Title: Healthy, fitness, business
1Keeping Healthy in the Office
2You can do it !
- While maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the
office seems impossible, there are some simple
steps you can take to achieve such a lifestyle. - Here they are
3Did you know
American Dietetic Association found that 62
percent of Americans eat lunch at their desks, 50
percent snack at their desks, and 27 percent eat
breakfast at their desks.
4- Most Americans go grocery shopping without a
list. - This creates an impulse to buy things that you do
not need or are not the best option. - Break the habit! Keep a notebook in the kitchen
and ball point pens to write down every time you
are out of something
5Wake up call
- Americans spend more than 100 billion on fast
food each year - We consume an average of 156 pound of sugar every
6This kind of eating creates an endemic
- The ideal Americans are recommended to have two
or more daily servings of fruit and for at least
50 percent of Americans to consume three or more
daily servings of vegetables. - The reality Only 27 percent
- eat the recommended
- amount of vegetables
7The 10 things we should be doing
- Eat breakfast at home
- Prepare your lunch at home at least once a week
- Take regular breaks from sitting at your desk to
stretch your muscles. - Drink plain water, and for caffeine drink green
tea - Brush your teeth after lunch.
- Put a plant on your desk
- Seek Natural Light
- Get Stand-Up Desks
- Promote frequent breaks take a walk in the park
- Posture
8Before running to the break room supplies closet-
prepare these under 200 calorie snacks
- Whole wheat crackers (10) and peanut butter (1
tsp.) - Fruit
- Popcorn
- Almonds (24)
- Instant oatmeal
- Mini pitas with hummus
- Fruit and nut bars
- Veggies with hummus
9Top belly burning foods
- Oatmeal
- Almonds
- Olive oil
- Eggs
- Berries
- ? These foods are heart healthy and full of
10An important tip
- Pack your own lunch Studies have shown that
people who eat lunch out less frequently are more
likely to lose weight. Even one fast-food meal a
week can do damage, including increasing your
risk for heart disease.
11How to be your own nutritionist
- Color your palate
- White immune support
- Green detoxification
- Yellow beauty
- Orange cancer prevention
- Red heart health
- Purple longevity and skin elasticity
12Small movements make a difference
- 2 minutes of stretching and breathing a day can
help increase fitness and focus
13And remember
14A spotlight on
- Office furniture can help you too!
- Safco Zenergy Ball Chairs
- The chair not only helps you sit ergonomically,
- but it also supports better posture and balance
- It keeps your core and body actively engaged.
Its like using an exercise ball, but it is more
stationary and aesthetically cuter.
15Brought to you by Shoplet.com
- Keeping you fit in the office!
- Shoplet specializes in discount office supplies,
it is the leading purely online office supply
retailer. Founded in 1994, Shoplet is one of the
original e-marketplaces. We also offer a great
selection on Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment.
- http//www.eatright.org/Media/content.aspx?id6442
464916.UfFiAY2kofQ - http//www.foodrepublic.com/2012/05/30/crazy-stati
stics-about-our-eating-habits - http//health.usnews.com/health-news/diet-fitness/
ll-unhealthy-cdc - http//health.clevelandclinic.org/2013/05/5-simple
-tips-for-workplace-wellness-slideshow/ - Statistics of Health Risks From Eating Fast Food
Healthy Eating SF Gate