- ICANN Domain Names Council Meeting
- March 12, 2002
2Whois Task Force ...
- Committee of the DNSO Names Council was created
by the NC to
- Consult with community with regard to
establishing whether a review of ICANNs WHOIS
policy is due and if so, to recommend a mechanism
for such review..
- Among our activities Survey non
statistical/create common understanding 20
Questions-English, French, Spanish, Russian,
Japanese 3035 responses - Initial Consultation June August 9 weeks
- Initial Report - Montevideo, Paul Kane, Chair
- Task Force Expanded, new co-chairs and new
participants end of year, 2001
- Two Part Analysis Quantitative analysis of all
3035 Narrative assessment of sample of 300 now
underway. The majority/narrative of the 3035 are
being read with view to enhance initial
findings. - Preliminary Report in Ghana, focused on
quantitative and statistical 300.
- Discussion of what other activities are needed
for Task Force to formulate recommendations (just
beginning to outline how to undertake this
phasebased on learning from Survey) - Development of Recommendations, taking into
account Survey and any other community input
- Complete narrative evaluation of 300 in
March/Determine next steps on narrative analysis
for q.20
- Conclude statistical findings and develop
- Publish draft report related to Survey for
comment by May, take input, incorporate into full
- Complete draft of report and findings by June
ICANN meeting TARGET to publish for public
comment pre JUNE meeting.
- Finalize report and recommendations by June
- Present to NC for forwarding to the ICANN Board
4- Facts about Respondents
- Respondents Total 3035
- Web, Email and Paper
- English 2759 92.43
- Japanese 63 2.11
- French 58 1.94
- Spanish 57 1.91
- Russian 48 1.61
- Note Some surveys returned blank
5First Impressions
- Even though a non statistical survey, TF believes
that the responses generally provide good
- LOOK AT AS SNAPSHOT, Remember limitations of
6Section I Introduction/History and
Mission/Participation in the Survey
Q.1. Respondent profile
- commercial
- individual
- other
- noncommercial
- registrar-registry
- governmental
2886 Responses
7Section I, contd
- On the category of frequency of use of the WHOIS
database, the responses seem roughly balanced
into daily/hourly weekly occasionally.
- Q.4 shows the reasons respondents use WHOIS
- major categories of use were availability
responsibility technical and IP. 6 available
choices other.
8Section II User Requirements and Experience
- WHOIS is important to all categories of
respondents, with a broad theme of who is
responsiblethe responses then illustrate why
people are looking for who is responsible e.g.
availability of name or source spam. - In general the respondents found the data
available through WHOIS adequate 63 support
searches on other data elements beyond domain
name analysis still underway. - Many narrative respondents expressed concern
about inaccurate data.
9Illustrations of Quantitative Responses
9. Please indicate which of the data elements
listed in A-I above are, in your view, valueless,
essential, or desirable Data Element A The na
me of the second-level domain being registered
and the top-level domain it is under
10. Should the publicly accessible WHOIS
database allow for searches on data elements
other than domain name?
2862 Responses
2861 Responses
10Section III Uniformity and Centralization
- General Themes Uniformity STRONGLY supported
- Centralized public access (e.g. portal versus
centralized data base) strongly supported.
- WHOIS is important in ccTLDS 54 of 2743
respondents use WHOIS in ccTLDs and
- 87 of 2801 think the data elements in .com
.net .org should be available in ccTLDs.
11Section IV Resale, Marketing and Bulk Access to
- Important to distinquish between views on
resale/marketing and BULK
- ACCESS. Bulk Access is contractually required
for gTLDs in order to enable competition
- Resale/Marketing
- Both quantitative and preliminary narrative
analysis strongly favor no resale/marketing or
opt-in quantitative 52 for no 37
- for opt-in only 9 selected opt-out.
- Bulk Access
- Between 62 and 73 want to maintain bulk
access in gTLD environment AND
- 65 think it should be extended to other TLDs
subject to Question 12 data elements in
.com .net .org should be applicable to
12Section V Third Party Services
- Third Party service available to provide
anonymity only 1039 respondents/3035 of those,
65 said they did not provide such services
- Respondents interest in such services
2365/3035 responded of the respondents, 51
said no 48 said yes.
13ICANN Names Council WHOIS Committee ...
- Marilyn Cade
- Tim Denton
- Laurence Djolakian
- Troy Dow
- Karen Elizaga
- Gilbert Estillore Lumantao
- Bret Fausett
- Philipp Grabensee
- Tony Harris
- Kristy McKee
- Steve Metalitz
- Ram Mohan
- YJ Park
- Hakikur Rahman
- Oscar Robles Garay
- Thomas Roessler
- Miriam Sapiro
- Ken Stubbs
- Abel Wisman
October 29, 2001 February 2002 Analysis of
narrative responses and discussion of quantitat
ive responses
March 2002 Preliminary Report publish overvie
w of quantitative responses with selected exampl
of narrative responses
March 10-14, 2002 Ghana ICANN Meeting Further
March April 2002 Conclude narrative analysis
finalize quantitative analysis develop prelimi
nary findings
May 2002 Publish draft report for public comment
June 24-28, 2002 Bucharest, Romania Final report