Title: Dr Erio Ziglio
1Uppsala, 20 January 2005
Dr Erio Ziglio World Health Organization European
Office for Investment for Health and Development
Venice, E-mail ezi_at_ihd.euro.who.int
2The WHO European Office for
Investment for Health and Development
Venice, Italy
3The Venice Office has two main functions
- To monitor, review and systematize the policy
implications of emerging research findings on the
social and economic determinants of health. - To provide a set of services to increase the
European capacity to promote population health by
integrating into development agendas, policies
and practice evidence on the social and economic
determinants of health.
4Outline of this presentation
Implications for Sweden
New Approaches
Health Development
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6The Promotion of population Health is
increasingly recognized as key resource for
social and economic development
7Promoting Population Health
Social Development
Equitable Sustainable
Economic Development
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11Ray Charles
12Communities rarely develop on the basis of their
deficiencies, () they develop on the basis of
their assets
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14An integrated model of HP
Programmes to change unhealth
knowledge attitudes and behaviours
Policies actions to create health supporting
environments and communities
Policies actions to improve equity in social
and economic conditions
15Investment for Health and Development
Manage Risk Factors
Manage Risk Conditions
Manage Assets
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