Title: Ocean Currents 101:
1Ocean Currents 101
The Ugly
2The Power of Ocean Currents
- Impacts Earths Weather Systems
- Vital to Maintaining Life on Earth!
3A review of the terminology
- High/Low Latitude
- Convection cell
- Albedo
- Coriolis Effect
- Pycnocline/Density
4A review of the terminology
- High/Low Latitude
- Convection cell
- Albedo
- Coriolis Effect
- Pycnocline/Density
5A review of the terminology
- High/Low Latitude
- Convection cell
- Albedo
- Coriolis Effect
- Pycnocline/Density
6A review of the terminology
- High/Low Latitude
- Convection cell
- Albedo
- Coriolis Effect
- Pycnocline/Density
7Extreme Albedo
- If Earth was covered in ice
- 84
- If Earth was completely covered by a dark green
forest canopy - 14
- A drop of as little as 1
- warming influence on climate
- roughly equal to the effect of doubling the
amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
8BUTis Earths Albedo Changing?
YouTube - Amount of Arctic Sea Ice is Dropping
Each Decade (2008.09.17)
Remember for later An indication of warming
surface waters and fresh-water input.
9A review of the terminology
- High/Low Latitude
- Convection cell
- Albedo
- Coriolis Effect
- Pycnocline/Density
10Earths Big Picturewe live on a spinning planet
- Coriolis Effect changes the intended path of all
moving bodies - Affects both atmospheric and oceanic circulation
11The Coriolis EffectWhat is it?
- Caused by Earths rotation toward the east and
its decrease in velocity with increasing latitude - Motions are deflected to the right in northern
hemisphere and left in southern hemisphere
12A review of the terminology
- High/Low Latitude
- Convection cell
- Albedo
- Coriolis Effect
- Pycnocline/Density
13T (Thermocline) H (Halocline) P (Pycnocline)
Low Latitudes
14Lets begin
- Ocean Circulation
- Consists of
- Wind-driven Surface Currents
- Density-driven Deep Currents
15Wind-driven Surface Currents
- Atmospheric Winds
- Created from uneven solar heating
- Earths Albedo
- Latitude
16Variations in Solar Absorption/Reflection Create
Convection Cells
- Atmospheric Low (L) occurs when warm, moist air
(less dense) rises - Atmospheric High (H) occurs when cool, dry air
(more dense) sinks
17Creates Earths Major Surface Winds
- Tradewinds
- Low Latitudes
- Westerlies
- Mid Latitudes
- Polar Easterlies
- High Latitudes
- The Coriolis Effect gives it a twist to the
right in the northern hemisphere and a twist to
the left in the southern hemisphere
18Example of Important Surface Current Created by
- Trade Winds form the Equatorial Currents
- Travel westward until they reach the western
portion of ocean basin (hit land)
This image shows cold water (purple) upwelling
near the coast of Peru and joining the South
Equatorial Current, which flows westward across
the Pacific Ocean
19Western Intensification and El Niño
The Power of the Ocean Impacts Earths Weather
A similar Western Intensification occurs in the
Atlantic Ocean
20(No Transcript)
212009 Hurricane Season
- More in the Pacific
- Note Atlantic Pattern
22Jet Stream Saturday, January 9, 2010
23Surface Currents Combine to create another
remarkable system
- Westward-moving Equatorial Current
- Hitting land and Coriolis Effect results in the
Western Boundary Currents - e.g., the Gulf Stream and Brazil Current in the
Atlantic ocean
24And then
- Prevailing Westerlies (Mid latitude) form
Eastward Surface Currents that are, again,
deflected off the continents creating the Eastern
Boundary Currents
25Together They Form an Ocean Gyre
- Combination of the Equatorial, Western Boundary,
Prevailing Westerlies and Eastern Boundary
Currents create a circular flow called a Gyre
Click here Synthetic Sea - Plastic in the open
27(No Transcript)
28Density-driven Deep Currents
Low Latitude
29Average Ocean Depths
Atlantic 3500 m
Indian 3900 m
Pacific 4300 m
Changing ocean depths influence the direction of
30NowLets Connect the Oceans Surface Currents to
its Deep Currentsvia Downwelling and Upwelling
31T H P
Remember our Pycnocline at Low Latitudes?
Low Latitude
32How does it look in the Higher Latitudes?
33High Latitudes Important Areas of Ocean
35Remember this?
36Putting it all togetherThe Conveyor Belt
- A current that connects the Oceans Surface
Waters to Deep waters via Upwelling and
Downwelling - Also called Thermohaline Circulation
37Putting it all togetherThe Conveyor Belt
- Mixes waters within and throughout all oceans
- Oxygen flows down
- Nutrients flow up
38Putting it all togetherThe Conveyor Belt
- Its demise can result in global devastation!!
The Power of the Ocean Vital to Maintaining
Life on Earth!!
39Putting it all togetherThe Conveyor Belt
- Due to
- Less-dense surface waters in High Latitudes
- Less-salty
- Warmer
40Putting it all togetherThe Conveyor Belt
- Due to
- Less-dense surface waters
- Less-salty
- Warmer
41YouTube - GLOBAL WARNING - The Great Ocean
Conveyor and Potential Mass Extinctions
42- Vast majority of land was desert interior
- Increased volcanic activity
- Increased CO2 production
- Increased ocean acidification
43The Power of Ocean Currents