Title: Mercury and Autism
1Mercury and Autism
- Charles Lamar
- Environmental Testing Laboratories
- Patty Els
- Environmental Testing Laboratories
- Ed Irwin
- Freeport High School
- Mercury is a metallic element that is liquid at
room temperature and is used in thermometers,
barometers, vapor lamps, batteries, and in the
preparation of chemical pesticides. In short,
everyone is exposed to varying levels of mercury,
whether it be through vaccination, absorption in
the womb, the consumption of contaminated
seafood, or a workplace accident. - Autism, otherwise known as autism spectrum
disorder, is one of the five Pervasive
Developmental Disorders. The disorder is
expressed in varying degrees of disability. - ASD is a disability resulting from a
neurological disorder that affects the normal
functioning of the brain. People with ASD often
display difficulties in the areas of verbal
communication, social interaction, and leisure
- ASD is the most prevalent of the Pervasive
Developmental Disorders. An estimated 1 in 166
births are affected. Currently, there are several
methods of treatment but there are no known means
of prevention. - Modern methods of treatment include chelation
therapy. This is the process by which heavy
metals are removed from the bloodstream.
4- It has been suggested in recent years that there
is a direct correlation between the level of
mercury exposure a person receives during early
development and their chances of developing
autistic tendencies. -
- If all people are exposed to mercury in some form
or another, why doesnt everyone develop ASD?
6There are two primary research questions being
addressed by this study
- 1. Is cold vapor atomic absorption capable of
quantitatively measuring the level of mercury
excreted in head hair?
- 2. Can levels of excreted mercury in head hair be
used as an accurate indicator of autistic
spectrum disorder?
- Potassium Permanganate
- Stannous-Chloride
- Argon Gas
- Nitric Acid
- Sulfuric Acid
- Reagent Grade Water
- Mercury Analyzer
- BOD Bottles
- Water Bath
- Analytical Balance
- Hair samples
- The parent of each Autistic volunteer will cut
(not pull) a small locket of hair from the back
of the head. This can be accomplished in the
students home during a regularly scheduled hair
cut without any disruption in the childs
environment or routine.
9 The locket of hair will be placed into a Ziplock
bag. The outside of the bag will be labeled on
tape with the gender, age, and a code known only
to the parents of the student.
10The hair samples will first be acid extracted and
then analyzed by atomic absorption using the
Perkin-Elmer FIMS Mercury analyzer located at
Freeport High School. In addition duplicate
samples will be run by Environmental Testing
Laboratories in Farmingdale.
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Preliminary Results
- Mercury Levels (parts per million)
- Gender Male
- Age Code ppm Notes
- 14 D-FHS 1.19 control
- 12 1392 0.44 high functioning autistic
- 15 KFI 0.028 low functioning
- autistic
- KFI 0.037 mean 0.033
14Gender Female Age Code ppm Notes 14 C-FHS 0
.39 control 16 S-FHS 0.79 control 14 M-FHS 1
.50 control 8 EC 0.64 high functioning
autistic chelation
- The preliminary results show that the control
participants were better able to release mercury
through the hair follicles. This supports the
idea that people with ASD developed the disorder
not because they were exposed to mercury, but
rather they were unable to release the mercury. - The results for the student who received
chelation therapy are currently not understood.
It is unclear whether she is a high functioning
autistic student because of the treatment, or,
because she is capable of releasing a substantial
amount of the element.
16Future Work
- This study is on going. In the coming months,
more samples will be collected and analyzed.
Further more, additional aspects of the study
will be explored
- Autism Society of America
- www.whale.to
- www.autismsociety.org
- www.answers.com
- www.reference.com
- www.network54.com
- www.healing-arts.org
- www.tacanow.com
- Dr. Sat Bhattacharya
- Harlem Children's Society
- Kristin Cook
- Ruth Lawrence
- Mr. Ed Irwin
- Patty Els