Title: KECCS
- Working Together
- for Kansas Children and Families
2If Kansans are to continue to prosper in the
future, we need to make sure that all children
have the opportunity to develop intellectually,
socially and emotionally
3Why so much emphasis on Early Childhood?
- Current Research shows that
- Brain development during early years is critical
- Under stress, early brain development is
jeopardized - Early brain development thrives in stimulating,
safe and stable environments
4 What does she need to be ready for school?
5What does she need to be ready for school?
6School Readiness Principles
- Children are born ready to learn
- Connections between early years and school
success - Learning is a lifelong activity
- Children's success is everyones responsibility
- The whole child in the context of family and
community - Working together
7Multiple efforts in Kansas
8 Why do we need a Early Childhood comprehensive
systems plan in Kansas?
9The Current System
- Lets take a look at how a family in Kansas may
be impacted by multiple services
Mental Health Probation
Child Family Services
- Medicaid
- Health Wave
- Child Health Disability Program
- Expanded Access Primary Care
- Trauma Case Funding
- Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Education
- Food Stamps
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Public Schools
- Title I
- School Lunch Breakfast
- Head Start
- After-School Programs
- Textbook Funding
- Tests Achievement
- Teacher Issues
- School-Based MH Services for Medicaid Kids
- Probation Officers in Schools
- SED Waiver
- WRAP program
- Mental Health Evaluations
- Juvenile Detention Services
- Child Care Assistance
- After-School Programs
- Promoting Safe Stable Families
- Child abuse Neglect Programs
- Foster Care Transition, Independent Living,
Housing, etc. - Adoption Assistance, Adoption Opportunities
- Family Preservation Services
Which Agencies in Kansas Could Help This Family?
Moms sister
11 One Kansas Family thousands of
Child Family Services
Health Food
Social Services
- Public Schools
- Title I
- School Lunch Breakfast
- Head Start
- After-School Programs
- Textbook Funding
- Tests Achievement
- Teacher Issues
- Medicaid
- Health Wave
- Child Health Disability Program
- Expanded Access Primary Care
- Trauma Case Funding
- Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Education
- Food Stamps
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Child Care Assistance
- After-School Programs
- Promoting Safe Stable Families
- Child Abuse Neglect Programs
- Foster Care Transition, Independent Living,
Housing, etc. - Adoption Assistance, Adoption Opportunities
- Family Preservation Services
- School-Based MH Services for Medicaid Kids
- Probation Officers in Schools
- SED Waiver
- WRAP program
- Mental Health Evaluations
- Juvenile Detention Services
Moms sister
12A Vision for a Coordinated Early Childhood System
Needed Information, Resources Services
Pediatric Practitioners
Medical Home/ Access to Care
Family Resource Center
Child Care Centers
Early Childhood Education/ Child Care
Home Visiting Programs
Economic Assistance (TANF, WIC, Food stamps)
Social Emotional Development/Mental Health
Head Start
Early Intervention
Family Support
Subsidized Child Care
Parenting Education
13The Vision of KECCS
- To make Kansas the best place to raise a child
- To implement collaborations and partnerships that
support families communities - To ensure that all children are healthy and
ready to learn when they enter school
14 Developing a Plan of Action
School Readiness Framework
Governor Legislative Priorities
ECCS Grant Funding
15Planning Stage Getting Started
- Environmental scan
- School Readiness data
- Services matrix
16 Planning Stage Identify Partners
Institutions of Higher Ed.
KECCS stakeholders
17 Identify Common Objectives within these Goal
- Health insurance and medical homes
- Mental health and socio-emotional development
- Early care and education services
- Parent education
- Family support
18GOAL 1 Objectives Health insurance and
medical homes
- Kansas women receiving prenatal care
- Kansas children receiving health insurance
- Kansas children with a regular health care
19GOAL 2 Objectives Mental health and
socio-emotional development
- Early identification, prevention of
social/emotional problems and mental health needs - Mental health services
- States ability to evaluate and assess outcomes
20GOAL 3 Objectives Early care and education
- Early Childhood programs
- Children participating in programs
- Quality of programs
- Strong relationships between schools, families,
and communities
21GOAL 4 Objectives Parent education
- Quantity of parent opportunities for learning
about school readiness - Quality of parent education programs
22GOAL 5 Objectives Family support
- Mothers with a high school diploma
- Children living in safe environments
- Families that can afford basic necessities
- Affordable early childhood programs
23Tracking Progress
- Website www.keccs.org
- Implementation tracking tool
- Monthly ELCC meetings
- Semi-annual KECCS meetings
24The KECCS Plan In Action Tracking Goal 3 Tasks
Outcomes www.keccs.org
25A Kansas Partner on the KECCS Plan
The Plan and planning process have provided
valuable linkages to what is already being done
and guidance as to how KHSA can both utilize
existing resources and bring additional resources
to addressing this need
26The KECCS Plan in ActionSuccess Stories
- National Child Care Information Center
Specialist, on linking her technical assistance
work with the Kansas Quality Rating System to the
KECCS Plan - Participants could actually begin to see the
impact of their work on the overall goal of
children being prepared to learn and succeed in
For more information, see our website
www.keccs.org or contact us at keccs_at_ku.edu