Title: REACH: substances in articles RIP 3'8
1REACH substances in articles (RIP 3.8)
Dr. Erwin Annys Sr. Advisor Product Innovation
Policy WERCS 2007 EU User group Napoli 31/05/07
- Substance
- A chemical element and its compounds in the
natural state or obtained by any manufacturing
process - Including
- Any additive necessary to preserve its stability
- Any impurity deriving from the process used
- Excluding
- Any solvent which may be separated without
affecting the stability of the substance or
changing its composition
- Preparation" a mixture or solution composed of
two or more substances - Article" an object which during production is
given a special shape, surface or design which
determines its function to a greater degree than
does its chemical composition - With substances intended to be released under
normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of
use - With substances not intended to be released under
normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of
- Any producer or importer of articles shall submit
a registration to the Agency for any substance
contained in those articles, if both the
following conditions are met - (a) the substance is present in those articles in
quantities totalling over 1 tonne per producer or
importer per year - (b) the substance is intended to be released
under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions
of use.
- Any producer or importer of articles shall notify
the Agency, in accordance with paragraph 4 of
this Article, if a substance meets the criteria
in Article 57 and is identified in accordance
with Article 59(1), if both the following
conditions are met - (a) the substance is present in those articles in
quantities totalling over 1 tonne per producer or
importer per year - (b) the substance is present in those articles
above a concentration of 0,1 weight by weight
14REACH definitions
- Producer of an article any natural or legal
person who makes or assembles an article within
the Community - Manufacturer any natural or legal person
established within the Community who manufactures
a substance within the Community - Importer any natural or legal person
established within the Community who is
responsible for import
15REACH definitions
- Downstream user any natural or legal person
established within the Community, other than the
manufacturer or the importer, who uses a
substance, either on its own or in a preparation,
in the course of his industrial or professional
activities. A distributor or a consumer is not a
downstream user. - Distributor any natural or legal person
established within the Community, including a
retailer, who only stores and places on the
market a substance, on its own or in a
preparation, for third parties
16REACH definitions
- REACH has the following consequences
- Substances
- Preparations
- Articles
- With substances intended to be released
- With substances not intended to be released
Notification (SVHC)
17REACH definitions
- You buy
- Substances outside the EU?
- Preparations outside the EU?
- Articles outside the EU?
- Polymers outside the EU?
You have to register
Difficult, you have to register the substances in
the preparation
Take care for eventual registration or
You register the monomers and bounded additives
18Purchase substances outside EU
- Exactly the same as producing it in EU
- You have the same responsibilities as a EU
producer - Unless you buy via an agent or distributor
- Unless the non EU producer appoints an only
19REACH and distribution
20Purchase preparations outside EU
- For preparations you buy outside the EU, you are
the importer of all substances that are present
in the preparation, otherwise said you have to do
the necesarry to register - The Safety Data Sheet is not giving you the
complete composition!?
21Purchase polymers outside EU
- You are responsible for the registration of
monomers and the chemically bounded additives - Above 2 (not as free monomer, but incorporated
in the chain) - Above 1 ton per year
- Not registered yet by an actor up the supply
22Purchase articles outside EU
- Distinction
- Intended release
- Registration
- gt 1 ton per year
- Not intended release
- Notification
- Substances falling under authorisation
- gt 1 ton per year
- gt 0,1
23Purchase articles outside EU
- Comparable treatment
- But no control higher in the supply chain
- REACH is European
- Enforcement?
24Thanks for your attention