Male Family Planning Research Cooperative Agreements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Male Family Planning Research Cooperative Agreements


General TA will not answer questions specific to individual applications ... Secretary Mike Leavitt. Assistant Secretary Joxel Garcia, M.D., M.B.A. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Male Family Planning Research Cooperative Agreements

Male Family Planning Research Cooperative
Program Announcement Technical Assistance
Conference Call
  • July, 16 2008
  • 100 PM EDT

  • Introduction
  • Purpose and format of call
  • General TA will not answer questions specific
    to individual applications
  • Introduction of speakers

Materials for Call
  • What participants should have in front of them
  • Program Announcement
  • Application kit, including
  • OPHS-1, including forms

Funding Opportunity
  • This announcement seeks applications for Title X
    Male Family Planning Research Cooperative
  • 5 Study Sites will be funded
  • and
  • 1 Coordinating Site will be funded

What we will cover
  • Brief overview of Title X
  • Funding Opportunity
  • Role of Program and Grants Management
  • Application and Submission Process

US Department of Health Human Services
Secretary Mike Leavitt
Assistant Secretary Joxel Garcia, M.D., M.B.A.
Office of Public Health and Science (OPHS)
  • Office of Minority Health Office of
    HIV/AIDS Policy
  • Office of Population Affairs Office of
    Research Integrity
  • Office on Womens Health National Vaccine
  • Office of Regional Health Administrators
  • Presidents Council on Physical Fitness
  • Office of the Surgeon General
  • Office of Military Liaison and Veterans Affairs
  • Office of Disease Prevention and Health

Organizational Structure
  • Office of Family Planning
  • Is within
  • Office of Population Affairs
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population
    Affairs Vacant
  • within
  • Office of Public Health and Science
  • within
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Family Planning (within OPA)
  • Central Office Rockville, MD (Washington DC
  • Policy Office Provides guidance and determines
    policy for all OFP programs
  • Oversees projects with national scope, such as
    Family Planning Male Training Center, National
    Training Center and Male and other Research
    Projects and Cooperative Agreements with a
    national scope.
  • Director Susan Moskosky

Program Overview Introduction to Title X of
  • Mission to aid individuals to freely determine
    the number and spacing of their children
  • Title X of the PHS Act authorizes discretionary
  • Sections focus on Services
  • 1001 Services ALL Other Sections Support
  • 1003 Training
  • 1004 Research
  • 1005 Informational and Educational Materials
  • 1008 Prohibition of Abortion

A Decentralized ProgramTen Regional Offices
  • In major cities, serving multi-state areas
  • Oversee Title X service grantees and general
    training grantees
  • The project officers for the Family Planning
    Services grantees and the General Training
    grantees are in the PHS Regional Offices

Ten Public Health Service Regions
OFP Central Office
  • OFP Regional Offices are
  • in Cities marked

Federal Roles
  • OFP Programmatic
  • OPHS/OGM Administrative/Business/Budgetary

Title X Service Grantee Profile
  • 88 total nationwide
  • State, territorial, tribal, county, or local
    health agencies, universities, and faith-based
    and community-based not for profit agencies
  • Approximately 4,500 clinics in the service
    provider network at least one clinic in 75 of
    the counties in the US
  • Provide FP and related preventive health care to
    almost 5 million men and women annually
  • Just under 6 are males

Overview of Required Title X Services
  • Voluntary
  • Confidential
  • Priority low income
  • Any individual desiring services male and
    female, regardless of ability to pay
  • Must be under the direction of a physician with
    training or experience in FP

PHS Act Section 1004 Family Planning Research
  • AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 1004 300a-2 (a)
  • The Secretary is authorized to make grants to
    public or nonprofit private entities and to enter
    into contracts with public or private entities
    and individuals for projects for research in the
    biomedical, contraceptive development, behavioral
    and program implementation fields related to
    family planning and population.

Purpose of Title X Research
  • To promote and encourage projects which focus on
    increasing knowledge, understanding and
    techniques related to family planning,
    reproductive health and other related fields of
    public health.

Family Planning Research Outcomes
  • Increase access to family planning services
  • Assess more effective methods and systems for the
    delivery of educational and clinical services
  • Influence constructive, positive and equitable
    health behaviors

Family Planning Male Research
  • Male Research Projects
  • Round 1 1997 2002
  • Round 2 2003 2008
  • Service Delivery Improvement Projects
  • Male focus

I. Funding Opportunity Description
  • Male Family Planning Research Cooperative
  • To test a comprehensive service delivery model
    and evaluate its effectiveness and replicability
    in Title X clinics.
  • 5 Study Sties clinical locations where the
    model will be tested
  • 1 Coordinating Center Responsible for the
    research protocol, provision of training and
    technical assistance to the study sites and the
    overall evaluation

I. Funding Opportunity Description
  • Male Family Planning Research Cooperative
  • A cooperative agreement is a type of financial
    award in which substantial involvement between
    the awarding agency and the recipient(s) during
    the performance period.
  • This award will include OPA/OFP collaboration in
    the management of the award including the
    planning and development of the comprehensive
    service delivery model, and other related
    elements of the research initiative.

I. Funding Opportunity Description
  • Service Delivery Model - Components
  • Restructuring the Clinical Environment
  • Physical modifications, administrative
    procedures, schedules, etc.
  • Training of Staff
  • Clinical providers the male exam and other
    related screening procedures
  • All staff cultural competency, male-specific
    needs and related interactive strategies
  • Targeted community outreach clinic promotion
  • Outreach/education strategies, recruitment
    efforts, via community linkages, partners,
    friends and family members

II. Award Information
  • 5 Awards for Participating Study Sites
  • 1 Award for Coordinating Center
  • Due date 25 July 2008
  • 5 PM Eastern time if submitted in hardcopy to the
    OPHS Office of Grants Management/Grant
    Application Center
  • 1100 PM Eastern Time if submitted electronically
    via or

II. Award Information
  • Study Sites
  • Year 1 225,000
  • Years 2 5 250,000 maximum
  • Coordinating Center
  • Year 1 375,000
  • Years 2 5 300,000 maximum
  • Funding for years beyond year 1 are contingent
    upon the availability of funds, satisfactory
    progress on the project and adequate stewardship
    of Federal resources.
  • Up to 5 years total

III. Eligibility Information
  • Any Public or Private Nonprofit agency located in
    a State or Territory
  • Faith-based agencies eligible
  • Must demonstrate the capacity to carry-out the
    requirements of the project

Eligibility Information items of note
  • Study Sties-
  • Programs incorporating all 3 components as a
    deliberate model will not be considered as a
    study site
  • If selected, organizations will be required to
    make any necessary modifications to existing

Eligibility Information items of note
  • Coordinating Center Sties
  • Applicants should be experienced in the
    implementation of the comprehensive service
    delivery model to be tested
  • Applicants should have expertise in health
    services training and research, including data
    collection, bio-statistical analyses and the
    management of multiple research sites

III. Application and Submission
  • If a hard copy of application kit is desired, may
    be obtained by contacting OPHS Office of Grants
    Management 240-453-8822 (Fax 240-453-8823)
  • The Help Desk is available
    Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 6 PM Eastern Time.  For
    assistance 1-800-618-0223 or (301) 231-6005, or
  • Proof of Nonprofit Status required with
    application submission Program Announcement
    describes what is acceptable proof
  • DUNS number required with applicationinfo on how
    to acquire is in the application kit and

Application Process
  • Application kit has all the information needed to
    prepare application
  • The Program Announcement provides the information
    that is required related to the Title X Male
    Family Planning Research Cooperative Agreement
  • Follow it carefully!!! The Grant Announcement
    takes precedence if these is conflicting
    information in other guidance documents

Application Process
  • OPHS-1 has all the application formsface page,
    budget pages, assurances, certifications, etc.
  • Instructions for filling each form are included
  • Be complete! Do not leave blanks on forms
    indicate n/a where not applicable to the
  • Certifications/Assurances must be included
  • Person who signs application must have the legal
    authorization to act for the agency

Application Process
  • Provides useful guidance and explanation of each
    part of application
  • Describes Program and Business (budget, grants)

Application Process
  • Complete form SF 424 (Face Page)
  • Complete budget form SF 424A (Budget Sheet)
  • Submit a Budget Narrative (budget must be
    consistent with the applicable Cost Principles)
  • Sign SF 424 (by authorized signatory)
  • Sign Title X Assurances (by authorized signatory)

Application and Submission Info
  • Content and form
  • Pay close attention!
  • If there is a discrepancy of information, the
    program announcement takes precedence
  • 30 double-spaced page limit for Project Narrative
  • Note fonts and other style requirements
  • Does not include budget, budget justification,
    required forms, assurances, and certifications
  • Only first 30 pages of the Narrative will be
  • Limit Appendices to only what is necessary do
    not send brochures or bound materials they will
    be discarded unread
  • Include 1 page abstract not included in 30 page

Application Content General
  • Demonstrate understanding of the content of the
    funding announcement, citing examples of
    experience as necessary
  • Demonstrate experience in design, development,
    implementation and evaluation of family planning
    service delivery and research as applicable
  • Provide examples of coordination, management and
    other methods of collaboration, especially if
    relevant to the element of the funding
  • Evidence of relevant administrative, management,
    and outside funding experience if relevant
  • Application should be responsive to the

Application Content
  • Applications must clearly describe
    administrative, management, and professional
    capability of applicant organization in relation
    to providing the required training and technical
    assistance project, implementation of the service
    delivery model

Application Content
  • Applications must clearly describe the profile of
    the proposed community to be served/represented,
    the need exhibited by the community,
    organizations experience re providing FP/RH
    services, capacity to participate in proposed
    research activity, and ability to collect data
    related to the research activity.

Project Narrative
  • Along with the budget, this is the heart of the
  • Provides information related to the need for the
  • Describes organizational capacity
  • Provides specific information related to how the
    applicant will develop and implement the project
  • Includes project work plan with Goals and
    Objectives (S.M.A.R.T.)

Application Process
  • Budget Narrative
  • Provide details of budget
  • Breakdown each line item and provide an
    explanation of the costs
  • Personnel should include salary per person and
    percent of time each person will spend on grant
  • Fringe benefits should include percent used and
    what is included in cost.

A Note about Characteristics
  • Pay attention to grant application Guidance and
    Grant Announcement--analyze what is asked for
    respond appropriately

Common Questions
  • Due Date 25 July 2008
  • 500 pm hard copy submission
  • 1100 pm electronic submission
  • Page Limit 30 Pages, double spaced
  • This limit is exclusive of appendices, budgets,
    budget narratives, required forms and other items
    listed in Section IV, part 2 of the application.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • All applicants must comply with the HHS
    Protection of Human Subjects regulations (45 CFR
    part 46)

Grants Management
  • Eleanor Walker
  • Grants Management Specialist
  • OPHS Office of Grants Management

OPHS Office of Grants Management (OGM)
  • Role Administrative/Business/Budgetary (funds)
  • Office in Rockville, Maryland
  • Provides grants management for all Office of
    Public Health and Science (OPHS) Program Offices
  • Follows the Grants Administration Manual, Grants
    Policy Directives, and Grants Policy statements
  • most rules apply to all Federal grants. Some are
    agency specific
  • http//
  • http//
  • Director Karen Campbell, Grants Management

OGMs Role
  • As determined by the DHHS, OGMs role is
  • Official signatory for obligating federal grant
  • Official signatory for all grant business
  • Management and prior approval requests
  • Monitor all business/financial transactions on
    grants for compliance to Federal Regulations
    (including interpretation of Federal Regulations)

OGMs Role
  • OGM plays a vital role throughout the life of the
  • Financial Status Report (FSR) Reconciliation
  • Approval of Key Personnel Changes
  • Carryover Requests/Budgetary Requests
  • Technical Assistance
  • Audit Resolution
  • And more

  • SF 424A includes budget pages
  • Follow directions in filling out forms
  • Be complete identify all sources of project
  • Applicants should project costs for future years
    of funding on 424A, Section E

  • Must be consistent with the requirements of the
    Program Announcement
  • Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants
    and Agreements (cost principles in the OMB
    Circular appropriate to the applicants
  • Budgeted costs must derive from proposed

OMB Circulars
  • OMB Circulars which define cost principles that
    all Federal Grants must adhere to How to run
    the business portion of a grant
  • Circulars show what is allowable and any
    restrictions on use of funds
  • OPHS Office of Grants Management is responsible
    for oversight of all financial and business
    related grant issues

Budget Narrative/Justification
  • Provide details of budget. Separately identify
    budget for general training and technical
  • Breakdown each line item and provide an
    explanation of the costs
  • Personnel should include salary per person and
    percent of time/salary of each person charged to
    this grant
  • Fringe benefits should include percent and what
    is included in cost

Budget Tips
  • Budget should be commensurate with project
  • Use the correct OMB Cost Principle-
  • Pay attention to allowable costs
  • Provide adequate justification- market surveys,
    prior accounting records, cost per unit
  • Budget Narrative includes line by line breakdown
    for Federal and Non-Federal shares

Cost Sharing
  • Applicants should identify financial resources
    from other sources should clearly identify
    sources and amount contributed on both SF424A and
    in the budget justification
  • Program Income is generated from registration
    fees or other means generated as a result of the
    grant supported activities. It must be reinvested
    to further the objectives of the project

Financial Infrastructure
  • Organizational Charts
  • IRS Tax Exemption Certification
  • Indirect Costmust negotiate rate with DHHS DCA
    (Division of Cost Allocation) cannot exceed 8
  • Signed Face Page (SF 424)
  • Signed Assurances

Budget Review
  • Budget is reviewed in comparison with project
    goals and activities
  • Are there adequate funds for successful
  • Is there over-budgeting?- Do not exceed the
    available amount of funds, including indirect
  • Operating budget should be complete (Federal,
    Non-Federal, Private, Total funds)

Funding Process
  • Notice of Grant Award (NGA) notifies successful
    applicant of selection
  • Includes any Conditions on the awardRequirements
    that must be met as a
  • condition of receiving the grant funds
  • Applicants who were not successful will be
    notified by the Program Office

Funding Process
  • OGM is the Official contact for grantees
  • All official communication related to the grant
    award is between OGM and successful applicant
  • Grantees also communicate on a regular basis with
    the program project officer who oversees
    programmatic aspects of the grant
  • OGM maintains the official grant file the
    program office maintains working files for each

Grants Management Issues- Post Award
  • Budget Development and Allowable Expenditure
  • Budget Forecast
  • Indirect Costs
  • Notice of Grant Award (NGA) Issuance/Terms and
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Organizational Financial Status Review (FSR)
  • Grant Closeout

  • Final project plan and budget will be negotiated
    after funding Amount of award will not change,
    but allocation to various activities might be
    modified from what was proposed
  • Flexibility in schedule and resource planning is
    expected will enable successful applicant to
    respond to emerging needs, lessons learned, and
    annual Title X priorities
  • All activities and budget will be approved by OFP
    project officer prior to implementation

  • Project Period no more than 5 years
  • Dependent on adequate progress of the project and
    availability of funds
  • Will submit a non-competing continuation
    application for years 2 3 of the project period
  • Budget period funds provided to carryout
    project activities for one year
  • Annual continuing application progress report,
    work plan, budget, budget justification

Other Administrative Requirements
  • Reporting
  • FSR
  • Other

Review Process
  • Criteria listed in Grant Announcement this is
    specified in the Title X training regulations
  • Applications reviewed by Panel of Independent
  • Technical reviews by Federal Program (Title X)
    and Grants Management staff

Review Process
  • Objective Review Committee (ORC) Formal
    process, confidential
  • Objective reviewers technical experts in
    applicable field(s)
  • (OGM) available for questions and to ensure
    integrity of process
  • Review by OFP for programmatic compliance and OGM
    for administrative/business compliance
  • Input from Federal reviews and ORC, as well as
  • likelihood of achieving benefits expected,
    considered when making award decision

Summary and TIPS
  • Grant Announcement is the primary guide to
    programmatic requirements provides information
    related to statute, regulations, and OMB
    circulars which define cost principles
  • Follow what the Grant Announcement says

Summary and TIPS
  • The application kit has useful information that
    will help you develop a complete application
  • OPHS-1 has all forms required along with
    instructions for completion

Summary and TIPS
  • Be clear, complete, and concise in project
  • Dont make the reviewer search for required
    information the easier an application is to
    review compared to the program announcement, the
    better the score
  • Clearly identify all sections of the application
    indicate which components you are addressing

Summary and TIPS
  • The project narrative must include all required
    information do not use the appendices to expand
    the page limit
  • Make Goals and Objectives Specific Measurable
    Achievable Realistic Time-framed (S.M.A.R.T.)
  • Activities should relate to goals and objectives
  • Budget should relate to goals, objectives, and

Summary and TIPS
  • The program work plan and budget should provide a
    complete picture of what and how the applicant
    will address the purpose and expectations of the
    Grant Announcement.
  • Clear justification, background research and
    supporting information should be concise,
    relevant and persuasive

Summary and TIPS
  • Budget should be adequate and reasonable to carry
    out the project work plan and administrative
    responsibilities of the project
  • It should make sense

Summary and TIPS
  • Do not request more Title X funding than is
  • Available funding includes indirect costs

Summary and TIPS
  • Staffing, including position descriptions, should
    be appropriate and reasonable for the goals,
    objectives, and activities of the project
  • Be complete in providing description of what
    staff will do, expertise required, and percentage
    time on the project

Summary and TIPS
  • Review the Application Review Criteria
  • Significance
  • Feasibility and Likelihood of Producing
    Meaningful Results
  • Competency of Staff and Adequacy of Facilities,
    Resource and Budget
  • Scientific Merit

Summary and TIPS
  • Use of a systematic approach to planning,
    implementing, monitoring, and evaluation will
    assist in maintaining focus and will provide
    feedback on progress of project
  • Dont wait until last minute to begin application
  • Electronic submission is
  • encouraged
  • If you have a question, ASK.

Submission Dates and Times
  • Multiple submission mechanisms
    http// or
  • mailing hard-copy
  • Addresssee Announcement
  • Electronic submission encouraged.
  • Pay close attention to due date and deadlines

More Questions?
  • Budget and Administrative
  • Office of Grants Management (OGM) 240-453-8822,
  • Grants Specialist for your area (HHS Region) see
  • Application
  • 1-800-618-0223, or
  • email
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