Title: Hitler
2Germany ? Great Depression
- Germany reeling from WWI, Inflation was
skyrocketing. - Reacting to economic hardships imposed from
Treaty of Versailles. - Reacting to Battered hopes.
- A diminished sense of national greatness.
- More and more Europeans turned to Fascism as the
key to improving their lives and renewing the
national spirit.
3Hitlers Youth
- Hitler went to Austria to be an artist, yet was
rejected. It was there that he acquired his
belief in superiority over Jews, Poles, Serbs - Hitler fought in WW1 and like others blamed the
gov. for the loss became Nazi Party leader - 1923 tried to declare a Revolution in Munich,
sent to jail where he wrote Mein Kampf (My
4Mein Kampf
- Aryans are the master race Jews enemies
- Devil takes form as Jews on earth
- 9/10s of all literary filth, artistic trash, and
theatrical idiocy can be traced to Jews - Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting
girl who he defiles with his blood, thus stealing
her from her people - Jews brought Negroes to Rhineland with aim of
ruining the hated white race - Jew Parasite that spreads
5Mein Kampf cont.
- Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects our
principles of Nature - With Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over
the people of the world, his crown will be the
funeral wreath of humanity and this planet - By defending myself against the Jew, I am
fighting for the work of the Lord - Jews as a united people turn into a horde of
rats fighting bloodily among themselves
6Hitlers Appeal
- Excellent Speaker
- Held audiences attention
- Would speak for hours
- Did not use notes
- Made promises
- No opposition
- Gave people hope
7Reasons for Hitler coming to Power
- Germanys defeat in WW I left the people
demoralized, bitter, and empty. - Treaty of Versailles punished Germany 32
billion - Government, Weimar Republic. was weak
- Communist uprisings broke out brought fear to
non-Communist countries. - Worldwide Great Depression
8Hitlers Third Reich
- Militarism
- National Pride
- Economic Public Works Programs
- Gestapo-Secret Police
- Totalitarian State
- Rejected Versailles Treaty
- Hitler Youth Programs
9Cleansing Germany
- Education was a propaganda tool
- Burned Jewish or anti-Nazi books All Quiet on
the Western Front - Hitler saw Christianity as weak-Closed Catholic
10Hitlers persecution of the Jews
Aryans- Germany/Austria
Nordics- Sweden/Norway
Anglo-Saxons- Britain/USA
Latin- France/Spain/Greece
Slavs- Russia/Serbia/Czechoslovakia
Dregs- Jews/Homosexuals/Gypsies/Physically-Mentall
y Disabled
11Hitlers Role in the World
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14Reasons for Hitler coming to Power
- Hitler had a plan ? Mein Kempf
- Nationalist ideas
- Rebuild military
- Appeals to their quest for revenge for WWI
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16He put 7 million people back to work!
17The Third Reich
- Hitler proclaimed Germany as the Third Reich or
the Third Holy Roman Empire. - The Third Reich was suppose to be (according to
Hitler) the successor to the Holy Roman Empire
and the German Empire.
- In German, Sturmabteilung.
- Storm Troopers.
- Also called "Brownshirts." Members of a special
armed and uniformed branch of the Nazi party.
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- In German, Geheime Staatspolizei. Secret State
21The SS
- In German, Schutzstaffel. Protection Squad. Units
formed in 1925 as Hitler's personal bodyguard.
The SS was later built into a giant organization
by Heinrich Himmler. It provided staff for
police, camp guards, and military units
(Waffen-SS) serving with the German army.
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24Hitler and his Henchmen
25June 30, 1934 The night of the long knives-
Hitlers SS arrested then murdered several
hundred of Hitler's enemies
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27Campaigning against the Jews
- 1935 Nuremberg Laws Set restrictions on Jews
- Arm bands Star of David
- No school for Jews
- Jews only married Jews
- No prestigious jobs for Jews
- The Night of Broken Glass
- Jewish stores were broken into
- Synagogues were burned
- Jews were dragged from their homes and beaten in
the streets - Sent to concentration camps
29Final Solution
- Hitlers idea to eliminate all inferior groups of
people - Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Handicapped,
Catholics, Poles, Serbs - Work camps, Concentration camps, Death camps
- 6 million Jews died as a result of the Holocaust
30Entrance to Concentration Camp