Title: A Trade Strategy for Guyana
1A Trade Strategy for Guyana
- Craig VanGrasstek
- Washington Trade Reports
2Part I
3Mainstreaming trade policy into the development
- Trade policy is merely one aspect of a broader
national undertaking that will require a
sustained and coordinated national effort to
reduce poverty through economic opportunity. - Globalisation sets the context in which this
strategy is to be pursued, presenting risks and
4Risks and opportunities of globalisation
- Globalisation is an inevitable trend
- The main opportunities are in the reciprocal
removal of trade barriers
- The main risks are in the loss of preferential
market access
- Guyana has little time to position itself to make
the most of the opportunities and deal with the
5The short, medium, and long terms
- Short term (2003-2004) Preparation conduct
of negotiations
- Medium term (2005-2008) Absorbing the changes
of 2005
- Long term (After 2008) Implementation and
exploitation of trade and investment
62005 is the key year
- Regional Completion of the Caribbean Single
Market and Economy
- Hemispheric Ratification of the Free Trade Area
of the Americas agreements
- Global Conclusion of the Doha Round of World
Trade Organisation negotiations
- Sectoral Final phase-out of the apparel quotas
7Globalisation means an expanded definition of
trade policys scope
- Trade no longer means just the movement of
goods across borders and border measures such as
- Services (not the invisible or untraded
sector any more)
- Ideas (intellectual property rights)
- Capital (investment measures)
- People (movement of natural persons)
8All ministries have responsibilities in trade
- A few illustrative examples
- Finance Trade-related taxes account for about
40 of revenue, so liberalisation must be
- Tourism, Industry and Commerce Promotion of
tourism, administration of export-processing
- Agriculture ( NGMC) Exports of traditional
non-traditional agriculture
- Transportation Shipping costs pose a greater
barrier to Guyanas exports than do tariffs
9Cost of Importing Goods From Selected Countries
and Regions into U.S., 2002
10Globalisation means shifting from preferences to
- Guyana must be prepared for the transition from
one-way to two-way bargaining
- For tariffs, the margins of preference are being
diminished by negotiations
- Apparel quotas are being phased out by 2005
- Sugar quotas face both dispute-settlement and a
negotiated phase-out
- The value of preferences is often over-estimated
11Changes in U.S. Imports of Non-Oil, Non-Apparel
Goods, 1992-2002
12Changes in U.S. Imports of Apparel, 1992-2002
13Strategy More than a set of tactical instructions
- Tactical directions for specific negotiations
have a limited shelf life
- The strategy establishes general principles for
the conduct of policy
- Each negotiation or other initiative needs to be
seen in the broader context
14Follow-up to the strategy
- WTOs Trade Policy Review
- FTAA Capacity-Building Strategy (Hemispheric
Cooperation Programme)
- Improved coordination with the donor community
- Increased presence in Geneva
- Enhancing the resources of MOFTIC
- Promoting closer collaboration between ministries
and with civil society
15Part II
16Structure of the strategy
- Section I Principles and objectives
- -- What Guyana should seek in its
- trade policy
- Section II Principles and resources
- -- What Guyana needs in order to
- attain these objectives
17Mapping Guyanas Existing Rights and Obligations
- Guyana has made commitments to its trading
partners (and vice versa) in CARICOM, the WTO,
and other fora. The country must ensure both that
its own trade laws and agreements, as well as
those of its partners, are devised and executed
in accordance with these commitments.
Principle I.A
18Guyanas commitments
- Commitments made in the WTO
- The Trade Policy Review
- CARICOM commitments
- Bilateral, regional, and hemispheric agreements
19Prioritisation of Future Objectives
- MOFTICs investigative, coordinating, and
negotiating resources should be allocated
according to a hierarchy of objectives, with
sectoral objectives in the lead.
Principle I.B
20Primary Issues Market Access
- In addition to tariffs (preferential and
non-preferential), these include non-tariff
barriers imposed for any reason, as well as
intellectual property rights and barriers to
trade in services. Guyanas own tariffs and
services commitments should be addressed in this
same context.
21Secondary Issues Legal defense of Guyanas trade
- These include trade disputes (either as
complainant or defendant), defense against
actions taken under trade-remedy laws (i.e.,
antidumping duties, countervailing duties, and
safeguards), and trade-related issues such as
intellectual property rights and investment.
22Tertiary Issues
- Matters that do not bear a reasonably close
relationship to the primary issues, involve a
greater investment in capacity-building than may
be justified, or that are best left in the hands
of regional Caribbean institutions. These include
such matters as the governance of international
organisations and trade-related investment
23Preferential Access to Foreign Markets
- Guyana should make the most of existing
preferential arrangements, seeking their
continuation for as long as possible and even
their expansion, but policymakers must be
prepared for their gradual diminution in value
and eventual disappearance altogether.
Principle I.C
24Key issues in preferences
- Sugar and rice
- Special and differential treatment in the WTO and
- Parity with least-developed countries for HIPC
25Reciprocal Access to Foreign Markets
- While negotiators should seek whenever possible
to include principles of SD treatment in these
agreements, they must also be prepared to make
specific requests for tariff commitments on
products of interest to Guyanas exporters, and
to make reciprocal commitments for reductions in
the countrys own tariff barriers.
Principle I.D
26Key issues in reciprocal negotiations
- Using bound rates as the base rates in
- The meaning of substantially all in the context
of GATT Article XXIV
27A Voice for Trade in Related National Policy
- MOFTIC has a key role in promoting the
principles of competitiveness and compliance.
Principle I.E
28Defense of Guyanas Interests
- MOFTIC must be prepared to defend the
countrys trade interests in regional and
multilateral bodies
Principle I.F
29Key issues for the defense of Guyanas interests
- Dispute-settlement mechanisms in the WTO and
- Antidumping law
30Empirical Preparation
- The most immediate need for MOFTIC is to
enhance its analytical capacities in advance of
trade negotiations.
Principle II.A
31Key issues in empirical preparation
- Identification of sectoral-based negotiating
objectives (primary issues)
- Identification of rules-based negotiating
objectives (secondary and tertiary issues)
32Internal Cooperation, Coordination, and
- Coordination between ministries, and between
the government and the private sector, is
essential at all stages of trade policymaking.
Principle II.B
33Key issues in internal coordination
- Inter-ministerial coordination at the Cabinet and
working levels
- Consultation with the private sector
34External Coordination
- Negotiations with other countries involve not
only the exchange of commitments, but also the
establishment of coalitions in larger
negotiations. MOFTIC must work closely with
like-minded countries in general and its CARICOM
partners in particular.
Principle II.C
35Enhancement of MOFTIC Resources
- The financial, physical, and human resources
available to MOFTIC must be increased to a level
commensurate with the ministrys
Principle II.D
36Key issues in MOFTICs resources
- Enhanced representation in Geneva
- Increase in MOFTIC staff size
- Improvement in MOFTIC staff capacities
- Improvement in MOFTIC information technology
- Establishment of a trade reference library
- Improving MOFTICs dissemination of information
- Improvement in the trade data system
- Better coordination with the donor community