Charadriiformes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pedionomidae (Plains-wanderer) Chionidae (Sheathbill) Dromadidae (Crab-plover) ... Generally dark plumage. Jaegers tail with extended central rectrices. Feet ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Charadriiformes

  • Diverse group of birds ? 1820 families
  • 6 monotypic families
  • Monophyly still in question

Tree of Life Web Project. 2005. Charadriiformes.
shorebirds and relatives. Version 14 December
2005 (temporary). http//
s/26342/2005.12.14 in The Tree of Life Web
Project, http//
Charadriiformes families
  • Scolopacidae (sandpipers phalaropes)
  • Charadriidae (plovers lapwings)
  • Recurvirostridae (Stilts and avocets)
  • Laridae (Gulls terns)
  • Stercorariidae (Skuas Jaegers)
  • Haematopodidae (Oystercatchers)
  • Jacanidae (Jacanas)
  • Rynchopidae (Skimmers)
  • Alcidae (Auks, Murres, Puffins)
  • Burhinidae (Stone-curlews Thicknees)
  • Pluvianellidae (Megallanic plover)
  • Ibidorhynchidae (Ibisbill)
  • Thinocoridae (Seedsnipes)
  • Glareolidae (Pratincoles)
  • Pedionomidae (Plains-wanderer)
  • Chionidae (Sheathbill)
  • Dromadidae (Crab-plover)
  • Rostratulidae (Painted snipe)

Scolopacidae (Sandpipers Phalaropes)
  • Most diverse 23 genera 86 species
  • Distribution Aquatic environs. And open areas
  • General description
  • Small birds (12-65 cm)
  • Long narrow bills ? aquatic Invertebrates
  • Sexes similar
  • General Information
  • Interesting breeding behaviors ? lekking,
    elaborate displays
  • Variety of mating systems polyandry, monogamy,
  • Many are migratory

Sanderling (Calidris alba)
Charadriidae (Plovers Lapwings)
  • Number of species 8 genera 64 species
  • Distribution Cosmopolitan
  • General description
  • Small birds (15-40 cm)
  • Shorter, broader bill than Scolopacids
  • Sexes similar
  • General Information
  • Feed on invertebrates
  • Variety of breeding systems (generally monogamy)
  • Many migratory
  • Lay 2-4 eggs

Two-banded plover (Charadrius falklandicus)
Recurvirostridae (Stilts Avocets)
  • Number of species 10 species 3 genera
  • Distribution aquatic nearly worldwide
  • General description
  • Small birds (29-48 cm)
  • Straight or recurved sharp beak
  • Long neck with small head
  • Legs long
  • Sexes similar
  • General Information
  • Feed on invertebrates on top of water
  • Monogamous w/ biparental care
  • Many are colonial

American avocet (Recurvirostra americana)
Laridae (Gulls Terns)
  • Number of species 80 species
  • Distribution Cosmopolitan aquatic and coastal
  • General description
  • Small to medium sized (20-75 cm)
  • Stout bill
  • Long wings
  • Palmate feet
  • Sexes monochromatic males slightly larger
  • Terns ? pointed bills long tail
  • General Information
  • Generalist feeders (terns feed on fish)
  • Found mainly along coastal regions some occur
  • Highly colonial
  • Monogamous w/ biparental care

Franklins gull (Larus pipixcan)
Stercorariidae (Skuas Jaegers)
  • Number of species 5 species 1 species
  • Sometimes placed in Laridae
  • Distribution
  • Breed in polar regions
  • Winter pelagically throughout temperate oceans of
    the world
  • General description
  • Medium-sized birds (50-58 cm)
  • Stout bill with hooked tip
  • Generally dark plumage
  • Jaegers ? tail with extended central rectrices
  • Feet webbed reduced hallax
  • Sexes similar
  • General Information
  • Highly aggressive ? kleptoparasitism
  • Predators on smaller vertebrates
  • Usually monogamous w/ biparental care

South polar skua (Stercorarius maccormicki)
Haematopodidae (Oystercatchers)
  • Number of species 7 all in 1 genus
  • Distribution Cosmopolitan Rocky coasts
  • General description
  • Small bird (40-45 cm)
  • Black body w/ red laterally compressed bill
  • Three toes slightly webbed
  • General Information
  • Specialize on molluscs
  • Monogamous w/ biparental care
  • 2-4 eggs in a scrape nest

American oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus)
Jacanidae (Jacanas)
  • Number of species 8 6 genera
  • Distribution Pantropical aquatic habitats
  • General description
  • Small birds (15-50 cm)
  • Bare forehead crown wattle
  • Extremely long toes ? walking on floating
  • Females usually larger
  • General Information
  • Polyandrous w/ ? bigger than ?
  • Male parental care
  • Feed principally on invertebrates, and/or aquatic
  • Build a floating nest
  • 4 eggs

Comb-crested jacana (Irediparra gallinacea)
Rynchopidae (Skimmers)
  • Number of species 3 all in 1genus
  • Distribution Tropical and subtropical coasts of
    both Old New World
  • General description
  • Small birds (40 cm)
  • Lower mandible longer and latterally compressed
  • Sexes similar
  • General Information
  • Lower bill in water and skim for fish
  • Colonial
  • Biparental care
  • 4-5 variable colored eggs in shallow scrape

Black skimmer (Rynchops niger)
Alcidae (Auks, Murres, Puffins)
  • Number of species 23 13 genera
  • Distribution Cold water habitats throughout
  • General description
  • Small to medium sized (14-36 cm)
  • Bill often laterally compressed and colorful
  • Head large neck short body compact
  • Wings small tail short
  • Legs short, set back with webbed toes
  • Sexes similar
  • General Information
  • Wing-propelled divers that feed primarily on fish
  • Colonial nesters w/ a variety of nesting behavior
  • Monogamous w/ biparental care
  • Usually 1 egg (some species 2)

Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
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