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... in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands (to minimize their taxes) ... To view one offshore financial center, the Cayman Islands, visit the following web site: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Lecture 10
  • Topic International Money Markets
  • The Eurocurrency Markets and
  • International Banking

Recall From Lecture 2 Defining the International
Monetary System?
  • It is the overall financial environment in which
    global businesses operate.
  • It is represented by the following three
  • Foreign Exchange Markets
  • Currency markets
  • International Money Markets (short term markets)
  • Eurocurrency Markets (dominated by global banks)
  • Traditional financial centers (London and New
    York) and
  • Offshore Financial Centers and Offshore Financial
    Markets (Cayman Islands, Singapore, etc).
  • International Capital Markets (long term
  • Bond markets
  • Equity markets

International Money Markets
  • The International Money Market represents the
    short and intermediate term borrowing and
    investment market.
  • Global firms have access to the international
    money markets either through (1) intermediaries
    or through (2) the direct markets.
  • Global banks play a key role in the international
    money markets as lenders, depository institutions
    and as investment bankers.
  • See Appendix 1 for a discussion of global banks.
  • From a financing side, major international money
    market instruments include
  • Eurocurrency Loans (Euro-Lines of Credit) offered
    by banks.
  • Eurocredits (Syndicated) offered by banks.
  • Euronotes (direct market instruments)
  • Euro-Medium-Term Notes (direct market
  • Eurocommercial Paper (direct market instruments)

Financing in the Money Markets
The Eurocurrency Market
  • The core of the international money market is the
    euro-currency market, which is defined as
  • The market for borrowing and lending currencies
    that are held in the form of deposits in banks
    located outside the countries where the
    currencies are issued as legal tender.
  • For example, Eurodollars are U.S.
    dollar-denominated deposits held in banks located
    outside of the United States.
  • Euroyen are yen-denominated deposits held in
    banks located outside of Japan.
  • Banks accepting euro deposits can be local
    banks (domestic), or foreign banks operating in
    a local market (e.g., U.S. banks in London).
  • Eurocurrencies can be either deposited or lent
    within the international money market.

Creation of a Eurocurrency Deposit Example
  • Assume a German company sells a product to a U.S.
    company and charges 1,000,000 for the sale.
  • The U.S. company pays by instructing its bank in
    New York to transfer 1,000,000 into the account
    of the German company (assume the German company
    has an account at a New York bank).
  • The German company then instructs its U.S. bank
    to transfer the dollar deposit to a U.S. dollar
    time deposit account at its bank in London.
  • The London bank can now lend out these dollars to
    its corporate clients and/or can lend out these
    deposits to other banks in the London Interbank

Brief History of the Eurocurrency Market
  • Market originated in the 1950s, when communist
    governments (mainly the Soviet Union) needing
    dollars for international trade and concerned
    about the potential freeze of their dollar
    accounts in U.S. banks, shifted their deposits to
  • The original bank in the London market accepting
    these deposits was the Banque Commercial pour
    I'Europe du Nord this bank was best known by its
    cable code, EUROBANK hence the term euromarket.
  • By the 1960s, the practice of euro-deposits was
    extended to regular business customers.
  • In 1964, the market size was estimated at 20
    billion dollars, with the majority in the form of
    US dollar deposits.
  • As the economies of Europe and Asia grew, the
    market was extended to additional currencies
    other than the US dollar.
  • By 1995, the market had grown to 7 trillion, but
    the US dollar share was down to 44.
  • Market is estimated to be growing about 25 per

The Meaning of the Euro Prefix
  • In the Eurocurrency Market, the prefix euro is
    used to denote the particular offshore currency
    in which the transaction is occurring, e.g.,
  • Euro-dollars, euro-yen, euro-pounds, euro-euros.
  • Eurocurrencies are only the major currencies of
    the world.
  • Although the market originated in London, today
    eurocurrency markets exist all over the world.
  • Banks accepting euro deposits and making euro
    currency loans are commonly referred to as
  • Important Do not confuse this offshore currency
    term with the single European currency, the

Functions of the Eurocurrency Markets
  • The Eurocurrency market serves two valuable
    functions for global firms
  • (1) Investment Market Eurocurrency deposits are
    a convenient way for global firms to earn a
    return on their short term excess (idle)
  • Eurodollar time deposits normally have maturities
    from overnight to six months, but may be as long
    as five years they are not insured.
  • Minimum investment of 100,000 there is no
    secondary market for deposits.
  • For an example see http//
  • (2) Borrowing Market Eurocurrency loans are a
    major source of short-term and intermediate term
    loans for global firms to finance their working
    capital needs.

Eurocurrency Market Structure
  • The Eurocurrency market is two tiered
  • Wholesale (or interbank) market where large
    global banks trade euro-currencies among
    themselves (1,000,000 minimum).
  • Represents about 50 of the offshore market.
    Gross data (see next slide) includes wholesale
  • Retail market where global banks accept
    euro-deposits from clients and make euro-currency
    loans to clients.
  • Represents about 50 of the offshore market. Net
    data (see next slide) includes only retail
  • Major retail clients include global firms and

Size of Eurocurrency Deposit Market (Billion of
Dollars), 1964-1995
London Eurocurrency Interbank Market
  • London is currently the major Eurocurrency
    interbank market.
  • Within the London market there are two important
    interest rates
  • Interbank Bid Rate (LIBID) The rate at which a
    bank will buy eurocurrency deposits from another
    bank (deposit rate).
  • Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) The rate charged by
    banks to lend eurocurrency deposits to other
    banks (borrowing rate).
  • Offer (LIBOR) rates will be higher than bid
    (LIBID) rates by about 1/8 or less.

LIBOR, November, 2007
  • http//

Importance of LIBOR Rates
  • (1) Used by foreign exchange market maker banks
    to calculate forward rates on currencies.
  • Recall Under the interest rate parity the
    forward rate must offset market interest rate
  • In equilibrium, the forward rate offsets the
    LIBOR differential between currencies.
  • (2) Used by global banks in scaling retail
    market lending rates to corporate and sovereign
    entity borrowers
  • Lending rate LIBOR X basis points
  • Where X basis points is the lenders estimation
    of the unique risk associated with a particular

LIBOR, LIBID and Domestic Rates
  • LIBOR and LIBID rates will generally parallel the
    rates on equivalent borrowing and deposit
    opportunities in each countrys domestic
    financial market.
  • However, lending rates will generally be lower
    than equivalent domestic market rates, and
  • deposit rates will generally be higher than
    equivalent domestic market rates (see next
  • This interest rate structure reflects
  • Smaller spreads (between deposit rates and
    lending rates) in the offshore markets than in
    the domestic markets due to cost advantages in
    the market.

Eurodollar Deposit Rates and CD Rates, November
8, 2007
  • CDs (secondary market) United States
  • 1-month 4.65
  • 3-month 4.85
  • Eurodollar deposits (London)
  • 1-month 4.66
  • 3-month 4.90
  • Spreads Eurodollar deposits CDs rates
  • 1-month 0.01
  • 3-month 0.15
  • Source
  • http//

Typical Spreads in Domestic and Eurocurrency
Credit Markets
Eurocurrency Loans (Euro-Lines)
  • Eurocurrency loans (also called euro lines)
    Short term lines of credit against various
    eurocurrencies offered by banks.
  • These are arrangements between a Eurobank and a
    customer allowing the customer to borrow up to a
    pre-specified amount of a designated
  • There is a fee for the line of credit itself
    (about ¼ to ½ per annum on the unused portion
    of the line) plus an interest rate applied
    against any borrowed amount.
  • Interest rate on borrowing is scaled to LIBOR

  • Eurocredits Short- to medium-term eurocurrency
    loans made by Eurobanks.
  • Often these loans are too large for one bank to
    underwrite, thus
  • A number of banks will form a syndicate to share
    the size and risk of the loan (hence, syndicated
  • Eurocredits feature a roll over provision.
  • The loans maturity can be extended by mutual
    agreement between lender and borrower.
  • At roll over, the interest rate is re-scaled to
    the new LIBOR.

Example of a Roll Over Eurocredit
Example Roll Over of a 6 Month Euro-Credit
Loan is re-scaled at new LIBOR every six months,
with interest payments made on those roll-over

  • Euronotes Short term promissory notes issued by
    a corporation and sold to institutional or
    private investors.
  • Maturity is typically three to six months.
  • Euro-notes are underwritten by international
    investment banks or international commercial
    banks through Euronote Programs.
  • The program identifies the dealer(s) who will act
    on behalf of the borrower in placing issues with
  • Euro-notes are originally sold at a discount from
    their face value and pay back the full face value
    at maturity they can trade in secondary markets.

Eurocommercial Paper
  • Eurocommercial Paper Unsecured short-term notes
    issued by corporations and banks in the
    Eurocurrency markets.
  • Maturities typically range from one month to 6
  • Historically, U.S. dollar denominated (about
    75) but euro denominated notes are becoming
    more important.
  • Placed directly with investors through a dealers
    Eurocommercial Program.

Euro-Medium-Term Notes (MTNs)
  • MTNs Fixed or floating rate notes issued by a
    corporation or government to investors.
  • Maturities of 9 months to 10 years (but most
    under 5 years)
  • MTNs are offered on an on-going basis rather than
    all at once like a bond.
  • Issued through a Euro-MTN Program, whereby the
    issuer can vary the amount of notes to be issued
    at any one time depending upon its needs and
    windows of opportunity.
  • Thus, a Euro- MTN-program offers issuers
    flexibility in the raising of medium and
    longer-term funds.
  • MTNs are placed by dealers and they can trade in
    secondary markets (e.g., on the London Stock

Who Uses the Eurocurrency Markets?
Rise of the Offshore Financial Center
  • Offshore financial centers are best defined as
    those money centers that attract a high level of
    non-resident financial activity.
  • Offshore financial centers are not new.
  • In the 1920, wealthy American, UK and Canadian
    citizens established offshore trusts in the
    Bahamas and the Cayman Islands (to minimize their
  • In the 1960s and 1970s, US banks established
    offshore branches to escape US regulations and to
    book euro-currency loans.

Characteristics of Offshore Financial Centers
  • Many (but not all) offshore financial centers are
    sparsely populated small island states
    (Switzerland is an exception).
  • These locations provide some or all of the
    following advantages low or zero taxation
    moderate or light financial regulation banking
    secrecy and anonymity.
  • Since the 1980s, the number of offshore financial
    centers (as identified by the IMF) has risen from
    about 30 to just under 70.

Offshore Financial Centers (1999)
  • Africa Asia and Pacific Europe
    Middle East Western Hemisphere
  • Djibouti Cook Islands Andorra
    Bahrain Anguilla
  • Liberia Guam Campione (Italy) Israel
  • Mauritius Hong Kong Cyprus
    Lebanon Aruba
  • Seychelles Japan Dublin, Ireland Bahamas
  • Tangier Malaysia Gibraltar Barbados
  • Macao Guernsey Belize
  • Marianas Isle of Man Bermuda
  • Marshall Islands Jersey British
    Virgin Islands
  • Micronesia Liechtenstein Cayman Islands

  • Nauru London, U.K. Costa Rica
  • Niue Luxembourg Dominica
  • Philippines Madeira Grenada
  • Singapore Malta Montserrat
  • Tahiti Monaco Netherlands Antilles

  • Thailand Netherlands Panama
  • Vanuatu Switzerland Puerto Rico
  • Western Samoa St. Kitts and Nevis

Web Sites Offshore Financial Centers
  • For a good discussion of Offshore Financial
    Centers visit the following IMF web site
  • http//
  • To view one offshore financial center, the Cayman
    Islands, visit the following web site
  • http//
  • Link to Offshore Banking and Investments

Appendix 1 Commercial Banks in the Global
Importance and Growth Banks in Global Finance
  • The early growth of international banking
    activities was largely driven by commercial bank
    financing of the international trade activities
    of their corporate clients.
  • This was done though banks in home markets.
  • In the latter period, we have seen a physical
    expansion of branches and subsidiaries of banks
    into foreign markets.
  • These overseas banks have been involved in an
    increasing volume of loans to foreign borrowers,
    private banking services, foreign exchange and
    investment banking activities, etc.
  • 1960, for example, only 8 U.S. banks had foreign
    offices by 1987, however, 153 U.S. banks had a
    total of 902 foreign branches.
  • Similarly, in 1973, fewer than 90 foreign banks
    had offices in the U.S. by 1987, 266 foreign
    banks operated 664 offices in U.S. cities.

International (Global) Banks
  • Critical to the functioning of the eurcurrency
    markets are global commercial banks.
  • Why? Global banks accept euro-deposits and make
  • And they do so within both in the interbank and
    retail markets.
  • International (i.e., global) banks can be
    distinguished from domestic banks by the
  • The types of services they offer
  • The deposits they are willing to accept
  • The loans they are willing to make
  • For a discussion of why banks establish a global
    presence, please see Appendix 2

International Banks Services
  • Managing Euro-Programs for borrowers.
  • Financing of cross border trade (exports)
  • Letters of credit bankers acceptances
  • Offering foreign exchange services
  • Market maker banks.
  • Buying and selling foreign exchange for clients
  • Offering hedging contracts (forwards and
  • Offering interest rate and currency swap
  • Consulting services to global firms
  • Hedging strategies international cash
  • Underwriting eurobonds, foreign bonds, and equity
    issues for global firms.

International Banking Deposits
  • International banks may or may not be involved in
    accepting domestic (i.e., local currency)
    deposits in the various foreign markets in which
    they operate.
  • All global banks, however, participate in
    eurocurrency deposit market.
  • Accepting a wide range of major foreign
    currency deposits.

International Banking Loans
  • International banks are lenders of eurocurrency
  • To one another (in the interbank markets)
  • And to retail customers.
  • Also, participation in syndicated eurocurrency
    loans to large multinational firms and sovereign
  • Many banks involved in these loan agreements.
  • Some syndicates have involved up to 200 banks.
  • Allows for the pooling of resources and the
    sharing of risk!

International Banks Ranked by Asset Size, 2006
  • 1 UBS (Switzerland)
  • 2 Citigroup (United States)
  • 3 Mizuho Holdings (Japan)
  • 4 HSBC (U.K.)
  • 5 Credit Agricole Groupe (France)
  • 6 PNB Paribus (France)
  • 7 JP Morgan Chase (United States)
  • 8 Deutsche Bank (Germany)
  • 9 Royal Bank of Scotland (U.K.)
  • 10 Bank of America (United States)
  • Formed by the 2002 merger of Dai-Ichi Kangyo,
    Fuji Bank and The Industrial Bank of Japan.

Appendix 2 Example of a Corporate Borrower in
the Eurocurrency Market
  • CWB, is a Canadian company, that sells western
    Canadian wheat and barley throughout the world.
  • The company raises money in Canada, the United
    States and in various eurocurrency markets
    through a Eurocommercial Paper Program and a Euro
    Medium Term Notes Program.

CWBs Web Site
  • Visit CWBs web site (as noted below) to see
    their recent eurocurrency borrowing activities.

  • From this site, link to funding programs, then
    go to eurocommercial paper program and euro
    medium term note program.
  • http//

Appendix 2 Why Do Banks Establish a Global
Presence and What Organizational Structures do
they Use?
Why do Banks Establish International Operations?
  • Possible Low Marginal Costs in going global.
  • Apply home knowledge to foreign market.
  • Knowledge Advantage in global market
  • Overseas operations can utilize the parents
    knowledge to compete successfully in foreign
  • Home (Headquartered) Information Source
  • Providing local firms (in foreign countries) with
    information about parents home market
  • Growth
  • Home market may be saturated or experiencing slow

Why do Banks Establish International Operations?
  • Regulation Advantage
  • Global banks may not face the same regulations as
    do their domestic banks (e.g., reserve
    requirements on eurocurrency deposits).
  • Defensive Strategy
  • Following corporate clients overseas
  • Providing retail customer overseas services
  • Risk Reduction
  • Greater stability of consolidated earnings.
  • Prestige

Example of Global Bank Citigroup
  • Financial services firm combining banking,
    insurance, and investments under one global
  • Universal or full service bank
  • Currently located in over 100 countries
  • Began international operations in 1912!
  • Go to home page and view countries and product
  • http//

Services Offered by International Banks
  • The particular services offered by a global bank
    is a function of
  • The regulatory environment.
  • What will foreign (host) governments allow?
  • Developing countries still somewhat restrictive
    regarding foreign banks.
  • The type of banking office established.
  • Organizational structure will determine type of
    servies to be offered.
  • See next 4 slides on global banking structures.

Correspondent Banking Structure
  • Correspondent Banking Structure is characterized
  • Having no physical presence overseas
  • Headquarters maintains correspondent
    relationships with other banks in foreign
  • Results in correspondent balances held at
    overseas correspondent banks.
  • Allows a bank to service core clients overseas
    through correspondent banks with little cost.
  • Facilities foreign exchange conversion for
  • Facilities trade financing (clearing bankers
    acceptances) for clients.

Representative Office Structure
  • Representative Office is characterized by
  • A small overseas service facility staffed by
    parent bank personnel.
  • The office cannot make loans or accept deposits,
  • Office is there to assist core clients in that
    country with
  • Country and economic information
  • Introductions to government/business contacts
  • Credit evaluations of local firms
  • This is a potentially useful (and relatively low
    cost) strategy if a global bank has many
    important clients in foreign country and they
    wish to maintain contact with these firms.

Foreign Branch Office Structure
  • Foreign Branch Office is characterized by
  • Since, legally the branch office is part of the
    parent bank
  • The branch office is subject to regulations both
    at home and in foreign country.
  • Branch lending limits are based upon parent
    capital (not branch office capital).
  • Thus, a branch can provide larger loans to
    overseas clients.
  • This structure allows for fast global clearing of
    checks within the banks organization
  • Branch to branch and to parent clearing.
  • This has been the most popular form of U.S. bank
    expansion abroad.

Subsidiary Bank Structure
  • Subsidiary Bank is characterized by
  • A bank locally incorporated (in foreign
  • Bank is either wholly owned by parent, or joint
    venture with local partner.
  • An affiliate bank is a non-controlled subsidiary
    (i.e., arising out of a joint venture).
  • These banks operate under the banking laws of the
    country in which it is incorporated.
  • Arrangement was particularly desirable before the
    abolition of U.S. Glass Steagell Act.
  • U.S. banks incorporated overseas so as to engage
    in investment banking activities.
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