Title: Marion Verner of Florida – Inspiring Students to Learn
1Marion Verner of Florida Inspiring Students to
2Marion Verner of Florida is an elementary school
teacher, and has been teaching for approximately
10 years. In addition to teaching social
science, she has also played an active role in
drama and theatre. Every year, she is involved
in the staging of a play in front of the entire
school and parents. Marion is integrally
involved in the selecting of a play, selecting
students for the parts, and then rehearsing with
them for almost 2 months.
3She enjoys this aspect of her teaching job as she
believes it allows her an opportunity to delve
into something other than teaching. In her free
time, Marion Verner of Florida likes to knit,
crochet, and go to the movies. She is happily
married to an architect, and has two children
with him. The elder one is a girl and the
younger child is a boy. Marion enjoys taking
part in a variety of childrens activities with
her kids, but her favorite is pumpkin picking
around Halloween.
4Marions own family, including her two brothers
and a sister live in the Alabama, and she
considers herself to be a true southerner. She
met her husband when she was on her first job
after graduating from college, and he was an
architect with the same company. They share many
common interests and she is thankful to have
found a husband who takes part in many of the
same things that she does.
5They are a church going family, and contribute to
their church activities on a monthly basis.
Marion fills in for Sunday School at the church
when one of the other teachers is on break.
Marion Verner of Florida is currently taking
graduate level courses to upgrade her degree.
Although, she really enjoys working with young
children, she believes it is time for her to move
on to teaching high school students.
6Thank you!