Title: Joseph Levinson J
1J J Levinson
- United States Certified Public Accountant
- Mountain View, California (San Francisco Bay
Area) Writing and Editing
2About Me
In present I am working with my wife in
Sub-Saharan Africa, primarily in Gabon, as a
charity volunteer along with my wife. I am
working in many infrastructure projects which are
in the benefits of African people and the
preservation of indigenous cultures. I am a
professional accountant and I have been
delivering services more than 14 years. I can
speak, reads and writes Chinese confidently and
has also have a wide experience in China working
with Chinese companies. Previously, I was
Manager in the banking practice of the New York
office of Deloitte and Touche and was involved in
numerous transactions involving complex financial
structures. I was also an employee of at KPMG in
New York and Hong Kong. In the 1990s, i served as
an executive of Hong Kong Stock Exchange-listed
China Strategic Holdings, where his major
responsibilities included its subsidiary China
Tire, one of the first Mainland Chinese companies
to list on the NYSE. i graduated summa cum laude
from the University at Buffalo in 1994 with a
double major in accounting and finance.
3My experience
Writer April 2005 Present (8 years 6 months)
Self-employed February 2000 Present (13
years 8 months) Greater New York City Area
Article writer
4My education
Double major in accounting and finance,
accounting and finance 1994 1998
Grade A graduated summa cum laude from the
University at Buffalo in 1994 with a double major
in accounting and finance.
5Other information
Involved in a number of infrastructure projects
benefiting the African people and the
preservation of indigenous cultures.
Contact Me for
- Career opportunities
- Consulting offers
- New ventures
- Job inquiries
- Expertise requests
- Business deals
- Reference requests
- Getting back in touch
6Contact Me