Title: Xray Observation of Black Hole Accretion Disks
1X-ray Observation of Black Hole Accretion Disks
- Ken Ebisawa (NASA/GSFC, USRA)
2Galactic Black Hole Candidates Spectral States
and Accretion Disk
- High/soft state (?1038erg/s)
- 2-10 keV X-ray spectrum is thermal (ultra-soft),
power-law hard-tail above 10keV - Optically thick and geometry thin disk
- Low/hard state(?1037erg/s)
- 2-10 keV X-ray spectrum is power-law
- Optically thin and geometry thick disk
- In this talk, I will concentrate on observation
of optically thick accretion disk spectra
3Accretion disk solution
Optically thick ADAF
Standard disk is observationally established Slim
disk seems to be observed in Galactic BHC and ULXs
4Standard Accretion Disk Model
- Gravitational energy is released as thermal
emission (Shakura and Sunyaev 1973) - Comptonization is significant in the inner region
- Local emission shows Wien peak with Tcol(r)
- Tcol/Teff 1.7-1.9 independent of radius and disk
luminosity (Shimura and Takahra 1995 Ross and
Fabian 1996). - Standard accretion disk spectrum looks like
super-position of blackbody spectra - multi-color disk-blackbody approximation works
(diskbb in xspec)
5Optically thick accretion disk in the Soft state
- Theoretical optically thick accretion disk
spectrum - (Shimura and Takahara 1995)
Local emission stongly affected by Compton
Tcol color temperature Teff effective
temperature Tcol 1.9 Teff
6High state of Galactic Black Hole Candidates
- Inner disk radius is constant at 3 Rs (last
stable orbit in Schwarzschild metric) - X-ray observation ? disk size ?Rs2GM/c2
- Black hole mass may be constrained from X-ray
energy spectral analysis
7Optically thick accretion disk in the Soft state
- (Ebisawa et al. 1993)
Intensity vs. Hardness correlation
Optically thick accretion disk Ldisk ? Rin2 Tin4
8Optically thick accretion disk in the Soft state
- (Ebisawa et al. 1993)
- Spectral fitting with optically
- thick accretion disk
- with Schwarzschild metric,
- Rin 3 Schwarzschild radii
Distance, inclination fixed, M, dM/dt free
M remarkably constant
M6 ((Tcol/Teff)/1.9)2 M?
Consistent with optical results
9Relativistic effects
- Innermost disk radius Last stable orbit
- 3Rs in Schwarzschild metric
- 0.5 Rs in extreme Kerr case
- Kerr disk can be hotter than Schwarzschild disk
- Doppler effect, gravitational redshift, light
bending - Disk spectra calculation
- Schwarzschild disk spectrum is not very different
from the Newtonian spectrum - Face-on Kerr disk spectrum is not very difference
either - Inclined Kerr disk spectrum is significantly
hardened - Hard spectra of microquasars may be explained
10Inclined Kerr disk is brighter in high energies!
Comparison of Schwarzschild and Kerr disk spectra
cos i
cos i
Kerr disk
Scwarzschild disk
Laor, Netzer and Piran (1990)
11Ebisawa et al. (2003)
- Relativistic effects and inclination dependence
of the disk spectra - When the disk is face-on, relativistic effects do
not change disk spectra significantly - Edge-on Kerr disk has very hard spectrum
- Due to doppler boosts in the innermost region
12Application of Kerr disk spectra to GRO J1655-40
- GRO J1655-40 and GRS191515 (microquasars) are
highly inclined systems, and known to have
unusually high disk temperature (e.g., Zhang, Cui
and Chen 1997) - ?Kerr disk model suggested instead of
Schwarzschild disk - GRO J1655-40 spectral fitting
- i70?, d3.2 kpc, Tcol/Teff1.7 fixed
- Schwarzschild disk model ? M1.8 M? (Ebisawa et
al. 2003) - Too small compared to M7 M? from optical
observation - Kerr disk model with a0.68 to 0.88 is consistent
with M7 M? (Gierlinski et al. 2001 Ebisawa et
al. 2003) - Inclined Kerr disk model works to solve the too
hot a disk problem! - 450 Hz QPO (Strohmayer 2001) also supports
presence of the disk around a spinning black
hole (Abramowicz and Kluzniak 2001)
13Optically thick ADAF disk (slim disk)
- Standard disk breaks when Ldisk gt LEdd
- Energy advection will be dominant
- Slim disk solution
- Slim disk luminosity can exceed LEdd!
- May explain ULXs naturally
- 5 LEdd of 20 M? black hole ?1040 ergs/s
14Slim disk can exceed LEdd!
- Optically thick and geometrically thick (slim)
For standard disk h/r0.1, Ldisk lt LEdd For slim
disk h/r 1 ? Slim disk luminosity can be 10
15Characteristics of the Slim disk
Standard disk (radiation dominant, T ? r -0.75)
Temperature profile(Watarai et al.2000)
T increase
Standard disk
Slim disk (optically thick ADAF)
Inner disk radius can be smaller and temperature
Radial dependence of the disk temperature
changes p 0.75 ? 0.50
16Slim disk in XTEJ1550-56
Kubota and Makishima (2004)
p-free disk model
Multicolor disk blackbody with T(r) r-p
Smaller p gives systematically better fits!
Slim disk is observed in Galactic BHC when
luminosity is extremely high
17Slim disk in GRS1915105
Yamaoka (2001)
High Tin
T(r)?r -0.5 favored
? slim disk
Standard disk model fit T(r)?r -0.75
Disk oscillation between the standard disk and
slim disk
18Slim disk in ULX (IC342 Source1)
- Slim disk model fit by Watarai et al. (2001)
- Mass varies
- Unreasonable, bad model!
- Constant mass (23M?), only mass accretion rate
changes - Reasonable, better model!
Ebisawa et al. (2003)
19Caveat in ULX spectral modeling
- Phenomenological standard diskpower-law model
may mislead to very low disk temperature and
large disk normalization (radius) - Unexplained power-law dominates
- intermediate mass black hole accounts for soft
excess - Tin lt 0.1 keV, Mgt100 M?
- Slim disk with Comptonization (e.g. Kawaguchi
2003) can explain intrinsically hard ULX spectra - Disk component dominates
- power-law tail component hardly required
- Reasonable stellar black hole mass (M lt 40 M? )
20Standard disk and slim disk comparison for M81 X-9
Application of Kawaguchi (2003) slim disk model
to XMM spectra (Foschini et al. 2004)
Slim disk
Standard disk
Slim disk explains most of the spectrum,weak
hard-tail required
Unexplanied power-law component is dominant, Tin
0.3 keV, large Rin
M150 M?
M18 M?
21Standard disk and slim disk comparison for
NGC1313 X-2
Application of Kawaguchi (2003) slim disk model
to XMM spectra (Foschini et al. 2004)
Slim disk
Standard disk
Tin0.27 keV M120 M?
M4 M?
22Likely origin of ULXs
- Universal luminosity function of X-ray
binaries(Grimm et al. 2003) - Luminosity cut-off 1040 erg/s
- Presumably, ULXs are X-ray binaries with possible
maximum stellar-size black holes - 40 M? black holes theoretically possible (Fryer
1999) - Such a massive black holes may not exist in our
Galaxy, but not uncommon in external galaxies
- Standard accretion disk model is established for
Galactic BHC when Ldisk ? LEdd - Slim disk seems to be observed in Galactic BHC
and ULXs when Ldisk ? LEdd - ULXs are presumably slim disk around massive
stellar black holes (lt 40 M? ) shining at
super-Eddington luminosities - Theoretical work on slim disk spectra and
application to observed spectra urgently needed
Acknowlegement to my colleagues A. Kubota, P.
Zycki, K. Watarai, K.Yamaoka, L. Foschini, and T.