Hermes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Known as Hermes Psychopompos, he leads the souls of the dead down into the underworld. Hermes oversees all kinds of transitions between our world and that other ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hermes

  • Messenger God
  • God of Boundaries

Atlas, who wears on back of bronze the ancient
Abode of the gods in heaven, had a daughter
Whose name was Maia, born of a goddessShe lay
with Zeus, and bore me, Hermes,Servant of the
Hermes is a trickster on his first day born, he
steals Apollos cattle, then creates the lyre.
He associates with mortals and immortals. On
occasion he gives help or profit to a few, but
for the most part he continually deceives humans
by the horde in the darkness of night. Homeric
Hymn to Hermes
Hermes on a childs bowl
  • In the Olympian family, Hermes is a youthful god,
    junior to Apollo.
  • Characteristic of his iconography
  • beardless
  • broad-brimmed hat and traveling cloak
  • cadeuceus
  • talaria (not seen here)
  • Roman name Mercury

His traveling clothes show him in his role as the
messenger of the gods. Here he fastens on the
talaria, a special symbol of that role. His dress
as a traveler also shows that he is a liminal
figure. Journeys are potentially dangerous
Hermes is a symbol of the dangers but also a
source of comfort to the traveler.
Etruscan god Usil
  • God of merchants.
  • God of thieves.
  • God of flocks (esp. sheep and goats) in Hesiod.
  • Associated with the education of young men.
  • Known as Hermes Psychopompos, he leads the souls
    of the dead down into the underworld.
  • Hermes oversees all kinds of transitions between
    our world and that other world, as well as all
    kinds of complex human interactions.

Hermes shows up in many vital interactions
between humans and gods. Here he oversees Zeus
giving birth to Dionysus.
Here he brings the infant Dionysus to Silenus to
Here he oversees the punishment of Ixion, who
tried to rape Hera
Here he visits a hero (Odysseus) to bring him a
welcome message from the gods
He brings the goddesses to Paris in the contest
that starts the Trojan war
Here you can just glimpse him as a soul passes
over to the underworld.
While a lot of Classical art focuses on Hermes as
an attractive youth, Hermes commonly appeared in
other guises. Herms were a common feature of
Greek houses, in the mailbox position, to serve
an apotropaic function and invite in good luck.
Here a sculptor carves a Herm.
Heres a herm. All gods could be carved in this
pillar fashion, but Hermes was the most
common Notice Hermes is portrayed as a mature
man. There is no real consistency about his
characteristic age in portrayals. Here he differs
from Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite,
and Hephaestus.
City Savior
In Tanagra, Hermes saved the city from a plague
by carrying a ram around the city on his
shoulders. The ritual is repeated yearly by a
handsome young man carrying a lamb.
Hermes was also a battle savior at Tanagra he
led the young men into battle and fought with a
In Ephesus, Hermes appears with the cadeuceus and
a ram (for sacrifice?)
In the Roman world, Mercury became more important
as a god of trade, since trade and wage-earning
were becoming more central to the economy.
Roman Mercury
So hail to you, son of Zeus and Maia . . . guide
and giver of grace and other things.
Hermes and Artemis are both liminal deities.
Artemis in the wild, Hermes on the road. What
are the similarities and differences between the
wild and the road as liminal territories?
  • What makes virginity a powerful state/idea?
    Consider (some or all)
  • Athena
  • Artemis
  • Hestia
  • A Greek girl before marriage
  • A woman in our culture
  • other cultures you are familiar with
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