Title: Mourning Practices in Cameroon:
1Mourning Practices in Cameroon
- A Violation of Womens Rights
- Nji Veronica
- Honors Colloquium
- Professor Susan Kalt.
- December, 2007
2 Brief Geography and demography
- http//www.uiowa.edu/africart/toc/Africa.gif
3Map of Cameroon showing the Northwest Province
4More on geography of Cameroon
a) example of landscape of the highlands of the
Northwest Province of Cameroon
b) example of type of houses found in some
5A glance at marriage and womens plight
- Marriage a union of two families, not just two
- Process
- Most important component- the dowry
- man and his father decide on choice of woman
- father helps with necessary negotiations with
the womans family
- woman has no control over her choice of a
- Woman is bound to accept fathers choice
- Payment of dowry in a way, makes a woman a
property to the husband
- Woman may experience discrimination and abuse in
course of marriage
6Inhumane experiences of new widows
- The mourning rituals require the widow to
- Be almost naked
- Isolated
- Sleep on bare floor
- Restricted from conversing or interacting freely
- Eat and drink from dirty objects
- Not allowed to attend to daily hygienic needs
- Not allowed to shower until after a stated
- Forced to marry late husbands brother or
7Drama of the crying ritual
- Performance art in crying during mourning
- Men not involved in this drama
8Before and after burial of the spouse
- Before burial
- Speeches by kinsmen of the deceased
- Swearing by the widow
- Lowering of the casket
- Filling of the grave- a last farewell
- After burial
- Gun firing at graveside
- Feasting eating, drinking, traditional dancing
and more gun firing.
9- Generally what it looks like at a graveside
before burial of a deceased
10Example after burial- celebration
- Insert youtube nso/kom juju festival
11Cleansing of the widow
12Mourning rituals and Human Rights
- Patriarchy no equality between men and women
- Disrespect of the UN declaration on abolition of
all forms of discrimination and violence against
- Exposure of widows to health hazards
- Encroachment on liberty of the women
- Violation of widows privacy
13The plight of widows of the Northwest Province of
Cameroon a reflection of a global plight.
- Women and mourning, a global perspective
- Other areas of discrimination, violence and abuse
women all over the world may experience other
than mourning.
14Measures for change
- Education, a tool for empowerment!
- Through formal and informal education, and the
Human Rights education
- By the creation of NGOs
- More international womens conferences
15Thank You for your attention.
16(No Transcript)