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System such a diesel electric drive, electric drive etc. ... Using D.C. motor with tapped transformer and rectifier. 3. Using phase converter and induction motors. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


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  • Act of drawing or state of being drawn propulsion
    of vehicle is called tractions. There are various
    systems of traction prevailing in our country
    such as steam engine drive, electric drive. These
    systems of tractions may be classified broadly
    into groups namely
  • 1) The traction system which do not involve the
    use of electricity at any stage and called as
    non-electric tractions system such as steam
    engine drive, IC engine drive etc.
  • 2) The tractions system which involves the use of
    electricity at some stage and called as electric
    tractions. System such a diesel electric drive,
    electric drive etc.

  • In India electrification in tractions are
    conducted with three types of locomotives.
  • 1. Using single phase A.C. series commutator
  • 2. Using D.C. motor with tapped transformer and
  • 3. Using phase converter and induction motors.

Existing Tractions System
  • Existing tractions system uses D.C. motors.
  • The 25 KV over head voltage is step down to 2000
    V with the help of step down transformer.
  • Rectifier rectifies this A.C. voltage to D.C.
  • This rectified D.C. voltage is used to operate
    the D.C. motors in existing system engine.
  • Causes favouring the DC motors
  • 1) D.C. series motors are less costly, however
    for some H.P more efficient and requires less
    maintenance than A.C. series motor.
  • 2) Rail conductor system of track
    electrifications which is less costly with D.C.
    system than with A.C. system

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Future Trends Of Tractions System
  • There are some disadvantages of D.C. series motor
    used in system.
  • 1) D.C. motors commutator which prove to failure
    because of vibrations and shock. This results in
    lots of sparking and corrosion.
  • 2) It is hard to use a D.C. motor for
    regenerative braking and for this purpose extra
    switchgear is required, which adds to the bulks
    and increases the complexity of the locomotives.

  • This short coming from this overcome by using
    three phase A.C. motor in locomotive.
    Microprocessor technology and availability of
    efficient and compact power components have given
    a new technology for A.C. locomotive.
  • In three phase A.C. locos, the single phase input
    signal from overhead equipment is rectified
  • then three phase A.C. is generated with the help
    of three phase inverter, whose phase voltage and
    frequency can be manipulated widely.
  • The three phase induction motors are simple and
    robust in construction and have a high operating
    efficiency and properly of automatic regenerative
    braking with requiring additional equipment.

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There are three main stages in power circuit of
three phases locomotive.
  • Input converter
  • A transformer section step-down the voltage from
    the 25 KV input.
  • This converter rectifies AC from catenary to as
    specified dc voltage using GTO thyristors.
  • It has filter and circuitry to provide a fairly
    smooth and stable dc output, at the same time
    attempting to ensure good power factor.
  • The input converter can be configured to present
    different power factor to power supply.

DC link
  1. This is essentially a bank of capacitor and
    inductor or active filter circuitry to further
  2. Also to trap harmonics generated by drive
    converter and traction motors.
  3. The capacitor bank in this section can also
    provide a small amount of reserve power in
    transient situations (e.g., pantograph bounce) if
    needed by the traction motors.

Drive converter
  • This is basically an inverter which consist of
    three thyristors based components that switch on
    and off at precise times under the control of a
    microprocessor. The three components produce
    three phase of A.C. The microprocessor controller
    can vary the switching of thyristors and thereby
    produce A.C. of wide range of frequency and

Advantages Of AC Motors Over DC Motors
  1. DC motors use commutators which are prone to
    failure because of vibration and shock, and which
    also result in a lot of sparking and corrosion.
    Induction AC motors do not use commutators at
  2. It is hard to use a DC motor for regenerative
    braking, and the extra switchgear for this adds
    to the bulk and complexity of the loco. AC motors
    can fairly easily be used to generate power
    during regenerative braking.
  3. In addition, DC motors tend to draw power with a
    bad power factor and injecting a lot of
    undesirable harmonics into the power system.
  4. AC motors have the advantage of a simpler

System Of Supply
  • 25 kV AC single phase
  • For traction substation (TSS) the incoming EHV
    supply is 220/132/110/166KV through protective
    equipment it can be transformed by using traction
    transformer to 25 KV AC single phases.
  • Spacing between TSS is 30 KM to 40 KM depending
    upon the traffic (load).
  • To avoid load on one phase and balancing the
    incoming supply grid, the section TSS is divided
    into sub-sector through switching posts.
  • S.P- Sectioning and paralleling Post.
  • S.S.P-Sub-sectioning and paralleling Post.

Traction transformer
  • There are two traction transformer connected in
    parallel of same rating for the purpose of
    reliability the rating of transformer are
  • Capacity 20,000 KVA. Frequency 50 Hz
  • Full load 25 KV Preferred 0.9
  • Zero load 27 KV

Power supply for signaling
  • For the purpose of signaling and reliable
    operation the 25 KV is converted to 240 V through
    auxiliary transformer by tapping 25 KV OHE at the
    places where needed.

Sectioning and paralleling post (SP)
  1. These post are situated approximating midway
    between feeding posts making the demarcating
    points of two zones fed from different phases
    from adjacent substations.
  2. At these posts, a natural section is provided to
    make it impossible for the pantograph of an
    electric locomotive or EMU train to bridge the
    different phase of 25 KV supply, while passing
    from the zone fed from one sub-station to the
    next one.
  3. Since the natural section remains dead warning
    boards are provided in advance to warn and
    provided Remind the driver of an approaching
    electric locomotive/EMU to open locomotive
    circuit breaker (DJ) before approaching the
    neutral section to coast through it and then
    switch on on the other side.
  4. Special care is taken in fixing the location of
    natural sections, on level tangent track far away
    from signals, level crossing gates etc. to ensure
    that the train coasts through the neutral section
    at a sufficiently high speed, to obviate the
    possibility of its stopping and getting stuck
    within the neutral section .

Sub-sectioning and Paralleling post (SSP)
  • One and more SSPs are providing between each SP
    and adjacent SP depending upon the distance
    between them. In a double track section, normally
    three interrupters are provided at each SSP i.e.
    two connecting the adjacent sub-sectors of up and
    down tracks and one for paralleling the down

Equipments at switching sections
  • Certain equipments are installed at various
    points to protect the lines, to monitor the
    availability of power supply and provide other
  • These are generally as under
  • Lighting arrestors are provided to protect every
    sub-sector against voltage surges.
  • Auxiliary transformers are provided at all the
    posts and also at certain intermediate points to
    supply AC at 240 V, 50 HZ required for signaling
    and operationally essential lighting
    installations. To ensure fairly steady voltage,
    automatic voltage regulators are also there,
    where required.
  • Potential transformers are provided at the
    various switching stations for monitoring supply
    to each sub-sector.
  • A small masonry cubicle is provided to
    accommodate remote control equipment, control
    panel, telephone and batteries and battery
    chargers required for the control of interrupters
    and the similar equipments.

Control Equipments
  • To segregate the faults and to isolate the faulty
    section, the circuit breaker at traction
    substation and interrupters at SP/SSPs are being
    remotely control through remote control centre. A
    Remote Control Centre (RCC) is set up near the
    traffic control office on each division having
    electric traction to work in close liaison with
    the traffic control. The RCC includes the main
    control room, equipment room, uninterrupted power
    supply (UPS) room, remote control laboratory and
    battery room and is the nerve centre of the
    traction power control.

The following types of remote control equipment
are mainly in use on Indian Railways at present
  • I. Frequency modulated voice frequency telegraph
    (FMVFT) This equipment was in use for all
    electrification schemes prior to 1980. Being
    mainly all relay system, the equipment has become
    outdated although some remote control centers
    still continue to operate on this system.
  • II. Supervisory control and data acquisition
    (SCADA) systems with microprocessor The SCADA
    equipment based on state of the art technology
    has come into use after 1980. Considering the
    fast growth and development of computer based
    equipment, newer types with enhanced capabilities
    are being introduced.
  • The SCADA equipment at the RCC is called master
    station while that of the controlled station is
    referred as remote terminal unit (RTU).

Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
  • The RTU is microprocessor based and include its
    associated digital input/output modules, alarm
    input modules, analog input modules, watch dog
    transducer memory modules, interposing relay
    summation CTs, power supply unit(s) surge
    resistor and other items necessary for its proper

Transmission Path
  • Under ground telecommunication trunk cable is
    provided for transmitting the signals from and to
    the Remote Control Centre (RCC) and the
    controlled Remote Terminal Units (RTU). Three
    pairs of conductors (one pair for send one pair
    for receive and the third as spare) from this
    cable are made available for remote control

  • Microwave Communication
  • In some of the sections on Indian railways
    dedicated microwave channel at carrier frequency
    of 18 GHz has been provided for the purpose of
  • Optical Fiber Cable
  • Optical fiber cable has also been introduced for
    communication in some section of Indian railways,
    which is also used for Remote Control equipment.
    Details of interface between latest communication
    system and the RCC/RTU equipment may be seen in
    the relevant technical document.

UPS and Batteries at RCC
  1. Dual stand-alone UPS system of adequate capacity
    to supply 240V A.C., 50 Hz single phase supply to
    the SCADA system at master station is provided.
    Both the UPS work in parallel sharing the load.
  2. In case of failure of one the entire load is
    automatically taken over by the healthy UPS
    without affecting the working of the system.
  3. In case of outage of both the UPS at the same
    time, the load of SCADA equipment is directly
    connected to input main though a static switch
    without any break.
  4. A single battery is provided with both the UPS
    with adequate capacity to provide the supply to
    various equipments is case of failure of input
    for 415V A.C., 50 Hz supply.

Electric Locomotives
  • Introduction
  • Electricity is used to drive the electric
    locomotives. Two types of vehicles are used for
    electric traction. The first type of vehicle
    receives power from a distribution network while
    the second type of vehicle generates own power.
    In the second category comes a diesel engine
    electric drive. The former types of vehicle are
    used on ac or dc power from the overhead line.

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Main Function Of Various Components
  • This is an overhead wire of special cross
    section. The catenary is supplied at 25 KV 50 Hz
    supply. AC voltage is trapped from catenary by

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  • Pantograph is a current collecting device which
    is mounted on both ends of locomotive roof on
    insulator and collect the current from Over Head
    Extension and supply it to power system of
    locomotive at various speed and different
    climate/wind condition smoothly.

Circuit Breaker
  • The high voltage circuit breaker is special type
    of electro pneumatic contactor mounted on the
    roof of the loco. The electrical equipment of the
    loco is connected to or disconnected from the OHE
    by means of the circuit breaker.

Loco Transformer
  • This is a main transformer of locomotive. The 25
    KV single phase AC power supply of OHE is fed to
    the winding of regulating transformer through
    main bushing. The winding is equally divided into
    32 taps. These taps are connected to tap changer.

Tap Changer (Graduator)
  1. The tap changer is directly built on to the
    transformer. The tapings of the transformers are
    brought out and arranged in circular fashion on
    an insulated contact plate.
  2. There are two rows of contact segments which are
    aligned on outer and inner circles of the contact
  3. An arm which is known as selector arm is driven
    by shaft at the centre of the contact plate.
  4. Two rollers are situated at the edge of the
    selector arm. These rings are provided in front
    of the contact plate.
  5. The centre shaft which extends outside the tap
    changer casing is driven by an air servomotor.
  6. The design of the air servo motor is such that
    once the selector arm begins its movement, it can
    be stopped only at the required tap (not in
    between two taps).
  7. The connection between the inner or outer ring to
    the transformer is being established by means of
    a contactor.

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  1. In electric loco mainly two silicon rectifier
    blocks RSI1 and RSI2 are provided for converting
    AC to DC.
  2. They are bridge connected.
  3. Continuous current rating of each block is 1000

Arno Converter
  1. Arno converter is a device which convert single
    phase AC in to three phase AC.
  2. The three phase supply needed for the three phase
    induction motors which used in blowers,
    exhausters an oil pumps. To supply three phase
    power to three phase induction motors arno
    converter is used.
  3. Arno converter is rotating device.

Brief Data Of Arno Converter
  • Single phase input Three phase output
  • KVA 150 KVA 120
  • Volts 380 Volts 380
  • Amps 395 Amps 190

Due to the voltage variation the speed of the
Arno is also varies so the three phase output
supply is not constant but varies with the OHE
voltage which is not desired. Due to this reason
now a days Arno converter are replaced by solid
state static converter unit which is known as SI
Traction Motors (DC Series Motor)
  1. The traction motor is a dc series motor, four
    pole or six pole, forced ventilated machine
    arranged for axle mounting on sleeve baring and
    supported on the opposite by the resilient
    suspension unit, transverse movement is limited
    by the flanges of axle.
  2. These motors are axle hung, nose suspended type
    and are provided with grease lubricated roller
    bearings for armature as well as for suspension.
  3. Special provision has been made in design of the
    motors to ensure the locomotive operates
    satisfactorily on flooded track, to max. Flood
    level of 20 cm , above rail level.

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The main parts of motors are given below
  1. Magnet frame armature and shields.
  2. Brush holders and brushes.
  3. Commutator
  4. Armature
  5. Stator
  6. Armature windings
  7. Field windings
  8. Inter poles
  9. Armature bearings
  10. Axle bearing

  1. Generally in locos there are six traction motors.
  2. Three motors per bogies and each motor driving
    one axle directly through gears.
  3. The motors M1 to M6 are supplied jointly by the
    two silicon rectifiers connected in parallel
    through two contactors.
  4. Each rectifier units is connected to separate
    secondary winding and smoothing the current thus
    rectified in carried out by means of two
    smoothing reactors.

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