Title: Emerging Technologies
1Emerging Technologies Handheld Devices Beam
- Mid-Atlantic Handheld Conference MAHC 2006
2- Technology does not necessarily improve
education. Take a simple innovation like the
pencil One can use it to write a superlative
essay, to drum away the time, or to poke out
someones eye.
Shirley Veenema Howard Garner
- Research
- Wikis
- Web Resources
- Blogs
- Sharing of resources Beam Party
- Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
- Best Practices
- Complex Thinking Skills
4We Remember.
Glasser, 1990
- Using computers to teach low order thinking
skills, such as drill and practice, had a
negative impact on academic achievement, while
using computers to solve simulations saw
students math scores increase. - Wenglinsky, H. (1998). Does it compute? The
relationship between educational technology and
student achievement in mathematics. Princeton,
NJ. ETS Policy Information Center.
- Supporting a diversity of learning styles
recognizes that students think and learn in many
different ways and offers opportunities for
learners of all ability levels to excel. - Gardner, H. (1985). Frames of mind the theory of
multiple intelligences. New York Basic Books.
- Representing similarities and differences in
graphic or symbolic form enhances students
understanding of and ability to use knowledge. - Marzano, Robert J., Pickering, Debra J., Pollock,
Jane E., (2001) Classroom instruction that works
research-based strategies for increasing student
- GoKnow Research
- 3rd grade
- Math facts
- Handheld group scored between 7-11 better
- GoKnow Research
- 7th grade science
- Used HLE
- Between 2-13 better
10Wiki Tools
- A wiki is a type of website that allows users to
easily add, remove, or otherwise edit all
content, very quickly and easily, sometimes
without the need for registration. This ease of
interaction and operation makes a wiki an
effective tool for collaborative writing. The
term Wiki can also refer to the collaborative
software itself (wiki engine) that facilitates
the operation of such a website (see wiki
software). - Wikipedia at www.wikipedia.org
- Wikispaces at www.wikispaces.com
- PB Wiki at www.pbwiki.com
- Seed Wiki at www.seedwiki.com
- Classroom wikis
- http//huffenglish.pbwiki.com/
- http//ferret.bemidjistate.edu/morgan/cgi-bin/blo
gsandwiki.pl?Entry_Point - www.ahistoryteacher.com/holocaust/tiki-index.php
- holocaust wiki - www.mpressiv.com/wiki/index.php/Chemistry/ChemMain
- chemistry wiki - http//westwood.wikispaces.com/
- http//bjordan.wikispaces.com/
- http//kyliandpalmer.wikispaces.com/
- www.wikispaces.com/site/for/teachers - create
your own
Differentiated Instruction
15www.viewdo.com library of downloadable
instructional videos
17Cooking with Google
- Free ebook catalog -www.mslit.com/default.asp?mjr
FRE - Free Microsoft Reader - www.microsoft.com/reader/d
ownloads/ppc.asp - Free ebooks - www.ereader.com/feature/book/categor
y/149 - Ebooks library - http//etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebo
oks/ - PocketPC Press - http//www.pocketpcpress.com/
- AximSite http//ebooks.aximsite.com
29Handheld Friendly Websites
- www.seaford.k12.de.us/it/pda/pocketportal/hh.htm
- www.pocketpcmag.com/mobile/mobile.asp
- www.240px.com/
30Web Resources
- http//kathyschrock.net/power/ - by Kathy Schrock
- www.pocketpcmag.com/ - PocketPC Magazine
- www.alk.com/copilot/ - GPS
- www.slingmedia.com/us/slingbox/slingplayermobile.p
hp - SlingPlayer Mobile - www.schtickers.com/ - Podschtickers
31Free PocketPC Dictionaries
- PocketDict http//cellosoft.com/software/pocketp
c.php - WordNetCe www.ebswift.com/pocketpc/wordnet
- BDicty www.beiks.com/pocketpc
- Mobile.Answers.com http//mobile.answers.com
338 Shifts of Interactive Learning
- From linear to hypermedia learning
- From instruction to construction and discovery
- From teacher-centered to learner centered
education - From absorbing material to learning how to
navigate and how to learn - From school to life-long learning
- From one-size-fits-all to customized learning
- From learning as a torture to learning as fun
- From the teacher as transmitter to the teacher as
facilitator and coach
Tapscott, Don. Growing Up Digital The Rise of
the Net Generation. New York McGraw-Hill. 1998.
34(No Transcript)
- Implementing Blogging in the classroom
- Think about..Your standards
- Think about..Higher-Level strategies
- Think about..making it authentic
- Think about..Access issues
- Think about..Blogetiquette
- Monitor postings
- Set expectations
- Anonymous names (teacher keeps a list)
- Time lines for postings
- No personal information
- Use password protected blogs
- How to use blogs?
- Computer lab
- Outside of class assignment (access concerns)
- Few Computer classroom
- Laptops
- Handhelds
- Media center
- When to use blogs?
- Morning arrival
- Daily/weekly schedule
- Cooperative groups
- Creative scheduling
- Outside of class
- Podcasting posting audio files
- Photo Blogs
- VBlogs
- Blogging is still in its early days. Its
analogous to where the Web was in 1995. Its not
clear how it will turn out. Kevin Werbach,
Wharton Legal Studies Professor
- Current Events- www.mpressiv.com/clhs_blogs/bio_bl
og1.htm - Classroom Website- www.clhs-chawks.org/courses/com
app_web/ - Literature Discussion- http//weblogs.hcrhs.k12.nj
.us/secretlifeofbees/ - Seaford Blogging Links - www.seaford.k12.de.us/it/
- Classroom blog
- www.huffenglish.com/class/
- www.mpressiv.com/clhs_blogs/bio_blog1.htm -
current events - www.clhs-chawks.org/courses/comapp_web/ -
classroom website - http//weblogs.hcrhs.k12.nj.us/secretlifeofbees/
- literature discussion - www.westblatchblogs.org
44Blog Sites
- www.journalscape.com
- www.journalscape.com/fish (group name mahc2006,
password mahc2006) - www.bloglines.com
- www.blogger.com
- http//wordpress.org
- www.typepad.com
- www.seaford.k12.de.us/it/blogging.htm
45Beam Party!
46Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
- Lev Vygotskys Social Development Theory
- Vygotsky (1978) maintained the child follows the
adult's example and gradually develops the
ability to do certain tasks without help or
assistance. He called the difference between what
a child can do with help and what he or she can
do without guidance the "zone of proximal
development" (ZPD).
47Excerpted from R.G. Tharp and R. Gallimore
(1988). Rousing minds to life (p.35).Reprinted
with the permission of Cambridge University
48ZPD - Scaffolding
- Scaffolding is an instructional technique whereby
the teacher models the desired learning strategy
or task, then gradually shifts responsibility to
the students. - Scaffolding supports ZPD as learning tools,
people, and resources
49Tools to serves asScaffolding
- Handhelds
- Research (searching)
- Web page evaluation
- PowerPoint
- Multi-media ethics
- Visual Literacy
- 21st Century Technology
- Publishing
- Feedback
- Graphic organizers
- Talking about thinking
- Reflection
- Differentiated Instruction
- Modeling
- Guided practice
- Its temporary
- Negative scaffolding
- Safe environment
- People (classmates, parents, teachers, ETC)
- Subtle hints
- Prompts
- Nudging
- Electronic resources
- Vocabulary
- Index cards
- Multiple Intelligences
- Choice
- Multiple assessments
- Student readiness
Curricular concept
Scaffolding tools
Handheld activity
51Principles of Good Practice
52Principles of Good Practice
- Good Practice 1 - encourages frequent contact
between students and teacher - Increases motivation and involvement
- Show a genuine interest in the students (show you
care) - Model appropriate behaviors and skills (practice
what you preach) - Build relationships
- Find learner interests
53Principles of Good Practice
- Good Practice 2 - develops reciprocity
cooperation among students - Learning is enhanced in team efforts
- Good work is collaborative and social, not
isolated and competitive (model) - Sharing ones ideas and responding to others
improves thinking and deepens understanding - Increases communication and social skills
- No one and done!
54Principles of Good Practice
- Good Practice 3 - uses active learning
techniques - Learning isnt a spectator sport
- Students must talk, reflect, relate and apply
learning experiences - They must make what they learn part of themselves
- Authentic learning experiences
- Multiple intelligences
55Principles of Good Practice
- Good Practice 4 - gives prompt feedback
- Knowing what you know and dont know focuses your
learning - Students need frequent opportunities to perform
and receive feedback - Students need chances to reflect what they have
learned, what they still need to learn, and how
to assess themselves
56Principles of Good Practice
- Good Practice 5 - communicates high expectations
- Expect more and you will get it
57Principles of Good Practice
- Good Practice 6 - respects diverse talents and
ways of learning - Many roads lead to learning
- Students need opportunities to show their talents
and learn ways that work for them - Differentiated instruction
Chickering, Arthur C. and Stephen C. Ehrmann.
Implementing the Seven Principles Technology as
a Lever. AAHE Bulletin
58Complex Thinking Skills
59Complex Thinking Skills
- Creative Problem Solving
- Identify the goal or obstacle
- Brainstorm alternative ways to solve problem
(invent new ideas or extend known patterns to new
situations) - Choose an alternative
- Try out alternative
- Evaluate results
60Complex Thinking Skills
- Creative Problem Solving
- Castaway clip
61Complex Thinking Skills
- Reflective Thinking
- Identify thinking strategies
- Assess strengths and weaknesses of strategies
applied to various situations - Select strategies most likely to be helpful in
accomplishing purpose - Assess results
62Complex Thinking Skills
- Reflective Thinking
- Princess clip
63Complex Thinking Skills
- Reasoning
- Inductive inference predict a likely conclusion
by using important unstated facts or observations - Deductive inference predict a likely conclusion
by using important principles/generalizations
64Complex Thinking Skills
65Complex Thinking Skills
- Decision Making
- Prioritize outcomes
- Identify alternative actions
- Make decision (choose alternative action based on
established criteria) - Carry out decision
- Evaluate decision
66Complex Thinking Skills
- Decision Making
- Men in Black
- http//mahc.wikispaces.com
68www.seaford.k12.de.us/mahc tfishburn_at_seaford.k12.d