Title: Housekeeping
- Project/assignment 6/quiz 6 questions?
- Quiz 6 Query optimization, database security
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2Security Access Control, SQL Injection Attacks
- Based upon slides from classes.soe.ucsc.edu/.../S
QL20Injection20Attacks.ppt - homes.cs.washington.edu/suciu/current-trends.ppt
- www.cse.iitb.ac.in/dbms/Data/.../DBSecurity-Overvi
3Data Security
- Protection from malicious attempts to steal
(view) or modify data. - The science and study of methods of protecting
data (...) from unauthorized disclosure and
modification - Data Security Confidentiality Integrity
4Traditional Data Security
- Security in statistical databases Theory
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_database
- In a statistical database, it is often desired to
allow query access only to aggregate data, not
individual records. Securing such a database is a
difficult problem, since intelligent users can
use a combination of aggregate queries to derive
information about a single individual. - Security in SQL Access control Views
5Access Control in SQL
GriffithWade'76, Fagin'78
GRANT privileges ON object TO users
. object table attribute
REVOKE privileges ON object FROM users
6Access Control in MySQL
- http//dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/privilege-s
ystem.html - The primary function of the MySQL privilege
system is to authenticate a user who connects
from a given host and to associate that user with
privileges on a database such as SELECT, INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE - There are some things that you cannot do with the
MySQL privilege system - You cannot explicitly specify that a given user
should be denied access. That is, you cannot
explicitly match a user and then refuse the
connection. - You cannot specify that a user has privileges to
create or drop tables in a database but not to
create or drop the database itself. - A password applies globally to an account. You
cannot associate a password with a specific
object such as a database, table, or routine.
7Views in SQL
- A SQL View (almost) any SQL query
- Typically used as
Students WHERE
GRANT SELECT ON pmpStudents TO DavidRispoli
8Views in MySQL
- http//dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/create-view
- VIEW view_name (column_list)
- AS select_statement
- The DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses determine
which MySQL account to use when checking access
privileges for the view when a statement is
executed that references the view.
9Summary of SQL Security
- Limitations
- Often no row level access control
- Note DB specific fine-grained access control
is an active area of improvement - Table creator owns the data (not always fair)
Access control great success story of the DB
- or spectacular failure
- Only 30 assign privileges to users/roles
- And then to protect entire tables, not columns
10MySQL security
- http//dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/security.ht
ml - Many aspects
- General factors that affect security. These
include choosing good passwords, not granting
unnecessary privileges to users, ensuring
application security by preventing SQL injections
and data corruption, and others. See Section 6.1,
General Security Issues. - Security of the installation itself. The data
files, log files, and the all the application
files of your installation should be protected to
ensure that they are not readable or writable by
unauthorized parties. For more information, see
Section 2.18, Postinstallation Setup and
11MySQL security
- Access control and security within the database
system itself, including the users and databases
granted with access to the databases, views and
stored programs in use within the database. For
more information, see Section 6.2, The MySQL
Access Privilege System, and Section 6.3, MySQL
User Account Management. - Network security of MySQL and your system. The
security is related to the grants for individual
users, but you may also wish to restrict MySQL so
that it is available only locally on the MySQL
server host, or to a limited set of other hosts. - Ensure that you have adequate and appropriate
backups of your database files, configuration and
log files. Also be sure that you have a recovery
solution in place and test that you are able to
successfully recover the information from your
backups. See Chapter 7, Backup and Recovery.
12SQL Injection Attacks
14What is a SQL Injection Attack?
- Many web applications take user input from a form
- Often this user input is used literally in the
construction of a SQL query submitted to a
database. For example - SELECT productdata FROM table WHERE productname
user input product name - A SQL injection attack involves placing SQL
statements in the user input
15SQL Injection Attacks on the rise
- https//www.net-security.org/secworld.php?id13313
- Many, many sites have lost customer data in this
way, said Chris Hinkley, Senior Security
Engineer at FireHost. SQL Injection attacks are
often automated and many website owners may be
blissfully unaware that their data could actively
be at risk. These attacks can be detected and
businesses should be taking basic and blanket
steps to block attempted SQL Injection, as well
as the other types of attacks we frequently see.
162012 News of SQL attacks
- http//www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2012/07/18/sql
-injection-still-a-problem/ - An SQL injection vulnerability resulted in an
urgent June bugfix release of Ruby on Rails 3.x. - Yahoo! Voices was hacked in July. The attack
acquired 453,000 user email addresses and
passwords. The perpetrators claimed to have used
union-based SQL injection to break in. - LinkedIn.com leaked 6.5 million user credentials
in June. A class action lawsuit alleges that the
attack was accomplished with SQL injection. - SQL injection was documented as a security threat
in 1998, but new incidents still occur every
month. Making honest mistakes, developers fail
to defend against this means of attack, and the
security of online data is at risk for all of us
because of it.
17Some good sites to learn more
- Prevention guide (with sample code in many
languages) - http//bobby-tables.com/
- Tutorials
- (webinar) http//www.percona.com/webinars/2012-07-
25-sql-injection-myths-and-fallacies - http//www.netrostar.com/SQL-Injection-Attack
- http//www.unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
- Cool site that lets you try out attacks on a
sample DB and explains why they work - http//sqlzoo.net/hack/
- Research paper on how to retrofit existing
websites to combat SQL injection attacks - http//lersse-dl.ece.ubc.ca/record/205/files/paper
18An Example SQL Injection Attack
- Product Search
- This input is put directly into the SQL statement
within the Web application - query SELECT prodinfo FROM prodtable WHERE
prodname . _POSTprod_search . - Creates the following SQL
- SELECT prodinfo FROM prodtable WHERE prodname
blah OR x x - Attacker has now successfully caused the entire
database to be returned.
blah OR x x
19A More Malicious Example
- What if the attacker had instead entered
- blah DROP TABLE prodinfo --
- Results in the following SQL
- SELECT prodinfo FROM prodtable WHERE prodname
blah DROP TABLE prodinfo -- - Note how comment (--) consumes the final quote
- Causes the entire database to be deleted
- Depends on knowledge of table name
- This is sometimes exposed to the user in debug
code called during a database error - Use non-obvious table names, and never expose
them to user - Usually data destruction is not your worst fear,
as there is low economic motivation
20Other injection possibilities
- Using SQL injections, attackers can
- Add new data to the database
- Could be embarrassing to find yourself selling
politically incorrect items on an eCommerce site - Perform an INSERT in the injected SQL
- Modify data currently in the database
- Could be very costly to have an expensive item
suddenly be deeply discounted - Perform an UPDATE in the injected SQL
- Often can gain access to other users system
capabilities by obtaining their password
21Best defence
- If possible, use bound variables with prepared
statements - Many libraries allow you to bind inputs to
variables inside a SQL statement - PERL example (from http//www.unixwiz.net/techtips
/sql-injection.html) - sth dbh-gtprepare("SELECT email, userid FROM
members WHERE email ?") - sth-gtexecute(email)
- See http//bobby-tables.com for example code in
many languages
22How does this prevent an attack?
- The SQL statement you pass to prepare is parsed
and compiled by the database server. - By specifying parameters (either a ? or a named
parameter like name) you tell the database
engine what to filter on. - Then when you call execute the prepared statement
is combined with the parameter values you
specify. - It works because the parameter values are
combined with the compiled statement, not a SQL
string. - SQL injection works by tricking the script into
including malicious strings when it creates SQL
to send to the database. So by sending the actual
SQL separately from the parameters you limit the
risk of ending up with something you didn't
23Other Defenses
- Use provided functions for escaping strings
- Many attacks can be thwarted by simply using the
SQL string escaping mechanism - ? \ and ? \
- mysql_real_escape_string() is the preferred
function for this - Will not guard against all attacks
- Consider
- SELECT fields FROM table WHERE id 23 OR 11
- No quotes here!
24More Defenses
- Check syntax of input for validity
- Many classes of input have fixed languages
- Email addresses, dates, part numbers, etc.
- Verify that the input is a valid string in the
language - Some languages allow problematic characters
(e.g., in email) may decide to not allow
these - Exclude quotes and semicolons
- Not always possible consider the name Bill
OReilly - Want to allow the use of single quotes in names
- Have length limits on input
- Many SQL injection attacks depend on entering
long strings
25Even More Defenses
- Scan query string for undesirable word
combinations that indicate SQL statements - INSERT, DROP, etc.
- If you see these, can check against SQL syntax to
see if they represent a statement or valid user
input - Limit database permissions and segregate users
- If youre only reading the database, connect to
database as a user that only has read permissions - Never connect as a database administrator in your
web application
26And Yet More Defenses
- Configure database error reporting
- Default error reporting often gives away
information that is valuable for attackers (table
name, field name, etc.) - Configure so that this information is never
exposed to a user