Title: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using PowerPoint
1The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using PowerPoint
- A Presentation by Cory Witt, Ben Mueller, Chad
Naber, Larry Powers, Aaron Maze and James Belknap
2While PowerPoint can be a great presentational
aid, it also has many drawbacks that can make or
break your presentation!!!
- Drawbacks
- Unseen issues
- Fixable issues
- Benefits
- Presentational benefits
- Audience benefits
3Fixable Drawbacks include
- Some people really do not like being read to.
- According to the article Glazed Eyes people do
not like being read to
Mr. Vice President, Mr. Chief Justice, and fellow
citizens, I accept with humility the honor which
the American people have conferred upon me. I
accept it with a deep resolve to do all that I
can for the welfare of this Nation and for the
peace of the world.   1  In performing the duties
of my office, I need the help and prayers of
every one of you. I ask for your encouragement
and your support. The tasks we face are
difficult, and we can accomplish them only if we
work together.2Â Â Each period of our national
history has had its special challenges. Those
that confront us now are as momentous as any in
the past. Today marks the beginning not only of a
new administration, but of a period that will be
eventful, perhaps decisive, for us and for the
world.3Â Â It may be our lot to experience, and in
large measure to bring about, a major turning
point in the long history of the human race. The
first half of this century has been marked by
unprecedented and brutal attacks on the rights of
man, and by the two most frightful wars in
history. The supreme need of our time is for men
to learn to live together in peace and
harmony.4Â Â The peoples of the earth face the
future with grave uncertainty, composed almost
equally of great hopes and great fears. In this
time of doubt, they look to the United States as
never before for good will, strength, and wise
4Audience Interaction
- Offer the audience a chance to interact instead
of just reading to them and allowing them to feel
5Graphics can be Bad
- Swirling text
- Fading in.
- Slow moving.
- Pictures
- Irrelevant Animations
6How to Avoid
- Plan ahead and select the appropriate text
graphics. Dont use distracting ones that will
get you behind or off topic.
- Dont clutter the screen with too much.
7Too much text
- Professors often overload slides with
information, forcing them to move through the
material too quickly while overwhelming students
with details. This can sometimes discourage
students and lead them to stop listening to the
lecture altogether (Active Lecturing The
Potential of PowerPoint ).
8Example of Overload
- Drawbacks There are also drawbacks to using
PowerPoint as a teaching tool. PowerPoint, when
used incorrectly, can encourage student (and
teacher) passivity by discouraging interaction
between them. Professors often overload slides
with information, forcing them to move through
the material too quickly while overwhelming
students with details. This can sometimes
discourage students and lead them to stop
listening to the lecture altogether
9Break it up
- Break up the slides, find a good point to
separate it to the next slide so you dont have
too much information on one.
10Example of well organized
- There are also drawbacks to using PowerPoint as a
teaching tool.
- Can encourage student (and teacher) passivity by
discouraging interaction between them.
11Contrasting Colors
- Colors can sometimes conflict if you do not
choose them correctly.
- Choose colors that arent
closely related
12Correct Color Usage
- According to Michael Osborns Public Speaking,
complimentary color scheme should be used to
heighten the sense of drama, and may enliven
informative speaking and encourage change in
persuasive speaking. - Choose colors that arent closely related
13Noises can be distracting
- Power points can have too many noises
14Fix the noises
- Let the noise that you have selected interact
with only the part it should.
- Properly space the time between noises if
multiple are used
15Unseen Issues Include
- PowerPoint files require that the user has
PowerPoint installed on their machine.
16How to Prepare
- Make sure before the presentation that you have
all the needed programs and files ready.
- If they don't have PowerPoint installed, they can
download and install a free PowerPoint Viewer
available on Microsoft's site
17You Might have Sleepers
- People sometimes dont care and fall asleep
Picture source http//blog.piry.net/2006/03/
18How to Wake a Sleeper
- Wake them up with some interactions or noises.
Sound clip http//www.jimcarreyonline.com/soundcl
19Equipment Failure
- The projector, computer or power might not work.
- This is an unseen disaster but can be fixed
20Check and Re-Check
- Come in before your presentation and make sure
everything is in working order
- Also make sure you know how to work everything
21PowerPoint Benefits
- According to ecglink.com PowerPoint and similar
programs can be an effective tool to help
audiences remember your message, while allowing
you to prove, reinforce, and support your claims.
- Charts can help clarify your ideas.
- Using pictures can emphasize things that are
Picture source http//www.power-point-uses.com/
24Visuals and Text
- The combination of both text and visuals allow
the message to jump right out at the audience.
25Helps organization
- PowerPoint can act as a visual keyword outline.
- Keyword outlines will help your speech stay on
26Other benefits
- According to www.edtech.neu.edu/
- PowerPoint can be used to keep your audience
- PowerPoint makes your content more visual.
- PowerPoint enables interactivity with the
- PowerPoint allows for better note taking by the
- PowerPoint can allow the audience to preview or
review the presentation before or after the