Title: The Family Tomb of Jesus
1The Family Tomb of Jesus
2The Family Tomb of Jesus?
- Feb. 2007 Cameron, Jacobovichi, Pellegrino
claimed they identified Jesus real tomb - Tomb in Talpiot Jerusalem discovered 1980
- 6 names Jesus, son of Joseph, Joseh (or
Joseph), Maria (or Mary), Matia (or Matthew),
Mariamne Mara (Mary Magdalene the Great), and
Judah, son of Jesus. - Claimed DNA tests showed Jesus Mary Magdalene
probably married had son Judah (6001 odds)
3Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Important?
4John 218-22
The Jews then said to Him, "What sign do You show
us as your authority for doing these things?"
Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in
three days I will raise it up." . . . But He
was speaking of the temple of His body. So when
He was raised from the dead, His disciples
remembered that He said this.
51 Corinthians 1517
If Christ has not been raised, your faith is
63 Reasons why the Family Tomb Theory should be
given a Dishonorable Burial
71. Exaggerated Probabilities
- All Names in Tomb Very Common
- Mary most popular female name (14)
- Joseph second most popular male name (17)
- Judah (110)
- Jesus (111)
- Matthew (120)
8- Combination of Names
- John, Paul, George, Ringo
- 80,000 males in Jerusalem
- 1,000 Jesus, son of Joseph
- Throw in Judah, son of Jesus, 2 Marys, a
Matthew Ingermanson estimates 11 Jesus during
period met this profile - At best, 111 that belonged to Jesus
92. DNA Inconclusive
- DNA tests only maternal side
- DNA tests only on Jesus Mary
- Jesus Mary unrelated by mother
- Family Tomb contained remains of 30
- Could be daughter-in-law Could be relative from
fathers side aunt, grandmother,
great-grandmother, cousin, niece, half-sister
103. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary!
- Acts of Phillip (4th-century)
- Sister of Phillip not identified as MM
- Celibacy is the rule in Acts of Phillip!
- Evidence Jesus was single
- Earliest 4 biographies (Gospels) portray single
Jesus - 1 Cor 95
- No Mary Magdalene--No Ringo!
- Single Jesus, no kids
- Jesus in Talpiot Tomb had son
- Jesus of Nazareth not 1 of 11
123 Reasons for a Dishonorable Burial
- Probabilities Exaggerated
- DNA Inconclusive
- Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
13Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!