Patterns on islands - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Patterns on islands


Island biogeography theory Relatively successful ecological model that predicts the influence of immigration and extinction on the equilibrium number of species ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Patterns on islands

Patterns on islands
  • Islanda relatively small area of suitable
    habitat isolated from a much larger area
    (source) of suitable, occupied habitat. For
    example, the continent nearest to an island would
    be considered the source.

  • Large islands have more species than smaller
    islands. A general rule is that as the land area
    increases 10 times, the number of species
  • See page 429, textbook

Lesser Antilles bird species
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S cAz
  • S number of species
  • c constant measuring the number of species per
    unit area. Insects, for example, will have a
    higher c than amphibians because there will be
    more insects per unit area than amphibians.
  • A area of the island
  • z constant measuring the slope of the line
    relating S and A. z is dependent on the type of
    organism and the island group and how distant
    island is from mainland

S cAz
  • z usually equals somewhere between .15 and .35.
    More poorly dispersing animals have higher zs, in
    other words, as island size increases, poorly
    dispersing animals show greater responses to the
    increase in size than animals that disperse well.
  • zs are lower for terrestrial islands

Smammal 1.188A0.326, Sbird 2.536A0.165, Brown
Different z values. Area effect is smaller on
Island biogeography theory
  • Relatively successful ecological model that
    predicts the influence of immigration and
    extinction on the equilibrium number of species
    that will inhabit the island.

  • Equilibrium number is a number we expect to be
    relatively constant over time, balanced by
    species immigrating to an island and other
    species going extinct.
  • Dynamic equilibrium-refers to the fact that,
    although the number of species will be relatively
    constant, the species themselves are changing
    (because of immigration and extinction).

  • MacArthur and Wilson reasoned that the
    equilibrium species number will be influenced by
    both immigration to islands and extinction on
    islands, which will be influenced by distance of
    the island to the mainland and island size,

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  • Turnover rate (on y-axis)the rate at which the
    identities of the species on the island changeis
    the point at which the immigration and extinction
    rates are equal

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  • Near islands have higher immigration rates
    because likelihood of reaching a near island
    compared to a far island is greater
  • Large islands have lower extinction rates because
    populations of any given species will be higher
    on large islands compared to small islands.
    Larger populations have a lower risk of

Wilson and Simberloff test of model in Florida
  • First, they censused four small islands covered
    with red mangrove (15 m across) and at different
    distances from the mainland. The censuses of
    insects and arthropods revealed what they
    expectedthe most species on the nearest island
    and the least on the farthest island.

Wilson and Simberloff test of model in Florida
  • Second, they hired a pest company to defaunate
    islands by covering them with rubber tents and
    using methyl bromide gas to kill the insects and

Then they visited the islands periodically
afterwards to census the islands and determine
which species were there
  • Support for equilibria idea--In less than a year,
    the nearest island had 44 species, where
    originally it had had 43. Furthest island had
    22, originally 25. Similar patterns on the other
    two islands. Numbers remained the same after two
  • Support for the dynamic equilibrium ideaspecies
    identities changes while numbers stayed
    relatively constant They also discovered
    differences based on species differences.

E1 is most isolated island (Simberloff Wilson
1970, Ecology 51934-937)
They also discovered differences based on species
  • Spiders arrived quickly because of their
    ballooning habits but tended to go extinct
    relatively quickly
  • Mites, blown in with dust, arrived more slowly
    but stayed longer
  • Cockroaches, moths, and ants recolonized islands
    relatively quickly and persisted
  • Centipedes and millipedes never recolonized over
    the two years of the experiment.

  • The researchers found higher immigration rates on
    the close islands, as expected
  • Highest turnover rates were on close islands
  • The size of the islands did not vary so they
    could not test the hypothesized relationship
    between island size and extinction rate

More recent modifications to model
  • Size of the island, as well as distance from the
    mainland, should affect immigration rates (target
    area effect)
  • Distance to the mainland, as well as size of the
    island should affect extinction rates because of
    the rescue effect
  • Evolution and interspecific interactions will
    mold island biotas
  • Different taxonomic groups will reach equilibria
    at different points in time
  • Small island effect

Target Area Effect greater immigration rate on
larger islands
  • Rescue effectsmall populations of a species are
    rescued from extinction by the arrival of new
    immigrants of the same species

Rescue effect (particularly on continental
islands) reduced turnover due to replacement
Small Island Effect no area-diversity effect on small islands too few habitats                                                                            Niering, W.A. 1963. Terrestrial ecology of Kapingamarangi Atoll, Caroline Islands. Ecological Monographs 33131-160.    

  • Species richness of well-dispersing taxonomic
    groups (wind-dispersed plants, birds) appears to
    have reached equilibrium on Krakatoa but the
    richness of more poorly-dispersing taxonomic
    groups (animal-dispersed plants, non-flying
    mammals) has not.

Krakatau Islands Biogeography Differential
immigration rates for plants with different
dispersal mechanisms
Island patterns
  • Insular refers to island
  • Ecological release expansion of a species niche
    in the absence of competitors
  • Harmonic insular biotas proportions of different
    types of organisms are similar on island and
  • Disharmonic insular biotas proportions of
    different types of organisms are different on
    island and source

Patterns regarding three processes on islands
  • Immigration
  • Establishment
  • Extinction

  • Bats are well-represented on oceanic islands
    while many nonvolant mammals are not
  • Bats colonized New Zealand and the Hawaiian
    islands while these areas have no other native

  • Birds and the plants they eat are
    well-represented on oceanic islands, as are bird

  • Amphibians and freshwater fish are poorly
    distributed on oceanic islands (New Zealand has
    no native freshwater fish)
  • Rana cancrivora (crab-eating frog) and Bufo
    marina (marine or giant toad) have high
    tolerances for salt water both as tadpoles and
    adults and so are found on oceanic islands much
    more frequently than other amphibians.

  • Slugs are very intolerant of salt water and so
    are infrequently found on oceanic islands while
    land snails, which often thrive in dry habitats,
    are frequently found on such islands land
    snails are able to raft to islands

  • Large species, and those that stay active
    year-round are more likely to be found on islands
    (not necessarily distant oceanic islands). These
    types of species can use ice for travel.

  • Islands that are large and in archipelagos may be
    more likely to be found by dispersers, or islands
    that are in the route of particularly strong wind
    or water currents

  • Species that are generalists are more likely to
    become established on islands than specialists
    (for ex. dung beetle generalists tend to have
    more successful introductions than specialists).

  • A study with land snails found that species with
    individuals that could self-fertilize were more
    likely to become established that species that
    could not do so

  • Individuals with high fecundity rates, i.e. large
    clutch or brood sizes, will likely become
    established more readily than other types of

  • Islands that are large with a diversity of
    habitats and resources may be more hospitable to
    populations for establishment

  • Large animals, carnivores, and specialists are
    more likely to become extinct on islands than
    small generalist herbivores. Smaller generalists
    will have larger population sizes than larger
    specialists and with larger population sizes
    there is less probability of extinction

Evolutionary patterns on islands
  • Reduced dispersal ability--so, ironically, the
    ancestors who dispersed well have descendants who
    don't disperse well
  • Changes in body size

Reduced dispersal ability
  • Flightless birds and insects are common on
    oceanic islands
  • Flightlessness has evolved in at least 8 orders
    of birds ostriches, ducks and geese, parrots,
    owls, doves, rails, storks and herons, and
  • New Zealand--25-35 of land and freshwater birds
    are (or were) flightless, 24 of Hawaii's endemic
    bird species

Evolutionary scenario to account for
  • First of all, why do most birds fly?
  • Predation is probably very important
  • Those individuals who invested less in costly
    flight muscles would have more energy for other
    activities (like producing young) and would not
    suffer the losses from predation important on the
    mainland because many islands lack their
    traditional predators.

  • Flightlessness has evolved repeatedly in insects
    beetles, butterflies and moths, flies, ants bees
    and wasps, grasshoppers and crickets, true bugs
  • On Madeira Island--off coast of Africa and
    Portugal--200 of 550 beetle species are
  • Insects also tend to be wingless at higher
    latitudes and in mountains

Hypotheses to explain these patterns?
  • Energy conservation
  • Advantages to individuals of site fidelity
    (staying near their natal site)

  • Reduced dispersal ability is also evident in land
    snails and plants found on islands

Changes in body size
  • Woolly mammoth range shrunk from much of the
    northern Palearctic 20,000 ya to only Wrangel
    Island 10,000 years ago
  • Size of woolly mammoths also shrunk from 6 tons
    to 2 tons by 2,000 years ago
  • Size change must be positive for individuals to
    evolve but then may have positive consequences
    for the population

  • Individuals of small species tend to get larger
    on islands and individuals of larger species tend
    to get smallerwhy?

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Advantages of large size
  • Larger individuals within a species can use more
    types of resources
  • Larger individuals can produce more offspring
  • Larger individuals tend to win in intraspecific
  • Larger individuals have more stored energy to
    make it through times of food shortage

Investigators suggest that these advantages will
be more important for individuals of small
species rather than individuals of large species
  • Even a small elephant can use a variety of
    resources while a large rat may have a
    significant advantage over small rats in the
    variety of resources it can use
  • Individuals of small species may show ecological
    release because of lack of competitors on
  • Advantages of small size to escape predation may
    be less useful in absence of typical predators

Advantages of small size
  • Smaller individuals can get by with less food and
    other resources
  • Smaller individuals often use food more
    efficiently than larger individuals (assimilate
    energy from food)
  • Smaller individuals can use smaller shelters and
    hiding spots than larger individuals

Investigators suggest that these advantages will
be more important for individuals of large
species rather than individuals of small species
  • A small elephant will be able to get by on much
    less of a resource base than a large elephant and
    resources for elephant-sized animals are more
    likely to be limited on islands
  • The resources necessary to rats may not be as
    limited and so there may be no selective
    advantage to small rats vs. large rats.

Island body size may also be a by-product of the
characteristics of immigrators
  • Successful active dispersers may tend to be the
    larger individuals of a species (because, for
    example, larger individuals would have more
    energy reserves and hence be more likely to
    survive the journey to an oceanic island)

Island body size may also be a by-product of the
characteristics of immigrators
  • Successful passive dispersers may tend to be the
    smaller individuals of a species (smaller
    individuals are more likely to make it by being
    pushed by wind or water).

  • These patterns of successful immigrants may not
    be maintained in the island populations over time
    if there are counter- selective pressures for
    reasons discussed above and/or if immigration to
    the island is rare

  • In short, ecological release drives small animals
    to become bigger while resource limitation drives
    big animals to become smaller
  • These patterns may not hold if the immigrant size
    patterns we just discussed are more influential
    than ecological release and resource
    limitationfor example when immigration is very

Birds and reptiles show some similar patterns to
mammals with many exceptions
  • Exceptions may result because there is much more
    data for these taxonomic groups
  • It is possible that birds and reptiles are under
    different selective pressures than mammals on
  • Reptiles are ectothermic and so resource
    limitation may not be a problem
  • The lack of many medium-sized and large mammals
    on many islands may have allowed birds and
    reptiles to show ecological release

Homo floresiensis discovered on Flores Island,
Indonesia, 2003
The skull of Homo floresiensis can only hold a
brain that's about 380 cubic centimeters in size.
The modern human skull, at right, holds a brain
that measures between 1,400 and 1,500 cubic
centimeters. (Peter Brown)
Homo floresiensis possible history
  • Arrived on island as Homo erectus (first
    large-brained hominid from Africa and Asia)
  • Unclear how they arrivedboats, swimming, and
    rafting all seem unlikely

  • Homo erectus probably averaged 510
  • After arrival on the island, the smallest
    individuals may have survived best because of
    resource limitation (Flores island is only 31 sq.
    miles in area)

  • Hot, humid weather of the region may also have
    favored small individuals, who, with a greater
    surface area to volume would have been able to
    cool off faster and would have generated less
    heat when they moved
  • Appears the individuals lived in caves

  • Remains of female individual found with remains
    of miniature Stegodon sp., Komodo dragon, and
    burned bones of birds, rats, and fish, and stones
    tools, in cave.

  • Since publication describing the new species was
    submitted to Nature, authors have found remains
    of more individuals that appear to be 95,000 to
    13,000 years old
  • Some other anthopologists are skeptical of
    calling it a new species

  • The new species may have been killed off when a
    volcano erupted on the island 12,000 years ago
  • Signs of modern humans on the island are 11,000
    years old

Very controversial today
  • Oct 2005, Nature published descriptions of bones
    of 9 individuals of Homo floriensis, some
    thousands of years apart in agescientists argue
    that the number of specimens and the time span,
    refute the idea that they simply discovered
    abnormal individuals.
  • Several studies argue that the skull is probably
    from a small-bodied modern human who had a
    genetic condition, microcephaly. Individuals
    with microcephaly have small heads.

2007 papers
  • Homo floresiensis were not microencepahlic (based
    on comparisons with truly microencephali
    individuals, Falk et al. 2007)
  • Hand bones of H. floresiensis more similar to
    chimps or early hominids than to modern humans
    (Tocheri et al. 2007)
  • Falk, D et al, (2007). "Brain shape in human
    microcephalics and Homo floresiensis".
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    104 (7) 2513. doi10.1073/pnas.0609185104. PMID
    17277082. Retrieved on 2008-03-05. "lay summary"
    (2007-01-29). Retrieved on 2008-03-05.
  • Tocheri et al, (2007). "The Primitive Wrist of
    Homo floresiensis and Its Implications for
    Hominin Evolution". Science 317 (5845) 1743.
    doi10.1126/science.1147143. PMID 17885135. "lay
    summary" (2007-09-20). Retrieved on 2008-03-05.

As of 2009, debate continues
  • Weston and Lister 2009 suggest that small brain
    size of H. floresiensis may be consistent with
    brain size evolution of other mammalian groups on
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