Title: 2005 CPT Coding Update
12005 CPT Coding Update
- Steven A. Adams, CPC, CPC-H, COA
2Insert the Punctuation
- Woman without a man is useless
- Woman, without a man, is useless
- Woman without, a man is useless
32005 Changes
More Than 350 Changes 1.5 Increase in
4Avoiding trouble is largely a matter of knowing
the rules remembering your audience.
What you did
Here Are The Rules
Why you did it
6Heres Your Audience
- Criminal Justice Field
- Accountants
- Biologists
Most individuals do not have training in the
health care field. CMS and OIG
- 2005 RVU Update Reimbursements
- Deductible, Venipuncture and Injection Changes
- New Codes for Debridement of Skin
- New Vaginal Repair Codes
- Coding for Endometrial Cryoablation and Essure
- Two new Codes for Fetal Doppler Studies
- New Malignancy Code
- New Category III Codes
8Payment Reform Continues
The lovely thing about being 40 is that you can
appreciate 25 year old men more. Colleen
9Worthless Information?
10Rest of Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
11Sample OBGYN Reimbursements
12Effective 5/23/2005 Medicare Will Begin A
13Deductible, Venipuncture and Injection Changes
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as
men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is
not difficult. Charlotte Whitton
14Effective 1/1/05 Medicare Deductible is
15Effective 1/1/05 Medicare No Longer Accepts
16Effective 1/1/05 Medicare No Longer Accepts
17New Medicare Injection Codes
18New Codes for Debridement
I love women, Theyre the best thing ever
created. If they want to be like men and come
down to our level, thats fine. Mel Gibson
11004 - 1154
11006 - 1450
11005 - 1572
11008 - 1460
- ?11004 - Debridement of skin, subcutaneous
tissue, muscle and fascia for necrotizing soft
tissue infection external genitalia and perineum
?11005 - abdominal wall, with or without fascial
?11006 - external genitalia, perineum and
abdominal wall, with or without fascial closure
?11008 - Removal of prosthetic material or mesh,
abdominal wall for necrotizing soft tissue
20New Vaginal Repair Codes
My husband and I didnt sign a pre-nuptial
agreement. We signed a mutual suicide
pact. Rosanne Barr
21Repair Codes
57282 - 964
57283 - 1382
- ?57282 - Sacrospinous ligament fixation for
prolapse of vagina Colpopexy, vaginal
extra-peritoneal approach
- ? 57283 - Colpopexy, vaginal intra-peritoneal
- 57267 - Insertion of mesh or other prosthesis
for repair of pelvic floor defect, each site,
vaginal approach - use with 45560, 57240-57265
57267 - 580
22Endometrial Cryoablation and Essure
My wife and I were happy for ten years. Then we
met. Rodney Dangerfield
58356 - 760
- ?58356 - Endometrial cryoablation with ultrasonic
guidance, including endometrial curettage, when
Do not report with 58100 - Endometrial sampling
(separate procedure) 58120 - Diagnostic D C
(non-obstetrical) 58340 - Catheterization for
SIS 76700 - Ultrasound, abdominal B-scan 76856 -
Ultrasound, pelvic limited
58565 - 950
- ?58565 - Hysteroscopy, surgical with bilateral
fallopian tube cannulation to induce occlusion by
placement of permanent implants
Do not report with 58555 - Diagnostic
Hysteroscopy (separate procedure) 57800 -
Dilation of cervical canal (non-obstetrical) If
unilateral, append -52
25Fetal Doppler Studies
The 50-50-90 rule as it applies to women
Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting
something right with a woman, theres a 90
probability youll get it wrong. Andy Rooney
26Doppler Studies
76820 - 194
76821 - 216
76820/26 - 54
76821/26 - 76
- ?76820 - Doppler velocimetry, fetal umbilical
- ? 76821 - Doppler, velocimetry, fetal middle
cerebral artery
76827 - 212
76827/26 - 62
?76827 - Doppler echocardiography, fetal,
cardiovascular system, pulsed wave and/or
continuous wave with spectral display complete
In life, its not who you know thats important,
its how your wife found out. Joey Adams
28Malignancy Code
58956 - 2718
- 58956 - Bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy with
total omentectomy, total abdominal hysterectomy
for malignancy
Do not report with 49255 - Omentectomy 58150 -
TAH 58180 - Supracervical abdominal hysterectomy
58262 - Vaginal Hysterectomy with removal of
tubes 58263 - Vaginal hysterectomy with removal
of tubes/ovaries and enterocele 58550 -
Laparoscopy, with vaginal hysterectomy 58661 -
Laparoscopy with removal of adnexal
structures 58700 - Salpingectomy 58720 -
Salpingo-oophorectomy 58900 - Biopsy of
ovary 58925 - Ovarian cystectomy 58940 -
29Category III Code Additions
Men are like dogs because they keep coming back.
Ladies are like cats, because if you yell at a
cat just one timetheyre gone. Lenny Bruce
30Category III Codes
- 0071T - Focused ultrasound ablation of uterine
leiomyomata, including MR guidance total
leiomyomata volume less than 200 cc of tissue
- 0072T - Focused ultrasound ablation of uterine
leiomyomata, including MR guidance total
leiomyomata volume greater than 200 cc of tissue
- coderscentral.com
- cms.gov
- lmrp.net
- gamedicare.com
- oig.hhs.gov/publications/workplan.html
- cms.hhs.gov/providerupdate/whatsnew.asp
- cms.hhs.gov/physicians/cciedits/default.asp
- medville.com
- 2005 RVU Update Reimbursements
- Deductible, Venipuncture and Injection Changes
- New Codes for Debridement of Skin
- New Vaginal Repair Codes
- Coding for Endometrial Cryoablation and Essure
- Two new Codes for Fetal Doppler Studies
- New Malignancy Code
- New Category III Codes
That little barking dog chasing your car down the
street actually thinks hes chasing you out of
his neighborhood. Steven Adams