Title: Roundtable 101
1Roundtable 101
- Roundtable Intro
- Definition, Mandate, Membership
- History of Action Strategy Roundtable
- Successes Shortcomings
- How the Roundtable Works
- Roundtable Tools
- RT Working Group
- Hosting the RT
- Goals for RT 9
- Questions encouraged
2What is the Roundtable
- Voluntary coalition and partnership
- Mechanism to coordinate conservation action
- Focused on the Action Strategy for Nature
Conservation 2003 - 2007
3Updated RT Member Criteria(from Cook Is
Conference, 2002)
- RT members represent intl, regl natl
organisations implementing, funding or
coordinating - more than one objective of the Action Strategy
- in two or more countries
- And
- actively participating in previous RTs and in the
conference - interested/prepared to take a role in a working
group on an issue of regional significance
4RT Membership to date
- Regional international NGOs
- Regional international inter-governmental
agencies - Public private donors
- National agencies leading or coordinating
multi-country efforts or working on issues of
regional significance.
5RT Participation Retention
- Not just about numbers but
- 23-24 Organizations attend each RT
- ca 20 Organizations Return at each RT
- gt25 Organizations provided input to the original
RT Inventory - High individual turnover (need more continuity)
6History of Action Strategy RT
- Action Strategy Evolution Since 1985
- from wish list to key actions to specific
TARGETS! - input from community, natl, regl, intl groups
- shared responsibility for implementation
- planning tool for govts, NGOs donors
- Complements SPREP Action Plan
- 1997 Pohnpei Conference calls for RT of regl
intl organizations - 2002 Cook Is Conference renews RT mandate calls
for broader participation
7At this Roundtable
- 20 organisations have returned
- 6 new organisations
- 10 countries represented
8Updated Roundtable Mandate(from 2002 Cook Is
Conference Resolution)
- Increase Effective Conservation Action in the
Pacific Islands by - Coordination and collaboration among natl, regl
and intl organizations - Identifying critical gaps in the AS and develop
new conservation activities - Strengthening linkages with
- Countries via NBSAP or similar process to promote
AS - CROP agencies for multi-sectoral mainstreaming
- Regional and national NGOs
- Report to the 8th Pacific Islands Conference
(2007) on implementation of AS - Mandate from local, natl, regl intl
9Action Strategy ProcessInput and ownership
- Action Strategy
- 1998 2002 è
- 2007 Conference
- SPREP Meeting 03
- AS endorsed by PICs ç
- 7th Conference (Cook Is)
- ê
- Action Strategy Drafting Committee
- ê
- Regl Natl Reviewers
- ê
- Pacific Is Roundtable 7
- AS Endorsed by Regl Orgs
10Successes Shortcomings (from AS RT Review,
- Unifies the Pacific Islands Region
- Clear, simple document
- Provides justification for funding
- Makes us look good
- Result of consultative process
- Friendly, informal group that promotes sharing,
collaboration cooperation - Voluntary relies on member commitment
- Developed important useful tools for AS
11RT Shortcomings (from AS RT Review, 2002)
- Natl govts local NGOs do not feel ownership
of AS - RT is in danger of becoming a golf club
- Governments local/Pacific NGOs do not sit at
the RT - RT tools not as effective as they could have been
(esp monitoring matrix working groups) - Excitement wanes once members return home.
Volunteerism is a double-edged sword.
AS shortcomings were addressed in the revision
12Goals of RT 9
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Develop the framework for monitoring the
Action Strategy - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Work on Roundtable tools
- o      Strengthen working groups with charters,
focused chairs, members and outcomes in relation
to the Action Strategy - o      Introduce and update inventory and the
Pacific Protected Areas Database - o      Start preparations for 8th Conference
13Goals of RT9
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Identify strategies to engage donors and
the private sector in the Action Strategy. - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Facilitate active national participation
on the Roundtable and improve understanding of
national priorities - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Integrate NBSAP coordinators into the
Roundtable process.
14How The Roundtable Works
- Roundtable Principles Lessons Learned
- Roundtable Method
- 5 Roundtable Tools
15Roundtable is evolving
- National representatives now Roundtable members
- Three day meeting of the NBSAP Working Group of
the RT. - Full day meeting time available for working
groups to meet eg. Invasives
16RT Principles for Success
- Knowledgeable, committed members with authority
to represent their organisation - Totally voluntary
- Agenda focused on ACTION (not debate or theory)
- Respect for different priorities and positions
- Build trust cooperation
17Lessons Learned
- Focus on implementing the Action Strategy
(opportunity to revise AS later) - Be specific -- WHO, WHAT, WHEN in volunteer tasks
- Effective RT working groups (WG) need a committed
chair and clear charter - Avoid chairing more than one WG
- Continuity of membership is very important
18The Roundtable Method(The Experiment
- Get Started -- facilitator, recorder, time
- Get Grounded -- review Inventory of Activities
share new info - Get Analytical -- ID priorities for action
- Get Action Oriented -- Volunteer for specific
tasks - Get Finished Report Back to Plenary
19Roundtable Tools
- Action Strategy, 2003-2007
- Inventory of Activities (new improved!)
- Monitoring and evaluation (Wed morning)
- Volunteer Tasks
- Working Groups
- Pacific Protected Areas Database
- RT Meeting Reports for more info
20Action Strategy, 2003-2007
- Mission
- 30 year goals for Environment, Economy Society
- Focus on mainstreaming across sectors
- 5-year objectives (18) with specific targets (77)
- Implementation shared by local, natl, regl
intl groups
21Inventory of Activities, 2004
- Identifies gaps in activity
- Online record also can be exported as excel
file - Inventory is ordered at the target level
- Input updates needed from all RT members!
- Will move to PBIF this year
22Monitoring and Evaluation
- Consultant starts just before RT9
- Will evaluate outcome of AS
- Revise targets of AS
- Wide consultation
- Opportunity to input at each RT
- Final report to 8th PI Conference
23Volunteer Tasks
- Specific -- WHO, WHAT, WHEN
- Can be achieved in reasonable time (e.g. one
year) - Volunteered by RT member present at meeting
- Ideally initiated by next RT
24Working Groups(active as of June 2004)
- Roundtable Management Group
- PI Biodiversity Planning
- NBSAP/National
- Sustainable Conservation Action
- Communications
- Invasives
- Threatened species and ecosystems
- Bird conservation (NEW)
- Conservation Leadership and Training
- Communities (NEW)
- Coasts and Oceans (NEW)
Charters available
25RT Management Group
- Defacto Organizing Committee
- Plan RT Agenda
- Continuity between RTs
- Maintain momentum follow-up w/ WGs
- Support AS Coordinator
- Monitoring RT AS indicators (with consultant)
26What does it take to be a RTMG Member?
- Individual organization commitment
- Continuity until next Pacific Is Conference
- Pay own way (if at all possible)
- Signed on to Action Strategy (highly desirable)
27Who is on the RTWG?
- Essential Roles
- Chair
- AS Adviser
- Facilitator
- Previous Host
- Next Host
- Working Group Chairs
- Current Members
- Taholo Kami, WCC
- Kate Brown, SPREP
- Lionel Gibson, FSPI
- Audrey Newman, TNC
- Kesaia Tabunakawai, WWF
- Liz Dovey, SPREP
- Frank Wickham, SPREP
- Randy Thaman, USP
- Kate Lee, NZAID
- Hugh Govan, FSPI
- Gai Kula, CI
- Peter Thomas, TNC
- Mark Fornwall, PBIF
28RTMG Meetings Membership Open or Closed?
- Open at RT meetings
- meets before after RT
- Meetings conference calls between RTs closed
- Host MG Chair have discretion on conference
calls - MG Chair can close membership to keep group
effective (8-10) - Rotate and recruit members at each PI Conference
29Next Roundtable meetings
- July 2006, Hosted by FSPI in Fiji
- 8th PI Conference for Nature Conservation PNG
in July 2007 - RTMG Meeting January 2007 - PNG
30Pacific Island Roundtable
Effective Conservation Action