Title: Descriptive Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
1Descriptive Epidemiology ofMultiple Sclerosis
2Course of Disease
- Acute - Very Rapid Course, Death in a few months
- Progressive - Gradually becoming worse, well
defined remissions and exacerbations - Benign - Exacerbations with very long
remissions - Subclinical - No Symptoms, identified at autopsy
4Epidemiology Incidence of MS in Denmark
5Incidence of MS in Iceland
6Incidence of MS in Faroe Islands
7Incidence of MS in Faroe Islands by age
8Years since 1942in Faroe Islands
9Incidence of MS in South Africa
10Prevalence of MS
11Unusual Occurrence of MS inTropical Island
12Risk FactorsUnusual Stress in 2 Yrs Before
Cases Controls p value 79
54 lt0.01
13Risk factorsExposed to Animal Illness
Cases Controls 43 19
14Risk FactorsExposed to Canine Distemper
Cases Control 17 6
15Physical Activity and MS
16Immunologic Involvement
- Autoantibodies
- Encephalomyelitis developing--Similar to the
administration of rabies virus vaccine - Evidence for a superantigen?
17Frequency of Viral Infection
18Concordance Rates in Twins
MZ DZ 31/107 13/101 0.29
19Prevalence of MS in First Degree Relatives
Sibs Parents Offspring 125/10,682
41/6,521 9/1,521 0.0117 0.0063
20DZ Risk versus Sibling Risk
DZ Sibling 0.13 0.012
21HLA Antigens and MSNorthern Europeans
- MS caused by environmental factors, but not clear
what they are - For MS there is evidence for HLA associations,
however, there is more than HLA - MS is a multiloci disease