Title: Ron Eakes | Mid Plains Construction Plains KS
1Ron Eakes Mid Plains Construction Plains KS
2Ron Eakes is a successful businessman and owns
Mid Plains Construction company in Plains KS. He
started this company in 1979 and since then he
has expanded the operations and now more than 70
full time employees work in the company. He also
owns three concrete ready mix plants and have a
successful partnership in two large scale
dairies. His construction company offers various
services such as general construction, concrete
construction, concrete ready mix sales, concrete
forming, concrete install, curing concrete and
advanced concrete construction.
3Ron Eakes attended Dale Carnegie Course for
personal grooming and inculcating salesmanship,
public speaking and leadership skills. He started
his own construction company called Mid Plains
Construction Plains KS in 1979. This is one of
the most successful construction company in
Kansas these days. He has around 70 employees who
are working under his able guidance. Along with
Mid Plains Construction Plains KS, he also owns
three ready mix plants and has a partnership in
two large scale dairies.
4Ron Eakes is active member of Lion's club, school
board and various other community services and
organizations. Some of the most popular
organizations are Church Council, American cancer
Society, Save the Children, etc. He is married
and is blessed with three children. When ever he
gets free time, he likes to indulge in charity
work and traveling and he is also a good golfer.
5Ron Eakes like to spend his leisure time in the
lap of nature. He loves to travel through out the
country and explore new places. Being a good
golfer, he likes to play golf with his friends.
He is married and has three children.
6Thank You!