Title: Songs of Innocence and Experience and selected other pictures
1Songs of Innocence and Experienceand selected
other pictures
2Terms important in the study of Blake
Innocence--a state of being prior to the
awareness of evil. The symbol of this state is
the child. Experience--a state of being in which
one is trapped by the evidence of the senses and
the awareness of the world as it is. The symbol
of this state is the father, who for Blake
represented rules and repressive common
sense. Blake called these the contrary states
of the human soul.
3Blake Self-Portrait
4(No Transcript)
5Frontispiece Songs of Innocence
6(No Transcript)
7The Chimney Sweeper Innocence
8The Chimney Sweeper Experience
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Introduction Songs of Experience
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14London Songs of Experience
15(No Transcript)
16The Ancient of Days from Jerusalem
17 Newton
18Glad Day Blake was fond of this image and used it
in several illuminated books.