Title: Imagine the Possibilities
1Imagine the Possibilities
2The Fundamental Principle
We can do so much more together than any one of
us can do alone!
3The Boys Girls Clubsof America Story
Where were we in 1995? Where are we today?
4Our Scope
5Our Locations
6Our Programs
7Our Brand
8Our National Board
9Our Resources
10Our National/Local Relationships
11How did change come about?
12Begins with a Vision
- Big audacious goals
- Created and shared by all
- Desire to be the best
- A plan of action
- National Role Local Role
13Clarify Roles
Role of the National Organization
1995 Start Clubs, serve Clubs Today
Start Clubs, serve Clubs, create value for
Role of Local Clubs
1995 What can I get for my Club? Today
How can I help the Movement?
14Putting the RightPeople in Place
- Leaders who believe in the vision
- Board members who can open doors, acquire talent
- Rainmakers who can generate the resources
- Understand the performance edge for leaders
- Board development
- Fundraising
- Impact
- Tenacity and persistance
15Develop Partnerships
Who can help us achieve our programmatic
goals? Technology? Public Housing? Education?
Military? Who can help us reach our resource
goals? Corporate? Government? Individuals?
16Invest in the Brand
- Recognize the importance of marketing.
- Increase revenues
- Increase respect
- Increase recruitment
- Put resources behind it.
- Financial
- Board leadership
- Partnerships
17Diversify Funding StreamsNational and Local
- Corporate
- Foundation
- Individual
- Special Event
- Government (federal, state, local)
- Cause Related Marketing
- Planned Giving
18Build Boards
- Influence and affluence
- Relevant talent and experience
- Pride and prestige
- Input and ownership
- Engagement
19Implement Strategiesat All Levels
- Promote the bigger picture
- Break the rules
- Reward what works
- Recruit some rainmakers
- Be stable but do not stand still
- Seize the opportunities
- Purpose, passion, meaning
- Organizational integrity, personal integrity
- Power of Appreciation, deep listening
- Adaptive capacity hardiness, seizing
opportunities, creativity, first class mentality - Developmental opportunities
- Bias toward action/risk/courage
21You can do so much more together than any one
organization can do alone.