Lecture 5 Introduction to Budgeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 5 Introduction to Budgeting


... revenues received to date, and estimated revenues yet to be received; original ... ASBO recommends four sections to budget: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 5 Introduction to Budgeting

Lecture 5Introduction to Budgeting
  • EDA 757/PPA 730
  • Fall 2002

Lecture 5 Outline
  • Expenditure patterns and trends in NY
  • Purpose of budgeting
  • Budget process
  • Preparation
  • Approval
  • Execution
  • Budget document

Sources of Budget InformationNY State Education
  • General Educational Management Services Unit
  • http//www.emsc.nysed.gov/mgtserv/gemsho.htm
  • Publications available
  • Budgeting Handbook 3 Good overview of key
    aspects of budgeting, and regulations.
  • School Business Management Evaluation Checklist
    Provides a series of checklists for SBOs on
    budgeting, financial management practices, and
    legal requirements.
  • Budget vote results from around the state
  • Template of detailed budget, which is consistent
    with the financial statements the district is
    required to complete (SBM-1).
  • Legal references for SBOs.

Expenditure Patterns and Trends (1995 to
2000)Figure 5-1
  • 63 of expenditures are for instruction similar
    to national patterns. 39 for teacher
    salariesgrowing at state average.
  • 16 of expenditures are fringe benefitsslow
    growth in this category.
  • Central administration is less than 3--much
    lower than national average.
  • Facilities, OM, and transportation are 18 of
    total, about the national averagegrowth is above
    state average.
  • Source New York SED, School District Fiscal
    Profile Report,
  • http//www.oms.nysed.gov/faru/Profiles/profiles_co

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Expenditure for Special Education and Regular
Instruction (Figure 5-2)
  • Difficult to separate special education from
    regular instructional expenditure.
  • One estimate for New York shows special education
    spending per student was 3 to 4 time that for
    regular students.
  • Special education spending grew much faster from
    1980 to 1993 than spending on regular students,
    especially in NYC.
  • These trends have prompted state governments to
    consider limitations on state aid for special

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Purposes of Budgeting Process and Document
  • Resource allocation Budget is a spending plan,
    and is principal mechanism for deciding
    priorities between programs.
  • Examine percent distribution and trends in budget
    share by program.
  • Financial control One of the principal
    mechanisms for assuring resources are spent as
    decided by school board.
  • Compare actual spending to budget by object of
    expenditure, and organizational unit.

Purposes of Budgeting Process and Document
  • Management control Use budget to help improve
    efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Compare trends in enrollment, productivity
    ratios, and student performance.
  • Planning tool Budget can be connected to the
    strategic plan.
  • Provide long-range forecasts of revenues,
    spending, enrollment, and student performance.
  • The budget can be thought of as the continuous
    improvement plan translated into a performance
    plan. Keuren (2002)

Purposes of Budgeting Process and Document
  • Communications device Budget can be used to
    communicate goals and objectives of an
    organization, and how resources are allocated to
    meet this objectives.
  • Post the budget on-line
  • Prepare a popular budget
  • Create forums for citizen participation beyond
    the traditional budget hearing.

What Makes Public Budgeting Different?
  • Open process public manager serves many masters
    (school board, mayor, parents/other citizens,
    state education department).
  • Objectives of public agencies are complexseldom
    is there one bottom line like profit.
  • Many constraints on decision making (state and
    federal mandates, court orders, financial
    regulations, timing of state aid, etc.)
  • Limited control of clientele public agencies
    have to serve all qualified residents (cant
    choose student body).

Budget Process
  • Budget guidance (top down part of process)
  • Priorities and changes Superintendents sets out
    new programs, and major changes to curriculum,
    staffing, and facilities.
  • Forecasts of enrollment, staff turnover.
  • Constraints on size and distribution of budget
  • Revenue forecastsceiling on expenditure growth
  • Legal constraints, mandates, categorical aid
  • Mandatory spendingdebt service, contractual
    obligations (teacher salaries).

Budget Process
  • Budget guidance (top down part of process)
  • Preparation guidelines
  • Forms
  • Budget calendar (timetable)
  • Inflation rates, salaries.
  • Special procedures for estimating costs.
  • Instructions on how to categorize
    spendingbaseline vs. improvements, operating vs.
    capital, etc.

Figure 5-3 Budget Development Timeline Salt Lake
City Schools (FY 2002-03 Budget)
  • December/January
  • Begin review of capital projects
  • Current enrollment projections ready
  • Budget development schedule sent to program
  • Determine general budget policy plans directions
  • May
  • Begin printing budget
  • Board study session, presentation and discussion
    of executive budget (prior to June 1)
  • July
  • Advertise to hold hearings on budget tax rate
    that exceeds certified tax rate (if necessary)
  • March
  • Textbook, supply library budgets set up
  • BG review of capital projects
  • February
  • Begin review of special programs
  • Meet with program managers dept heads to review
    revise special programs
  • April
  • Budget tied together, reviewed, and budget book
    prepared egin review of capital projects
  • June
  • Publish newspaper notice of public hearings to
    revise current adopt new year budget tax
  • Board meeting public hearings to revise current
    budget and adopt new year budget tax rates.
  • August
  • Final budget tax rate adoption public
    hearings (if it is necessary to exceed the
    certified tax rate)

For full SLC budget go to http//www.slc.k12.ut.u
Advantages of a Carefully Constructed Budget
  • It improves planning and budget preparation by
    providing advance notice of when particular
    information is required. Facilitates analysis of
    how budget relates to educational plan.
  • It facilitates gathering opinions/data from key
    staff, board members, etc. by providing clear
    timeline on when decisions have to be made.
  • Helps to assure that legal dates/requirements of
    the budget process are met.
  • Facilitates informing the public about the
    process, and how and when citizens can comment.
  • Source Budgeting Handbook 3. Full list is on
    the website
  • http//www.emsc.nysed.gov/mgtserv/budget-02.htmP

Budget Process
  • Budget preparation (bottom up part of process)
  • Units within district prepare operating and
    capital budgets, estimate staffing requirements,
    and prepare justification for expansions of
  • Key issue is how decentralized this process is.
    Is budget prepared only by central
    administration, or are schools involved in
    developing and allocating budget (school based
  • If school-level budgeting exists, what do they
    have control over (enrollment forecasts,
    personnel, facilities, other operating spending)?

Budget Process
  • Budget review and approval
  • Unit budgets are reviewed by SBO and
    superintendentunits usually required to make
    modifications. The more decentralized, the more
    time consuming this process is.
  • Final budget is presented to school board, which
    can usually modify before budget vote.
  • Public hearings are often held in conjunction
    with board review of the budget.
  • After board vote, may be public vote on budget
    (3rd Tuesday in May in NY). District gets
    several chances to pass budget.
  • In New York, if budget doesnt pass, then
    district uses a contingency budget.
  • SBO plays key role in preparing and presenting
    final budget.

Budget Process
  • Budget execution and audit
  • Budget execution is managing the budget as it is
  • Checking for variance of actuals and budget.
  • Adjusting budget targets as actual tax and aid
    figures become available.
  • Modifying budget to meet unanticipated
    circumstances (transferring funds across
  • At least once a month, a budget status report
    should be prepared The report should include
    estimated revenues, revenues received to date,
    and estimated revenues yet to be received
    original appropriations, adjustments and
    transfers, revised appropriations, expenditures,
    encumbrances, and unencumbered balances
  • Budgeting Handbook 3, http//www.emsc.nysed.gov/

Budget Process
  • Budget execution and audit
  • Budget audit is the use of internal and external
    (independent) auditors to verify financial
    statements, and identify irregularities, control
    system problems, and pending financial problems
    facing the district.
  • The annual independent audit should serve as a
    valuable tool in the budgeting processsince the
    audit is prepared at the close of the year by an
    outside independent certified public accountant
    or public accountant, it represents an unbiased
    look at the major categories of expenditures and
    revenues. The audit can serve to point out areas
    for improvement in the budget development
    process, as well as to serve as a review of the
    district's compliance with laws, regulations and
    accounting practices.
  • Budgeting Handbook 3, http//www.emsc.nysed.gov/

The Budget DocumentMatching Information
  • Resource allocation (spending plan)
  • Information by program
  • Financial control
  • Information by object of expenditure, and
    organizational unit.
  • Management control
  • Historical information on enrollment by type,
    productivity ratios, and student performance.
  • Planning tool
  • Long-range forecasts of finances, enrollment, and
  • Communication device
  • User friendly formatpopular budgetexplanation
    of budget process, glossary, and summaries of key
    priorities, and program changes.

Problems with Line-Item Budgets
  • No visibility on programs
  • No visibility on enrollment trends by type. No
    link between spending per pupil and student
  • Short-term focusOnly look at one-year in the
    future. No link to strategic plans, and capital
    improvement plans.

Other Types of Budget Formats
  • Planning, programming, budgeting (PPB)
  • Budget organized by program areas. Includes
    program mission statements, objectives, and
    indicators of success.
  • Long-range planning of goals, programs, and
    required resources.
  • Policy analysis, cost-benefit analysis, program
  • Limited success because of heavy information
    requirements, incompatibility of program format
    with control mission.
  • Zero-based budgeting (ZBB)
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of programs to be
    reevaluated on regular basis.
  • Agencies to prepare decision packages for each
    program that look at impact on mission of low,
    medium, and high funding.
  • Decision packages of all programs are ranked by
    executive. Facilitates budget cuts by
    legislature (school board).
  • Limited success because of heavy information
    requirements, and limited benefit to managers.

Other Types of Budget Formats
  • Performance-based budget
  • Use of traditional function/object budget
  • Includes performance information on workload
    (enrollment by type), productivity (class size),
    outputs (courses offered), and outcomes (student
    performance, violence, drop-out rates, etc.)
  • Performance and spending may be linked through
    cost analysis, and program evaluation.
  • Essentially merging of school budget and school
    report cards.
  • Major budget reform of the last decade. (Used
    in federal government, many state and local
    governments.) Limited use in school districts.
    Standard Poors is now producing reports on
    school districts linking performance data and
    budgets in Michigan and Pennsylvania (see

SP Written Report

SP Observations

Detailed written analysis summarizing comparative
strengths, challenges, risks, and o
verall educational return on
resources. In addition, for each category of
analysis, the report provides a snapshot table of
important statistics,

detailed analytical commentary, and graphs
illustrating key data.
Comparisons, Trends, and Data Analysis

Parents Cor
Revenue, Taxes, Debt

Summary of key information for parents,
Information on
revenue sources, financial margins, reserve
including test scores, spending, classroom
levels, property values, school tax rates, and

information, tax and debt burden, and

Student Res

Scores and participation rates for MEAP, ACT,
Socioeconomic characteristics of students,
the community

SAT, PSAT, and AP. Also, graduation, dropout,
(district boundaries), and the region.

and attendance rates.
Schools In This District

Where dollars are spent including
Snapshot of information on each school in the

compensation, academic programs, instruction,
including enrollment, test scores, and

n, and debt.
Return on Resources
General Information

Includes the Performance Cost Index (PCI), a
Descriptive information regarding the district,

quantitative measure of the spending
location, number of schools, square miles, etc.

associated with a level of student achievement.
Learning Environment

Information on class and school sizes,
enrollment stability, staffing levels and

safety, technology, and facilities.
School Administrator Commentary

School District Perspectiv

A description written by the school administrator
of the qualitative aspects of the school system,
including recent
developments, special circumstances, programs or
facilities, and accomplishments or distinctions.

For reports for Michigan and Pennsylvania
Budget DocumentWhat is Recommended by ASBO
  • Association of School Business Officials
    International recognizes excellence in budgeting
    through Meritorious Budget Awards Program.
  • ASBO recommends four sections to budget
  • Introduction executive summary, organization,
    financial summary in user friendly format.
  • Organizational mission statements, major goals,
    budget and financial policies, budget preparation
    and management processes.
  • Financial financial structure, detailed budget
    tables, capital budget, debt, accounting
    classifications and basis of budgeting.
  • Information section historical data, forecasts,
    enrollment and personnel, property values and tax
    collections, debt schedules, performance
  • Award criteria http//www.asbointl.org/asbo/file

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Example Salt Lake City Budget
Example Salt Lake City Budget
Example Salt Lake City Budget
Example Salt Lake City Budget
Budget Documents in New York
  • Popular Budget User friendly budget for the
    public, with the following sections
  • 1. The Educational Plan
  • The introductory portion of the budget document
    should provide the setting for the requested
  • a letter of transmittal from the board
  • a statement of philosophy and major objectives of
    the program of education offered
  • an overview of the education programs and
    services of the district
  • a statement of the relationship of this year's
    budget to any long-range program
  • any new services, or changes in present
    organization, that are being added or undertaken
  • this year to carry out the educational
  • a list of budget recommendations which are being
    deferred for future consideration due to an
    inability to obtain the desirable appropriations.

Example of Elementary School Programs Excerpt
from Rochester School District Budget 2002-03
  • Overview
  • The Elementary Education programs will serve
    approximately 20,000 K-6 students (general
    education and special education). The District
    runs full day kindergarten in all of its
    elementary schools and pre-kindergarten programs
    at 25 of its elementary sites.
  • There are fourteen K-6 schools, seventeen K-5
    schools, one K-8 school, two K-2 schools, one 3-5
    and the Montessori school. The schools and
    programs are provided with the resources to meet
    the needs of a multi-ethnic, urban student
  • CHANGES IN 2002-2003 BUDGET
  • Increase in class size to contractual maximum of
    28 students in grades K-2, and 30 students in
    grades 3-6.
  • Magnet school enrichment programs are offered and
    organized around themes, including foreign
    language, technology, science, intercultural
    studies and performing arts.

Website http//www.rcsd-k12.org/Budgetfiles2002-
Budget Documents in New York
  • Popular Budget (cont.)
  • 2. The Expenditure Plan
  • The expenditure plan should classify budget items
    through the function and object codes in
    accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts.
    As previously noted, in order to provide the
    comparative statistics which are required to be
    included in the budget, it will be necessary to
    divide the current and the upcoming budget into
    the three components. The expenditure plan should
  • compare statistics for at least one year prior to
    the current proposed budget with respect to
    expenditures, revenues, fund balance, and tax
  • describe the nature and types of service covered
    in some of the more general item classifications
  • provide an attractive and interesting format
    through pictures, charts, tables, and graphs
  • explain substantial increases or decreases in
    appropriations by reference to enrollment data,
    effects of inflation, or program
  • focus attention on past and present successful
    efforts to provide economy and efficiency in the
    district's operations.

Budget Documents in New York
  • Popular Budget (cont.)
  • 3. Revenue Plan
  • The income plan should contain at least the
    following elements
  • a) a listing of anticipated revenues with an
    explanation of substantial increases or
  • b) an explanation in general terms of state aid
    and types of programs funded by state aid
  • c) an indication of the estimated amount to be
    raised through local taxes.
  • d) fund balance - appropriated and

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Budget Documents in New York
  • Detailed Budget
  • Districts are required to fill out annual
    financial statements. Recommended budget format
    follows closely the program categories and line
  • Line Item categories

Full copy is available on the website
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