Title: Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
1Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Gerry Lewis
- Manager Sprint Nextel Corp
- Co-founder of New Day Prison Ministry Church of
the Resurrection - Member of East Kansas Conference Committee on
Church Society - September 1, 2009
- glewis13_at_kc.rr.com
2Why Prison Ministry?
- "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all
the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in
heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered
before him, and he will separate the people one
from another as a shepherd separates the sheep
from the goats. He will put the sheep on his
right and the goats on his left. - Then the King will say to those on his right,
'Come, you who are blessed by my Father take
your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you
since the creation of the world. For I was hungry
and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty
and you gave me something to drink, I was a
stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes
and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked
after me, I was in prison and you came to visit
me.' - "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when
did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty
and give you something to drink? When did we see
you as stranger and invite you in, or needing
clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick
or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will
reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me. Matthew 253140 NVI
3Why Prison Ministry? (cont)
- Retired Bishop Richard B. Wilke, author of And
Are We Yet Alive and the Disciple Bible series
said - When did we as United Methodists decide that it
was ok only to just do 5 out of 6 tasks mentioned
by our Lord in this verse? We, as a Church,
should be performing all of these tasks on a
daily basis. - If prisons were countries, we would be
organizing missions to go there, daily. - Bishop Scott Jones said
- When we serve people, the big DUH is that the
served and the server are equally blessed.
4Why Prison Ministry? (cont)
- Remember those in prison as if you were their
fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as
if you yourselves were suffering. (Heb 133) - You know, its ridiculous that prisoners have
television sets and ball fields. They get three
squares a day, free education, and my tax dollars
pay for it all.it must be nice. - Well, if they didnt want to go to prison, they
should have lived a different lifestyle. - Sure they say theyve found Jesus, but do you
think theyve really changed? - How many times have you heard comments like these
when the subject of prisoners comes up? Many
people do not care or give prisoners a thought
beyond being glad that they are behind bars and
not on the street. Prison is a place to put
people and forget them. - However, inmates are not different from anyone
else. We have all sinned, and no person is the
sum total of the sins he or she has committed. - But the scripture declares that the whole world
is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised
through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to
those that believe. (Gal 322)
- Where else can you find a place that is filled
from top to bottom with people who know they have
done wrong and, in most cases, readily admit it? - Where else can you find so many people who are
genuinely sorry for what theyve done? - Where else can you find so many for whom the
façade of self sufficiency has been stripped
away? - Where else can you find so many hurting, lonely
people all collected together in one small space? - Where else can you enter a community where so
many of its members have been humbled? Not
humble, but have been humbled? - Prison is often a hopeless, dark, restless,
frightening place. Jesus Christ is the only one
that can bring hope to the hopeless, light that
chases away the darkness, peace that surpasses
all understanding, and can take away our fear of
the physical world. No wonder the gospel thrives
6What the Inmate Say
- I am a graduate of the Alpha Program at USP
Leavenworth, and what a delightful and uplifting
experience it was. I thank God for Alpha and
especially the people that conduct it. The
people that brought Alpha to Leavenworth were so
caring and loving that they were definitely sent
from God. My prayer is that everyone in prison
gets the chance to attend Alpha. May God bless
the Alpha Ministry. Bobby S - Alpha has been a very helpful tool for me to
learn about the principles of the teachings of
Jesus and the Gospel. I have been able to talk
to other Christians in a more open setting from
different backgrounds and environments, and also
the volunteers from the streets, and gotten some
different ideas and interpretations of what some
things mean. It has been a great learning
experience and I am very excited to be taking the
Leadership Course and Alpha Leader Training.
Now, I hope to be able to mature in my walk and
help others to pray and do the same. Shane Y. - My observation on Alpha is that it presents
Christianity in a very appealing way. The
volunteers are second to none. The relationships
the inmates build with the volunteers help change
the inmates into loving men of integrity.
Chaplain Richard Hughes USP _at_ Leavenworth
7New Day Prison Ministry Story
- Started on April 4, 2005 with 3 people.
- Today
- 38 people serving
- Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Christmas Program
- Alpha Prison Ministry - USP Leavenworth
- Shared program with Christ Church Overland
Park, KS - Alpha Prison Ministry DOC Maximum Facility
Lansing, KS - Alpha Prison Ministry DOC Minimum Facility
Lansing, KS - Brothers in Blue DOC Maximum Minimum Security
Facilities Lansing, KS - In association with UMM of the East Kansas
Conference - Gracious Promise Feed the Need Program
Johnson County Correctional Institute Gardner,
Olathe - Prison Fellowship Mentoring - UPS Leavenworth
- Prison Fellowship Mentoring DOC Lansing, KS
- Arts in Prison Program East Hill Singers Concert
8Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- The Alpha in Prison
- The Alpha course is a practical introduction to
the Christian faith. It addresses the
foundational questions of Christianity while
providing participants with an opportunity to
explore the meaning of life. - Why Alpha in Prison
- To give every person in prison an opportunity to
attend an Alpha course. - To reduce the recidivism rate.
- To link prisoners who have completed Alpha with a
nurturing church prior to their release. - Contact Gerry Lewis 913.219.3733 or
9Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Brothers in Blue Prison Ministry
- Participate in a three day spiritual weekend at
the Lansing Correctional Facility in Lansing, KS. - It is a spiritual retreat centered around the
meaning of Christianity comprised of fifteen
talks by lay and clergy on the themes of God's
grace, obedience of Christian discipleship, and
what it means to be a devoted Christian. - The weekend is wrapped in prayer and meditation,
special times of worship and daily celebration of
Holy Communion. The Brothers-in-Blue volunteers
support the weekend experience though prayer,
leading group discussions, giving talks and
demonstrating acts of love and self-giving with
the inmate participants. - The retreat begins on Friday at noon and
concludes Sunday afternoon. Opportunities are
available in the spring and fall of each year. - No security or special training required.
- Contact Gerry Lewis 913.219.3733 or
10Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Arts in Prison
- Creative Writing In creative writing classes,
inmates discuss and are given feedback about
their own fiction, nonfiction, poetry and other
forms of writing. A selection of inmate writings
is published quarterly in our newsletter. The
writings are also put on display at each concert. - Drama Through storytelling and analyzing
performance texts, participants learn to work
together to create dramatic performance. - Gardening Inmates in our gardening program work
with landscaping and learn other horticultural
skills. - Guitar From jazz to rock to classical styles of
music, participants in the guitar class expand
their musical skills. - Painting and Drawing From watercolors to
portraiture, inmates of all skill levels come
together to learn about and practice the
technical and creative aspects of making art. - Contact Nancy Meis 913-579-8122 or
11Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Gracious Promise
- Case Management We work closely with clients to
meet needs through our organization or by
providing referral services to other
organizations that can offerhope. - Food Pantry Clothing Rooms Clients who come
for an appointment are able to receive food and
clothing that have been donated to our
organization through the generosity of other
groups and individuals. - Youth Programs By partnering with other
organizations, youth participate in
after-schooland summer programs in our facility
in areas such as tutoring, art and music
instructional classes, etc. - Adopt-A-Family Annual Christmas Program to
provide a complete Christmas to families whohave
a parent incarcerated. - Counseling Services We offer individual and
family counseling for clients in a variety of
12Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Gracious Promise (cont.)
- Community Service opportunities for both youth
and adults. - Mentoring For clients that are interested and
truly desiring change in their lives, Operation
Andrew is a Christian mentorship program that
matches people from the community with inmates
and their families to provide additional support
on an on-going basis. - Employment Office Focusing on job placement with
job training as needed for families of the
incarcerated as well as returning family members
following an incarceration experience,
expansion of transportation assistance. - In Prison/Jail Ministry Volunteers provide
several programs on a weekly basis within the
Federal Jail, State Prison and Local Jails. - Dream Loud The Dream Loud Art Club is a year
round program designed to equip children to reach
their dreams in the future. A group of volunteers
from the community train children in techniques
and creative exercises. - Contact Shirley Miller at 913-342-1707 or
13Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Prison Fellowship
- Volunteers Needed
- AFTERCARE Mature Christian men and women to
mentor ex-offenders transitioning back into
society. Training available. - ANGEL TREE CHURCHES NEEDED!!!!! Every year in
Kansas approximately 5000 children are separated
from their parent(s) due to incarceration of the
parent. Won't you be the heart and arms of Christ
to some of these kids this year? - TEACHERS MENTORS Instructors and support roles
for in-prison Seminars and Bible Studies.
Periodic and ongoing needs. Training provided. - Prayers
- CHURCH HOMES For churches and volunteers to
warmly welcome ex-offenders and their families
into their church family. - AFTERCARE For God's guidance in the development
of effective aftercare initiatives and
partnerships throughout the state. Pray for
effective housing, jobs, mentors, and churches
for the men and women seeking to rebuild their
lives. - ANGEL TREE Pray for churches to rise to the
challenge of year-round ministry! Pray for God to
minister to the parents and children through the
efforts of the local churches and this program. - DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pray for Chaplains and
D.O.C. employees and officials all over the
state. Pray for effective relationships with the
14Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry
- Life Connection Program USP at Leavenworth
- The Life Connections Program (LCP) is a
residential multi-faith-based program designed
for inmates who believe the deepening of their
spiritual life and the integration of their faith
with other dimensions of their life can be a
major factor for personal growth and can help
them reintegrate into the community. The program
strives to contribute to an inmate's personal
transformation and to reduce recidivism. Some of
the components of the program are specific to one
religion, others are interfaith in nature. The
program relies heavily on community resources and
volunteers to run a variety of sessions and
personal growth seminars. As part of the program,
inmates are connected with spiritual mentors at
the institution and within a faith community at
their release destination - Contact Ron Smith at alpha08_at_kc.rr.com
15Where Should We Start?
- Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Program
- Gracious Promise - Food Pantry Clothing Rooms
- Gracious Promise Grandmas House
- Life Connection Program Mentoring USP _at_
Leavenworth - Arts in Prison Programs
- Prison Fellowship Aftercare and Bible Study
16Opportunity to Serve in Prison Ministry