Title: General Education Initiative at Eastern Washington University
1General Education Initiative at Eastern
Washington University
- General Education Review Group and the Greater
Expectations Team
2(No Transcript)
3Project Goals
- ASP- Revitalize general education inclusive for
all students, rigorous, engaging and integrated
throughout the students educational experience - Incorporate cyclical review and revision to
maintain evolution of general education
4Project Goals- continued
- Ensure open, transparent communication at the
forefront of our process, engaging the
literature, best practices, and research in a
fashion that is self-reflective and
- EWU Mission To prepare broadly educated,
technologically proficient, and highly productive
citizens to attain meaningful careers, to enjoy
enriched lives, and to make contributions to a
culturally diverse society - Academic Strategic Plan confirms our commitment
to achieving this mission.
6Our Students
- Our campus is dedicated to supporting all
students in achieving this success. - 10,000 students within six colleges
- Many of EWU students are under servedthey come
from rural areas, are first-generation, and /or
7- 74 traditional aged (18-24)
- 79 receiving need-based and non-need based aid
- 15 Racial/ethnic diversity
- 55 of first-time/first year students are
first-generation - 34 of first year students entering with a 3.5 or
higher GPA
8Current General Education Curriculum
University Competencies and Proficiencies Core
Requirements University Graduation Requirements
9Current Assessment
- General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC)
- Shared Learning Objectives
- Three Tiers Competencies, Core Requirements,
University Requirements - Courses assess one objective every three years
10Current Assessment continued
- End of Program Assessment
- Departmental Level
- Assessment of Program Learning Objectives on a
three year cycle - May include student surveys, work samples, etc.
- Accreditation Review
- In process
11Rationale for Review and Revitalization
- A meaningful commitment to educational
excellence begins with agreement about the most
important goals for student learning. - --Greater Expectations, National Panel Report,
12Value Key Learning Outcomes Proposed
Six Pillars of an Eastern Education
- Critical Thinking and Intellectual Curiosity
- Communication
- Diverse Perspectives
- Internationalization Globalization
- Social, Environmental and Ethical Responsibility
- Disciplinary Expertise
13Enhance Retention
- While 3 out of 4 first-time, full-time,
Baccalaureate Degree-seeking Freshmen at EWU
continue to their second year, year-to-year
retention rates drop sharply after the second
year (2004-2005 CSRDE Retention Survey).
14Foster Student Success to Graduation
- Graduation rates for our first-time, full-time,
Baccalaureate Degree-seeking Freshmen - 21 graduate after four years
- 40.4 graduate after five years
- 45.4 graduate after six years
- (2004-2005 CSRDE 11/16/05)
15General Overview of Process
- History--Failed and Successful Attempts
- Human CapitalLeadership, Diversity, Faculty
Commitment - Institutional ResourcesAcademic Strategic Plan,
Faculty Fellows Program
- Leadership transitions
- Funding model
- Need to integrate transfers/DTA
- Strength of individual programs and their
identity - Cynicism
- Fear of change
18Current Status
- General Education Review Group
- Research on Campus Climate
- Research on National Models and Best Practices
- Discussion of Key Learning Outcomes
- Visioning Conference- Greater Expectations Team
- Integration Project Proposals
- Service Learning and Gen Ed
- e-Portfolio Integration Project
- Year 05-06Adopting key learning outcomes,
Visioning, and Planning
http//www.ewu.edu/x24094.xml for General
Education Initiative Action Plan
20Current Research/Assessment
- ETS General Education Exam
- General Education History at EWU
- Faculty/Staff Survey on Gen Ed
- Empowering Student Voices Project
- University Relations Community Survey
21Matrix of Key Learning Outcomes
- Faculty Fellow for General Education
- Sue Marie Wright
- General Education Review Group Chair- tbd
- Greater Expectations Team
- Marti Brzoska
- Nick Jackson
- Richard Meier
- Esteban Rodriguez-Marek
- Victor Rodriguez
- Michelle Whittingham
- General Education Review Group
- Barbara Alvin, Mark Baldwin, Marti Brzoska,
Cynthia Cutler, Ray Hamel, Fred Hurand, Garrett
Kenney, Linda Kieffer, Terry MacMullan, Mimi
Marinucci, Robert McGinty, Ginny Mehlert, Suzanne
Milton, Deacon Meier, Lisa Nappa, Dave Nelson,
Toni Oertling, Robert Quinn, Edward Slack, Robert
Stirling, Chris Valeo, Cami Warren, and Michelle