Title: Katelyn Keese
1Katelyn Keese
Success in High School Sports
2Team Captain Katelyn Keese
Katelyn Keese was the type of student and team
player that teachers and coaches recognize
immediately. She was always energetic on the
field or court and exuded confidence even while
she was learning. Katelyn Keese was a
natural leader and was made captain of her
varsity soccer, lacrosse and basketball teams. It
takes a certain kind of person to be able to
handle the responsibility of being captain, and
Katelyn Keese was always comfortable in that role.
3Volunteer for Youth Basketball Katelyn Keese
During the winter months, Katelyn Keese was
looking for volunteer opportunities with youth.
She found some basketball clinics going on at a
local school and was able to
volunteer her time once again.
Katelyn Keese was assigned the
young women and worked
wonders with them. By the
end of the session, the players
wanted Katelyn Keese to personally
train them for their upcoming
season. She knew it would be a
fulfilling experience but did not
expect it to be so amazing.
4High School Scholar Katelyn Keese
Graduate of Poolesville High School, Katelyn
Keese had a wonderful experience filled with
opportunities and success. She was a member of
the Global Ecologies Studies Program, the
National Honors Society and class secretary for
two years. These programs and responsibilities
kept Katelyn Keese busy and focused on her
future. With college around the corner, she
wanted her application to stand out and knew that
Her Involvement would benefit her. Katelyn Keese
was fortunate to realize this so young.
5Contact Katelyn Keese
Address 17914 Hickman Street Poolesville MD
20837 Phone Number 240-994-9780