareness
- Advocate movements
- Employing new technologies
19Big and Tall New Candidates for Universal Design?
- Lubomir Popov, Ph.D.
- Interior Design Program
- Bowling Green State University
- 309 Johnston Hall
- Bowling Green, OH 43403-0059
- lspopov_at_bgsu.edu
- ph 419-372-7935