Title: Accounting Assumptions and Principles Balance Sheet Wrap-up
1Session 3
- Accounting Assumptions and PrinciplesBalance
Sheet Wrap-up - The Complete Income Statement
- Separately Reported Items
2SFAC Schematic-I (updated)
- Useful
- Cash Flow Prediction
- Economic Resource Information
(1 X 3)
- (Understandibility)
- Primary
- Relevance
- Predictive value
- Confirmatory value
- Faithful Representation
- Completeness
- Neutrality
- Free from material error
- Enhancing
- Comparability (including consistency)
- Verifiability
- Timeliness
- Understandability
- Constraints
- Cost Effectiveness
- Materiality
- Definition
- Measurability
- Relevance
- Reliability
- Measurement
- Unit
- Method
- Underlying Assumptions
- Economic entity
- Going concern
- Periodicity
- Monetary unit
- Principles
- Historical cost
- Realization
- Matching
- Full disclosure
4 2 (2 X 4)
(2 X 3) 2 3
3Additional Disclosures
- Footnotes
- Accounting Policies
- Subsequent Events
- Noteworthy Transactions
- Management Discussion and Analysis (MDA)
- Managements Responsibilities
- Auditors Report
- Compensation in the Proxy Statement
4The Complete Income Statement
- Single or multiple step
- Major components
- Income from continuing operations
- Gross margin
- Operating income
- Other income and expense
- Separately reported items
- Discontinued operations
- Extraordinary items
- Earnings per share
- Basic
- Diluted
5Earnings Quality Issues
- Income shifting
- One time gains and losses
- Operating versus non-operating income
- Specific topics
- Restructuring costsASC 420-10-20 or FAS 146,
when incurred - Transitory or routine
- Investment gains and losses
- Pro-forma reporting, reconciliation required
6Comprehensive Income
- Net income
- Other Comprehensive Income
- Unrealized gains losses on available for sale
securities - Translation gains and losses
- Deferred gains losses from derivatives
- Post retirement benefit plan adjustments
- (all net of tax)
7Comprehensive Income--Reporting
- Flexible
- Extension to the PL (p.194)
- Separate statement (p.195)
- Often in footnotes
8Balance Sheet Presentation
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
- Note that the accumulated net income is
included in Retained Earnings (Astro-Med Inc. p.
9Separately Reported Items
- Discontinued Operations
- Extraordinary Items
- Mandated Changes in Accounting Principles
10Reporting Format
- Income from continuing operations before income
taxes and extraordinary items - Income tax expense
- Income from continuing operations before
extraordinary items - Discontinued operations, net of tax
- Extraordinary items, net of tax
- Net Income
11Intraperiod Income Tax Allocation
- Associate tax on a pro-rata basis with continuing
operations and separately reported items
12Discontinued Operations
- What is an operation?
- Component of an entity
- Two key requirements
- Operations and cash flows will be eliminated
(generally this means separate internal
reporting), and - No further significant involvement
13Reporting Discontinued Operations
- Footnote disclosure, as appropriate
- Sale before the end of the reporting period
- Operating income and loss thru the disposal date
- Gain or loss on disposal (clearly presented)
- Held for sale (sale after the end of the
reporting period) - Operating income and loss thru the end of the
reporting period - Impairment loss (clearly presented)
- B/S assets valued at lower of BV or FV less cost
to sell - B/S assets reported separately
- Additional gain or loss on sale reported when sold
14Held for Sale Definition
- See ASC 360-10-45-9 or FAS 144
- Likely to be sold within a year
15Impairment on Held for Sale
- Selling price versus FV less cost to sell
- Footnote disclosure, as appropriate (p. 185)
16Extraordinary Items
- Unusual and infrequent
- Unusual or infrequent
- Separate item in operating income
- Footnote disclosure as appropriate
17Accounting Changes
- Change in accounting principle
- Change in estimate
- Change in reporting entity
- Correction of errors (not an accounting change)
18Change in Actg. Principle
- Footnote disclosure, as necessary
- Voluntary
- Retrospective apply historically
- Journal entry in current year, impacts R/E
- Mandated
- FASB may allow voluntary treatment
- Cumulative effect as Separately Reported Item
19Change in Estimate
- Prospective
- Footnote disclosure, if material
- Includes depreciation with mandated footnote
20Change in Entity
- Not comparative therefore, restate prior F/S
- Footnote disclosure, as appropriate
21Correction of Errors
- If not material, just correct
- If material
- Prior period adjustment and restatement of prior
financial statements - Adjust Retained earnings and Statement of R/E
22Earnings Per Share
- Basic
- Income to common shareholders / weighted average
of common shares outstanding - Diluted
- Adjusted income to common shareholders / weighted
average of total common share outstanding - Disclose for continuing operations, discontinued
operations and extraordinary items