Title: Response to Intervention
1Response to Intervention
2Coming Attractions
- A Quick Review
- Starring The Classroom teacher
- This feature is rated QAB for
- Quick as a Bunny.
- The stars review RTI procedures and
- about Tier 1 2 interventions in detail.
3Back to Basics
Always begin with universal screening
Be sure to place struggling students in Tier 1
Carefully document interventions
- results of universal screening
- at-risk students identified
- progress toward meeting grade-level performance
goals - (monitor progress set new short term goals)
5Tier 1? Tier 2?
- within the regular reading/math time
- small group intervention by classroom teacher
- outside the regular reading/math time
- flexible small group intervention by classroom
teacher or specialist - 30 minutes at least 3 times per week
6Tier Forms
Tier Summary Form
7Where are the forms?
8Where are the forms?
9Coming Attractions
- Strategies
- Starring The Classroom teacher
- This feature is rated LSI for
- Lesson Strategies for Intervention
10ELA Reading StrategyActivate Connect BGK
- Students need to
understand - what it means to make a connection with the
text - their personal experience is important to
understanding what they read and learn - learn to listen to their inner voice to make
sense of text
11Monitor Comprehension
- Monitor your inner voice to focus your thinking
- Make thinking visible
- Show how a connection aids understanding
12Express your Thinking
- Connect Engage Students
- have students look at the cover for a moment
and think not say or talk aloud- about what is
happening - then have them turn and talk about what their
inner voice was saying to them about the cover - When it comes to meaningful instruction, it is
never really about stuff its about thinking and
talking and learning. - -Tanny McGregor, Comprehension Connections
13Reading is Thinking
14 Monitor your inner voice
- I am talking to the book, having a conversation
with the pictures and words
15Model Text to Self Connection
- as I read the text, or hear the words, my inner
voice hears the words that reminds me of
that signals that I am making a connection, and
that connection helps me better understand what
I am reading.
16Its the Thought that Counts
- The purpose of making connections is to get a
better understanding of the story, not just to
have a connection. - Use Thinksheets
17Constructing Meaning
- Text-to-Self Connection
- Text-to-Text Connection
Text Thinking Real Reading
18Tier Math Resources
Materials for Tier 2 should be DIFFERENT than
those used with students for Tier 1
- Suggested Resources
- Roads to Reasoning
- Nimble with Numbers
- AIM 3, 4, 5
- Suggestions Strategies
- Cooperative Learning
- Graphic Organizers
19Tier 2 Math Strategies
Research-based strategies
Nonlinguistic Representations
Cooperative Learning
20Cooperative Learning
- Positive Interdependence
- Individual Accountability
- Equal Participation
- Simultaneous Interaction
21Inside Outside Circle
- Have class stand in concentric circles.
- Teacher stands in the middle and asks a question
for the inside circle-they respond to their
partner in the outside circle. - Repeat process for outside circle.
- Rotate
22Individual Accountability
- Each person must be responsible for his part in
the structure - Assess individual effort
- No group grades
- Eliminates the free-rider and the workhorse
student roles
23Find Someone Who
- Students look for someone who can answer a
question - Students share information
- Students check for agreement
- Students move to a new partner
24Numbered Heads Together
- Group students.
- Pose a question.
- Students work to answer the questionmaking sure
that all group members know the answer. - Teacher calls on a student at random to answer
for the group.
25Numbered Heads Examples
Spring City Elementary school has 253 girls, 348
boys, and 30 teachers. How many children attend
Spring City Elementary School?
- Students move their bodies to reinforce a
concept/content information - For example human bar graphs, shapes, frequency,
27Formations Example
- Take a piece of blank paper with you
- Form a line by birth day from January 1 to
December 31 at the far right. - Now make lines according to the months.
- Place your paper on the floor where you are
standing. - Stand back and look at your graph.
28Talking Chips
- Students are given a token
- Each student places a token in the center when
they wish to speak - All the tokens must be placed in the center
before a student may contribute again. - Many variations of talking chips exist.
29Pairs Check
- Partners work on a worksheet, one student working
the problem while the other checks the
process/answer. Switch roles. - Once the problem has been checked circle the
check mark. - Partners meet with another duo to check answers.
30Pairs Check Variation
- Partners are assigned
- roles of Gopher and
- reader/writer
- 1. Gopher gets problem
- and sticky note
- 2. Reader/Writer reads
- 3. Partners solve
- compare answers
- 4. Reader/writer writes common answer and they
exchanges roles
31Making Connections
- NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., Aug. 7-
- An eight pound boy, her twenty-eight child, was
born today to Mrs. Philip E. Webster is 44 years
old and was married when she was 16. Of her
children there were three pairs of twins and two
sets of triplets. Each of the twenty-eight are
still alive. - How many months of married life was she NOT
pregnant? - Actual newspaper story from New York, 1919
32Nonlinguistic Representations
- Graphic representations Pictures
- Physical models
- Kinesthetic activities
33Graphic Representations and Pictures
- Students needs to represent their work with
manipulatives with pictures and graphical
representations. - Tricycles have 3 wheels. Show how many are on 3
34Physical Models
- Manipulatives can be used to build physical
models - Use color tiles to build all of the possible
arrangements of 12 rectangular tiles
Can you build more?
One array
35Other non-linguistic strategies
- Frame a question
- I Spy Foldable
- Info Ball Game
- Stepping Stones
- Go-Together Puzzles
36How is RTI Different?
- Intervention always begins in the general
education classroom
37Coming Attractions
- Strategies, the Sequel
- Starring The Classroom teacher
- This feature is rated FSI for
- Finally Something Interesting.
- The final strategies will be discussed
- February 20.