Title: Baltic Sea and Nordic Conference on Blood Donation
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2Baltic Sea and Nordic Conference on Blood
Donation 28 31 maj 2004 What is Blood used
for Is it possible to decrease the
consumption Jan Jorgensen The Danish Transfusion
Database Regional Blood Transfusion Centre Aarhus
University Hospital Denmark
3Use of Donated Blood
4Use of Donated Blood
- Donated blood should be used for the treatment of
patients and handled with the same serious
respect and ethical standards as - with which it was donated by the donor
5Use of Donated Blood
- Blood is a gift with no reimbursement
- Given to an unknown patient
- With the intention to help and not to harm
6Use of Donated Blood
- Donation shall be easy and secure for the donor
- Blood shall be handled with respect
- Used with the intension to treat patients
7Use of Donated Blood
8Use of Donated Blood
- Used for treatment of patients
- Directly Transfused
- Indirectly Not transfused
9Use of Donated Blood
- Direct help to the patient
- Transfusion of single units
- Transfusion of units from a batch
- platelets
- plasma products
10Use of Donated Blood
- Indirect help to the patient
- a few tubes laboratory controls
- several units standards
11Use of Donated Blood
- With the intention to help patients
- Normal values for a new test
- Science
12Use of Donated Blood
- Directly for transfusion
- Indirectly for control of equipment
- With the intension to help patients
13Use of Donated Blood for other purpurses than
- No special information when blood is
- used as laboratory quality controls
- Information
- other kinds of use, no identification
- Informed consent (written)
- with identification of donor
14Other Parts of the Donor
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Organ donation
- Scientific experiments
15Other Parts of the Donor
- When a person wishes to donate blood, this does
not give the hospital the right to ask for
samples from the rest of the body. -
16Use of Donated Blood
17Use of Donated Blood
- Whole blood (not commonly used)
- Blood component therapy
18Use of Donated Blood One unit Several
- Red cells
- Platelets Single units
- Pools of three or four buffy coats
- Plasma Single units
- Batch fractionation many kinds
- White cells normally not used
19Use of Donated Blood
- What do we do with all that blood
- The big blood account
20Use of Donated Blood The Blood Account
- Transfused
- Or not transfused
- failures during production
- do not pass quality control
- outdated
- delivered to department gt½ Hour
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23Use of Donated BloodAarhus University Hospital
- Produced per year 36.000 units of red cells
- Transfused 94
- Testreagents 1
- Outdated 1
- Discarded (dep.gt½h) 2.4
- Screening 0.2
- Technical problems 0.7
- Other 0.2
24Use of Donated Blood University Hospitals in
- Red cell units are used for treatment of
- Cancer 39
- Heart and vessel diseases 20
- Accidents 12
- Gastro-intestinal diseases 11
- Blood diseases 5
- Other 13
25Use of Donated Blood
- Indications for the Transfusion of
- Blood Components
26Use of Donated BloodIndications
- Severe anemia (acute)
- Bleeding and lt25 red cells
- Anemia and symptoms (chronic)
- Heart and lung disease
- Depends on the patient
- Age, diseases, symptoms
27Use of Donated BloodContraindications
- High cellular volume (negative effect)
- Slow circulation
- Deminished oxygene delivery
- Low tissue oxygene concentration
- Low cellular volume (positive effect) (Preoperativ
e haemodilution)
28Use of Donated Blood
- The Theoretical Indications
- Are They Used In Praxis?
29Use of Donated Blood
- SANGUIS Study Use of Red Cell Units
- retrospective audit of patient files
- 40 patients in each group (20.000)
- elective surgery (6 different kinds)
- 40 university hospitals in Europe
30Use of Donated BloodConclusion of the SANGUIS
- The percentage of patients transfused,
- and
- The number of transfused units per pt.
- Depended more on the actual hospital than on the
size of the bleeding
31Use of Donated BloodConclusion of the SANGUIS
- Danish part of the study
- Audit was done in 3 university hospitals
- A total of 1000 files were looked over
- One hospital transfused a higher percentage of
the patients with a higher number of red cell
units not dependent on the kind of surgery
32Use of Donated BloodConclusion of the SANGUIS
- Tentative explanation of the result
- The use of red cell units for transfusion depends
more on the traditions and habits of the hospital
- than on the patients clinical situation
33Use of Donated BloodThe high number of red cells
used in Denmark
- Red cell units / year /1000 inhabitants
- Dona- Trans- Waste
- tions fusions
- N (2001) 42 39 3
- S (2000) 51 48 3
- DK (2000) 68 63 6
34Use of Donated BloodThe high number of red cells
used in Denmark
- Danish Transfusion Data Base (DTDB)
- Data from 3 other databases
- Blood bank Transfusions
- Patient register Diagnoses, treatment
- Clinical Chemistry Haemoglobin conc.
35Use of Donated BloodThe Danish Transfusion Data
- Hip bone replacement of 2000 patients in 12
hospitals - 0-58 of the patients per department were
transfused - The differences in percentage between the
hospitals were significant
36Use of Donated BloodThe Danish Transfusion Data
- Departments with a high percentage of transfused
patients had also a high percentage of patients
with - UHbgt7 mmol/l
- UHb Haemoglobin concentration after the last red
cell transfusion before discharge
37Use of Donated BloodThe Danish Transfusion Data
- Conclusion
- In spite of a generally accepted common
transfusion policy in Denmark, - an audit of the policy actually used in praxis
shows great differences between Danish hospitals!
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