Title: Chapter 6: Printed Circuit Board Design
1Chapter 6 Printed Circuit Board Design
- Example of a Printed Circuit Board front and
back side
The course material was developed in INSIGTH II,
a project sponsored by the Leonardo da Vinci
program of the European Union
2PCB Design, Introduction
- For new electronic products, designers are key
persons, but should work in intimate cooperation
with - Sales, marketing and customers
- Subcontractors
- Production process experts
- Cost engineers
- Logistics and purchasing staff
- etc.
3PCB Design, continued
- Advanced PCB CAD tools a neccessity
- Schematics
- Component Library
- Critical Parameters (Placement Constraints,
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Thermal
Limitations, etc) - Automatic Routing
- Final Touch Manual Routing
- (Verification by Final Simulation and Back
4PCB CAD tools, continued
- Output
- Final Schematics
- Assembly Drawings
- Documentation for PWB Manufacturer (Gerber file
giving input for making PWB Manucturing Data (See
Chapter 5) - Data for Photo- or Laser Plotter for Making
Photographic Films and Printing Masks - Data for Numeric Drilling and Milling Machines
- Data for Placement Machines
- Data for Test Fixtures and Testing Machines
5PCB Design, continued
- Guidelines for Right Quality
- Choice of Best Suited Technology/Technologies
- Choice of Components Right Compromise between
Performance, Reliability, Cost, etc. - Design for Production
- Design for Testability
- Design for Repair
6PCB Design, continued
- Guidelines on Design for Manufacture
- Few layers
- Coarse pattern
- Standardisation
- Robust design (coarse tolerances)
- Orderly placement
Fig. 6.1.a Proper component placement for hole-
and surface mounted components
7Orderly Placement, continued
- Fig. 6.1.b Proper component placement for hole-
and surface mounted IC components
8PCB Design, continued
- Important Guideline for "Robust Design"
- Circuits should function with large parameter
tolerances - Design windows allowing for variations in
component parameters. - Process windows allowing for variations in each
process step. - Regulatory requirements on safety and EMC should
be passed within the specified design and process
9Design of Hole and Surface Mounted PCBs Design
- Minimum Dimensions
- The conductor cross section areas and resistivity
of the material determine maximum current
capacity and thereby minimum dimensions. - Current capacity is limited by excessive heating
of the conductors and the PCB. - Maximum allowed ohmic voltage drop along the
conductor also determines minimum dimensions.
10Design Parameters Minimum Dimensions
- Fig. 6.2 Current capacity and temperature
increase in conductors on PCBs.The upper figure
shows the temperature increase (labels on each
curve) at different combinations of
cross-sections and currents). The lower figure
shows the conductor cross-section (along the
x-axis) as a function of the conductor width for
different Cu-layer thicknesses.
11Design Parameters DC Line Resistance
- DC Line resistanceR r L/(t b) r 2 .0
10 -8 Wm for Cu foil - r is resistivity of the conductor material (ohm
m) - L is conductor length
- t is conductor thickness
- b is conductor width
- Sheet Resistance ohm/square
- Rsq r / t
- R Rsq L / b
- 18 um copper Rsq 1 mW/sq
- 35 um copper Rsq 0.5 mW/sq
Current I
12Hole and Surface Mounted PCB Design
- Pattern Minimum Dimensions
Table 6.1 Examples of minimum dimension and PCB
classes. The class indicates how many conductors
can pass between the solder pads of a DIP package
(no. of channels), and typical corresponding
minimum dimensions in mm. When two figures are
given for hole diameters, they are for component-
and via holes respectively.
13Pattern Minimum Dimensions,continued
- Fig. 6.4 a) Parameters in layout dimensions
used in Table 6.1. b) Minimum dimensions for
solder mask for surface mount PWBs. Left
Dimensions for screen printed solder mask, with
one common opening for all solder lands of an IC
package. Right Photoprocessible solder mask with
a "pocket" for each terminal, permitting
conductors between the solder lands.
14Mixed Hole Mount and SMD Printed Circuit Boards
- Mixed PCBs are quite common due to
- Technical issues
- Component availability and cost
- Available capacity and performance of equipment
in PCB manufacturing line(s).
Fig. 6.5 Common types of SMD- and mixed
SMD-/hole mount PCBs.
15SMD Printed Circuit Boards
- Important aspects of design
- Component heat tolerances for reflow-/wave solder
processes - Component orientation for wave solder
- Shadowing
- Solder thieves for wave soldering
- Minimum distance between components
- Isolated via holes/solder lands
Fig. 6.6 Preferred and not preferred directions
of SMD components during wave soldering.
16Important Aspects of Design, continued
- Fig. 6.7 Minimum separation between SMD
components during wave soldering.
17Important Aspects of Design, continued
- Fig. 6.8 Solder lands for SMD components should
be separated from heavy copper areas by narrow
constrictions. Conductors should preferably leave
the solder lands of one component symmetrically.
18Important Aspects of Design, continued
- Fig. 6.9 Via holes should be separated from
solder lands.
19Important Aspects of Design, continued
- Fig. 6.10 Dummy land for better control of the
amount of adhesive in wave soldering process.
20Important Aspects of Design, cont..
- Fig. 6.11 "Solder thieves" are areas in the Cu
layer to reduce bridging in wave soldering.
Placed as the last area exposed to the solder wave
21Important Aspects of Design, continued
- Fig. 6.12 Parameters defining solder land
dimensions for SMD resistors and capacitors,
please refer to Table 6.2.
22Solder Land Dimensions
- Table 6.2 Solder land dimensions for SMD
resistors and capacitors (mm), please refer to
Figure 6.12.
23Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Fig. 6.13 Additional dimensions of SMD component
and solder lands. Width a a Wmax K
Length b Reflow b Hmax 2Tmax K
Wave b Hmax 2Tmax 2K Length B B Lmax
2Hmax 2Tmax K, K 0.25 mm.
24Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Fig. 6.14 Solder land dimensions for SMD
transistors and diodes.
25Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Table 6.3 Solder land dimensions for SO or VSO
components (mm), please refer to Figure 6.15.
Fig. 6.15 Solder land dimensions for SO and VSO
packages, please refer to Table 6.3.
26Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Fig. 6.16 Solder land dimensions for PLCC, LLCC
and flatpacks, please refer to Tables 6.4 - 6.7. - a Bmax 0.1 mm B width of leas
- b Fmax 0.4 mm F length of lead footprint
- A,B Emax 0.8 mm E separation between lead
27Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Table 6.4 Solder land dimensions for PLCC (mm),
please refer to Figure 6.16. Pitch, P 1.27
(0.050") a 0.63 b 2.0
Table 6.5 Solder land dimensions for LLCC (mm),
please refer to Figure 6.16. Pitch, P 1.27
(0.050") a 0.63 b 2.5
28Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Table 6.6 Solder land dimensions for flatpacks
(mm), please refer to Figure 6.16. b 2.5
29Solder Land Dimensions, continued
- Fig. 6.17 Solder land dimensions for TAB.
30Design for Testability
- Fig. 6.18 a) Correct position of test point,
separated from solder land. b) Test points on
solder lands are not recommended. c) Testing
on components or component leads should be
31Design for Testability, continued
- Fig. 6.19 Examples of test point placement on a
grid with 0.1 spacing, for testing of SMD
components with 0.05 pitch.
- Defect level
- DL (ppm) 1 - Y(1-T) x 106
- DL defect level
- Y yield
- T fault coverage (One cannot test all failure
modes) - Test Methods
- Functional test (Test the PCB in the system PCB
OK or not) - In-circuit test (Test at local test points
finds the exact fault) - Scan path (For logic circuits digital output
versus input) - Boundary scan (Scan path with separate test pins)
- Built-in self test (Add test circuitry on the PCB)
33Test Principles
- Guidelines for Test Strategy for In-circuit test
- Single sided (normally) - double sided test
fixtures are expensive and less robust - Separate test points - avoid using component
leads or solder lands - 0.1" grid (normally) - 0.05 test probes are
fragile (0.1" is 2.5mm) - Solder on test points for reliable contact
- Watch out and consider possible problems with
high component - Modern equipment often uses flying
probesExample on YouTubehttp//www.youtube.com
34Material Considerations for Thermal Compatibility
- Fig. 6.20 Mechanical strain is caused by
difference in coefficient of thermal expansion
(TCE), and changes in temperature. The magnitude
of the corresponding stress depends on
dimensions, temperature difference/change, and
the elastic moduli of the materials.
35Thermal Design
- Electronic components can dissipate a lot of
heat! - You can use your PC for cooking some chips
are rated for more than 100 degrees C
From Vevin Skadron, Un of Virginia
36Thermal Design
- Fig. 6.21 a) Heat flow from hole mounted and
surface mounted components on a PCB. b)
Relative amount of heat removed by conduction,
convection and radiation, from DIP hole mounted
components and SMD LLCC components - typical
37Thermal Design
- Fouriers law
- RT (1/K) (L/A)
- Q Heat flow W
- DT Temperature difference C
- RT Thermal resistance C/W
- K Thermal conductivity W/mC
- L,A Length / cross-section
- Equivalent to Ohms law
- I DU/Rel
- Rel 1/s L/A
- Convection Q h A DT
- h convection coefficient W/m oC
Fig. 6.22 a) Heat flow due to conduction -
Fouriers equation. b) Heat flow due to
38Thermal Design, continued
- Thermal Resistance
- Rjc Thermal resistance junction - case
- Rjl Thermal resistance junction - lead
- Rja Thermal resistance junction - ambient
- Tj Ta P Rja
- Ta Ambient temperature
- Tj Junction temperature
Fig. 6.23 Thermal model of an IC and package.
39Thermal Design, continued
- Example IBMs Thermal Module for Mainframe
40Thermal Design, continued
- Table 6.8 Typical thermal resistances for
various package types oC/W
41Thermal Design, continued
- Table 6.9 Typical values for the effective
thermal conductivity of different types of PCBs.
42Thermal Design, continued
- Effective Thermal Conductivity in PCBs
- Keff S (kiti) / ttot
- ki thermal conductivity layer i
- ti thickness layer i
- ttot total thickness
43Thermal Design, continued
- Design of Right Thermal Coefficient of Expansion
(TCE) - a S ( ai Ei ti ) / S ( Ei ti )
- ti thickness of layer i
- ai TCE material in layer i
- Ei Elastic modulus of layer i
Table 6.10 Material parameters for calculating
TCE and effective thermal conductivity of metal
core boards.
44Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.24 Cross section and thicknesses for a
practical PWB with two Cu/Invar/Cu cores. The
thicknesses were designed to get an over-all TCE
of 7.5 ppm/C m The achieved value was
measured to be 9.3 ppm/C m Calculated
effective thermal conductivity in the x - y
directions was 21 W/ C m
45Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.25 a) Pin-grid package with cooling
fins. b) Measured thermal resistance in the
component with forced air cooling.
46Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.26 LLCC package with thermal solder lands
and thermal vias connected to a metal core in the
47Thermal Design, continued
- Improved Cooling
- Thermal vias
- Cooling fins
- Fan
- Thermally conducting gas helium, fluorocarbon
- Liquid water, fluorocarbon, oil
- Boiling liquid
- Heat pipe
- Impingement cooling/Microbellows
- Microgrooves
48Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.27 a) Forced air convection in a
channel between two PCBs (Texas Instruments) - b) Water-cooled heat exchanger for edge cooling
of PCBs and temperature distribution
49Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.28 Heat convection coefficient in
different cooling media for natural convection,
forced convection and boiling
50Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.29 "Microbellows cooling" A jet of water
or other cooling liquid impinges on the backside
of the chip. The bellow structure is necessary to
accommodate thermal expansion
51Thermal Design, continued
- Fig. 6.30 Cooling by forcing liquid through
microscopic, etched channels in the semiconductor
chip 6.32. The channels are approximately 400
µm deep and 100 µm wide.
52Thermal Simulation
- Fig. 6.31 Bar diagram for calculated
temperatures on each component chip by the
thermal simulation program TMOD.
53Thermal Simulation
- Heat dissipation and heat transfer simulations.
From Toshiba
54High Frequency Design
- When needed?
- tr lt 2.5 tf
- tr 10 - 90 rise time
- tf l/v
- tr is 10-90 rise time
- tf is time-of-flight-delay over the length l of
critical conductor paths of the circuit - v is propagation speed v c/?er
- c speed of light (3x10E8 m/sec ?30cm/ns)
- er effective relative dielectric constant
55(No Transcript)
56Main board 1995 66MHz, 2002 333 MZ
573GIO 3rd Generation I/O PCI Express
In MHz
58High Frequency Design
- Fig. 6.32 Distributed parameters in a model of a
loss free transmission line. C and L are
capacitance and inductance per m length.
59Lossy transmission line
- Resistive power loss
- R the resistance along the line (per meter)
- L the inductance along the line (per meter)
- G the conductance shunting the line (per meter)
- C the capacitance shunting the line (per meter)
- Series components are the sum of both signal and
60High Frequency Design
- Table 6.11 Signal propagation speed in different
media. v c0/(Öer) 30 (cm/ns)/Öer
61Loss less line
- Homogenous and loss less transmission line
- Telegraphers equation
- At high frequencies the transmission line losses
on printed circuit boards in digital systems can
be neglected -gt homogenous - Parameters
- Distance to ground (power) plane(s)
- Geometry of conductor and dielectric around
- Additive / Subtractive process give different
geometry - Influence of delamination (air)
- Frequency dependent dielectric properties
62High Frequency Design, cont
- Characteristic Impedance
- V ZoI
- Zo characteristic impedance
- Zo ((R jwL)/(G jwC))1/2
- w angular frequency
- R resistance per unit length
- L inductance per unit length
- C capacitance per unit length
- G loss conductance per unit length
- In loss free medium
- Zo ?(L/C)
- Reflection coefficient
- R (Z1 - Z2)/(Z1 Z2)
- Z1 and Z2 characteristic impedances of media 1
and 2
63Propagation speed, v
- Dependent on electrical properties
- Derived from the material properties of the
medium (Maxwell equations) - Homogenous lossless transmission line in a
uniform dielectric medium - mr 1 for all non-magnetic materialsm is
magnetic permeability
- Concerns
- Synchronisation
- Clock Screw
- simultaneous is relative
- Causes
- Rise / fall time of component (driver)
- Physical distance
- Time of flight delay
- From one end of the line to the other (loss less
Propagation speed (Co30cm/ns) Dielectric
?r (cm/nsec) Polyimid 2,5 -
3,5 16 - 19 Silicon dioxide 3,9
15 Epoxy glass (PCB) 4,2 - 5,0
13 Alumina (ceramic) 9,5 10
- Fig. 6.34 Distorted signal as a function of
time when the transmitter has 78 ohms impedance
the same as the characteristic impedance and the
receiver has different impedances as indicated.
If the receiver also has 78 ohms impedance the
signal at the receiver is a time delayed replica
of the transmitted signal. - If RLZ0, transmission line behave as it was
infinitely long, hence no reflection
66Termination of line reflections
- Terminate by
- Characteristic line impedance
- A 50 mismatch is acceptable
- However termination gives
- Higher power dissipation
- Which needs a higher driver capability
- Different techniques for adjust termination to
the driver capability, next slide
- It should be noted that if a reflection does
occur, and propagates back to the driver
(source), it can reflect again off the source.
The driver has an output impedance. If that
output impedance is exactly equal to Zo, then
there will be no further reflection from the
source. But if the output impedance of the driver
is different than Zo, an additional reflection
will occur. The magnitude of that reflection is
again determined by a reflection coefficient.
67Termination possibilities
68Reflections from other discontinuities
- In a typical PCB the characteristic impedance of
the x and y wiring planes are not identical.
(anisotrop media) - Connection via forms a small inductive and
capacitive discontinuity - Other
- Connectors
- Corners and turns of the copper line
- Do not use 90 turns
- Pins of IC packages
- Capacitors and terminating resistors
69Obtaining a controlled impedance
- Fig. 6.35 Geometries for obtaining a controlled
characteristic impedance. - See pages 6.38 and 6.39 for equations and
70High Frequency Design, continued
- Fig. 6.36 Expressions for characteristic
impedance, Zo, signal propagation speed, TPD,
capacitance per unit length, Co, and crosstalk,
XTalk, in different geometries a) coaxial, b)
microstrip c) stripline. The expression for
coaxial geometry is exact, the others are
approximate and valid only in certain parameter
71High Frequency Design, continued
- Fig. 6.37 Dependence of the characteristic
impedance on geometric dimensions, for a)
Striplineb) Microstrip. w is the signal
conductor width, S is the distance between ground
planes for stripline, and H the distance between
signal conductor and ground plane for microstrip
(please refer to Figure 6.35). Curves are shown
for different signal conductor thicknesses, t.
72Cross talk
- Cross talk is the capacitive and inductive
coupling of signals from one signal line to
another - Increases with board density and performance
(frequency and current drive) - Distance to ground (power) plane
- Smaller conductor spacing
- Dielectric constant
- Larger currents
- Rise and fall times
- Current drive
- Near End Crosstalk or reverse crosstalk If we
measure the crosstalk in the sample line at the
same end of the cable we inserted the signal, it
is called near end or reverse/backward crosstalk. - Far End Crosstalk or forward crosstalk If we
measure the crosstalk in the sample line at the
opposite end of the cable that we inserted the
signal, it is called far end or forward crosstalk
73High Frequency Design, continued
- Fig. 6.38 Cross talk A signal from A to C is
transmitted to the B - D line and gives noise in
B (backward or near end cross talk) and in D
(forward or far end cross talk).
74Cross talk
- Cross talk A signal from A to B is transmitted
to the C - D line and gives noise in C (reverse
or near end cross talk) and in D (forward or far
end cross talk).
75Forward cross-talk
76Reverse cross-talk
77High Frequency Design, continued
- Fig. 6.39 Backward cross talk as a function of
conductor separation in stripline geometry in
different dielectrics. The effect increases with
increasing er and decreases with increasing
conductor separation.
78Minimize cross-talk
- Use maximum allowable spacing between signal
lines - Use low dielectrics materials
- Minimize spacing between signal and ground lines
/ plane - Isolate clocks and critical signals form other
lines with larger line spacing or isolate with
ground lines - Use twisted pair for sensitive signals (clock,
reset, set, clear) - When using ribbon cable make every other line a
ground line (e.g. U-ATA (UDMA hard disk cable) - Terminate signals lines into characteristic
impedance, use low impedance drivers
- Vb Va exp(-al)
- a Attenuation coefficient
- a (ar, as ) ad
- ar dominates at low frequencies
- as at high frequencies (GHz)
- ar R / (2Zo)
- as (p mr mo f r)1/2 / (w Zo) for skin depth
ds (r / p f mr mo)1/2 ltlt t - ad p (eoe)1/2 f tan d/ c
- R ohmic resistance per unit length
- r electrical DC resistivity in the conductor
- t conductor thickness
- tan d dielectric loss tangent
- w conductor width
- f frequency and m mr mo magnetic
80Skin depth
- With an alternating current, however, there is a
delay in the magnetic field's response to the
change in current and the 'old' magnetic field
tends to push the current towards the outside of
the conductor. As the frequency increases, so
does the effect until at very high frequencies
the entire current flows in a very narrow skin on
the conductor--hence the name. - Skin depth is due to the circulating eddy
currents (arising from a changing H field)
cancelling the current flow in the center of a
conductor and reinforcing it in the skin.
81Attenuation, continued
- Fig. 6.40 High frequency skin depth for copper,
and conductor resistance due to skin effect,
relative to the DC resistance. The resistance
has increased by approx. a factor 2 when the skin
depth d is one half of the conductor thickness t.
82Attenuation, continued
- Fig. 6.41 Conductor- and dielectric losses as
functions of frequency for multilayer thin film
83Figure 1, run once with a 4-mil-wide trace (red
eye diagram) and once with 8-mil (yellow). The
wider trace has less skin-effect loss, and
therefore better signal quality as indicated by
the more-open eye. Eye opening Space between 1
and 0 See http//bwrc.eecs.berkeley.edu/classes/
Same simulation as in Figure 1's better eye, run
once with a typical FR-4 dielectric (loss tangent
0.02 yellow eye diagram) and once with a
low-loss dielectric (loss tangent 0.004
purple). The low-loss material makes a
substantial improvement to the eye opening, but
would result in a much costlier PCB.
84Ground bounce
- Wirebonds, package pins and PCB routing acts as
inductances at high frequency - Induced voltage/noise bounce VLL(dI/dt)
- Good practice
- Lower rise times
- Lower output drive
- Use ground and power plane
- Use bypass capacitors for power
- Minimize power/ground tracks (use plane)
- Use vias wisely (vias acts as a inductance)
85Power distribution
- Simultaneous switching gives large current spikes
- High capacitance ? Keeps stable voltage levels
- Low inductance ? makes L dI/dt switching noise
low - Power distribution is also modelled as
transmission lines - Reduced supply voltage ? reduced signal to noise
- Use ground - power planes
- Reference planes for signal lines
- Better dynamic power distribution
- Time of flight
- High packaging density
- Cross talk
- Large separation between signal lines
- Want a high impedance from the driver circuit
point of view I U/Z - However High impedance ltgt Low packaging
density - Manufacturing tolerances
- Line width, homogeneity
87EMC - Electromagnetic compliance
- International rules for
- Radiation of electromagnetic energy
- Functionality of device in an electromagnetic
field (environment) - Noise interference with other equipment
- Immunity against external radiation
- Design with respect to EMC/EMI from the start
88 EMC - Design of circuit
- Wires and current loops acts as antennas
- Good PCB design
- Ground and power planes
- Shielding
- Basic design rules
- Ground plane
- Compact design
- Reduced current loops
- Minimum clock frequency
- Components with as long rise / fall time as
possible - Decoupling capacitors
- Shielding
- Star topology
- Metal case
- LSots opening
89SPICE simulations
- High speed simulation difficult
- Not accurate models
- Stray capacitance and inductance
- Skin effect
- Cross talk
- Power supply
- Radiant effects will need wave simulation
FEM,FEA,TLM - No model will represent the absolute truth
90Software simulation at Ghz
- As Wave-lengths reduce to package pattern
dimensions (_at_ 5 GHz , l/10 5 mm), each trace
becomes a radiating antenna - Radiated energy signal loss
- Radiated energy interference on other electric
conductors - Radiated energy increased EMC problems
- Radiated energy damage to living organisms
- Alternative means of conduction will have to be
used, when these factors become dangerous - Shielded conductors (conductor surrounded by
Ground conductor) - Wave-guides
- Light strands
- Full-wave Analysis becomes absolutely necessary
91Measurements on high speed circuits
- Probe coupling
- Probe impedance 8-100pF parallel with 1-10M?
- Very important to include with resonance
circuits, as capacitance/inductance alters
resonant frequency - Impedance matching
- Short ground lead
- Remember common ground on scope
- If possible use 50? input
92Design of Flexible Printed Circuits
- Fig. 6.42 Bending of double layer flexible print
with different conductor layout. The Figure shows
the number of cycles before failure with 5, 10
and 20 mm bending radius and 180 angel of
bending. (Data Schoeller Elektronik). If the
copper layer in the bending zone is strained 16
or more it is likely to fail during the first
93Design of Flexible Printed Circuits, continued
- Fig. 6.43 a) Solder lands on flexible prints
should be rounded in order to reduce the
possibility for failures, b) The contour of the
board should be rounded in order to reduce
possibilities for tearing (dimensions in inches).
The "rabbit ears" on the ends of the metal foil
is for obtaining better adhesion to the
polyimide. c) Plastic rivets should be used to
avoid sharp bends in the interface between the
flexible and the rigid parts of the PCB.
94Design of Membrane Switch Panels
- Fig. 6.44 Detail of a membrane switch panel. The
tail with interconnections to the panel is
protected with a laminated foil. Light emitting
diodes may be attached with conductive adhesive.
Screen printed polymer thick film series
resistors may be used.
95Design of Membrane Switch Panels
- Fig. 6.45 Contact areas of membrane switch panel
with back lighting and window. Examples of
lighted text on a dark background and the
opposite combination. If a metal dome is used the
information has to be next to the key and not
underneath it.
96System Level Modelling
- Fig. 6.46 The SUSPENS model for the different
levels in an electronic system. The symbols are
parameters characterising the system and
different technologies of the system. They are
quantified and used to compare or optimise
different possible versions of the system in
computer calculations. - VHDL is also used.
97End of Chapter 6 Printed Circuit Board Design
- Important issues
- When designing PCBs
- Working with the right people including marketing
and production people - Working with the best tools
- Use good Design Guidelines and do not violate
Design Parameters - Robust design to allow for process variations
- Use solder land dimension templates
- Design for test
- Specific design methods for applications with
specific requirements - High speed, high power etc.
- Questions and discussions?