Title: WWII: Home-Front (1941-45)
1WWII Home-Front (1941-45)
- Key Terms
- Revenue Act
- War Productions Board
- Office of Price Administration
- Braceros
- Executive Order 9066
- Intro
- Government Grows
- Finances
- Government Control
- Society/Economy
- Patriotism
- Economy/Jobs
- Women Family
- Race Relations
- Conc.
- Cost of WWII- 250 million per day
- Solutions Money was borrowed
- 1941 debt 48 Billion
- 1945 debt 247 Billion
- Solutions Revenue Act of 1942
Thomas Hart Benton, Back Him Up
3Revenue Act(1942)
- Instituted withholding taxes.
- Tax rates for all were increased.
- Shows growth of Governments power.
4Government Grows
- Government Agencies
5War Productions Board
- Oversaw conversion of economy from civilian to
military supplies. - Ex Auto Industry
- By 1945 US produced more than Germany, Italy
Japan combined.
Don Nelson, WPB Chair Former head of Sears
6Auto Industry Mobilizes
- Chrysler-tanks
- Ford-Jeeps Planes (Willow Run assembly line was
one mile long ¼ mile wide).
7Government GrowsOffice Of Price Administration
- Rationed goods established price controls
- Examples steel, sugar, coffee, rubber,
gasoline, etc. - Slogan Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or
do without. - National Speed Limit
35 mph
8Patriotism Baseball
- 55,000/year
- 21.00/month
- Hank Greenberg
- National Anthem
9Patriotism Enlistments
- 1941-1.6 million in US armed forces
- 1945-15 million men 350,000 women in US armed
US Navy Recruiting Booklet
Recruiting Poster
10Patriotism War Bonds
- Many showed their support by purchasing war bonds
Thomas Hart Benton, Back Him Up
11Boom Economic
- Average Salaries (US)
- 1939-1,500/year
- 1945-3,000/year
- Unemployment (MI)
- 1933-46
- 1944- 0.6
Figures are approximate
12Women In The Workforce
- 1941-1945 6.5 million women enter workforce.
- No equal pay for equal work.
- Women were still responsible for traditional
13War American Family
- Marriages birthrates increased so did divorces
- High school enrollments dropped
- Rates of juvenile delinquency increased
Hurley Family Photo
14WWII Hispanic Laborers
- US negotiated Bracero program due to labor
shortage (1942-64). - Mexican citizens worked in USabout 4 million.
- US farmers became dependent upon Bracero laborers.
Bracero workers on a California farm (1944)
15Home Front Economic Boom Demographic Patterns
- Black Population
- Seattle 4,000-40,000
- Detroit increased by nearly 50,000
16Black Americans Leave South
- Over 700,000 African Americans left South
17Racial Tension(Housing)
- A group gathers near the Sojourner Truth Housing
Project (1942)
18Black Americans Leave South
- Detroit Race Riots (1943).
- 25 blacks and 9 whites were killed.
19Japanese Americans
- Executive Order 9066
- 110,000 on West Coast forced into Internment
Camps - 2/3 were US citizens
- Reparations were granted in 1988
20Holocaust(Hitlers Final Solution)
- 6 million Jews (out of a worldwide Jewish
population of about 15 million) - 3.7 million Soviets
- 12,000/day at Auschwitz
30 Jewish women starved to death on 300 mile
21WWII Home-Front (1941-45)
- Key Terms
- Revenue Act
- War Productions Board
- Office of Price Administration
- Braceros
- Executive Order 9066
- Intro
- Government Grows
- Finances
- Government Control
- Society/Economy
- Patriotism
- Economy/Jobs
- Women Family
- Race Relations
- Conc.