Title: Sensation
1Sensation Perception
2Scent of a Woman
3- Does smell really signify attractiveness?
4From Scentsational Sex The Secret to Using Aroma
for Arousal, 1998
- PPL are powerfully influenced no by manly,
sweet, or earthy colognes, but by odd mixtures of
everyday odors- pumpkin pie and lavender for men,
or licorice candy mixed with cucumber for women
5Sniffing out the truth
Love-Scent.com - Lovescent is
greatly supported because of the message
boards/discussion groups, money back guarantee
and testimonials. The chatting forum gives you a
real account on which pheromones products to
buy and how to mix pheromones to get the results
you want. If you think you have too many choices
of androstenone concentrate products, just go to
the message boards to see how to mix pheromones
or see which of the human pheromones are best for
you. For the record Alter Ego is one of the best
pheromone products of all human pheromones /
pheromones on the internet.
6How does physical energy become a psychological
- Sensation
- Sensory receptors in eyes, ears, nose absorb raw,
physical energy - Transduction
- Raw energy converted to neural signals to be sent
to brain - Perception
- Signals selected, organized interpreted
7Example- Vision
- Sunset
- Sensory receptors in eyes
- Neural impulses (Chemical rxn of light sensitive
cells) - Brain (occipital lobe)
8Importance of Smell
- Past used sweat, brain, urine, odor to diagnose
illness - Today Aromatherapy (inhalation of odors) to ward
off illness - Dogs have 200 million olfactory receptors, we
have only 10 million - Dogs mark territory, signal danger, establish
dominance, attract mates, track down animals,
criminals, drugs, disease - Can our behavior influenced by odor?
9How our nose knows
- Breathe through nose and mouth to inhale airborne
oderant molecules - Molecules dissolved and trapped by olfactory
receptors - Like lock key, AP activated in olfactory bulb
- Info DIRECTLY distributed throughout cortex
limbic system - What do I smell, how do I feel about that smell,
have I smelled that before Awareness
10Olfactory System
11Individuals differ in smelling sensitivity
- We can distinguish among 10,000 different odor
molecules - Primary odors are vinegar, rose, mint, rotten
egg, mothballs, dry-cleaning fluid, musk - Women gt men in ID-ing different smells
- Some are anosmic (Ben Cohen)
- Nursing infants (2wks) prefer their own mothers
body odor to others. - Olfactory sensitivity peaks in middle age and
declines in 70s 80s - Based on National Geographic scratch n sniff
recognition test.
13How early?
- Expose fetal rat pups to lemon scent
- Nursing preference
- Place-preference task
- Mate preference
14How sensitive to scent are we?
- Sniffing Studies
- College students can ID own shirts
- Mothers can pick out childrens
- Most can ID Men vs. women
- Women can sniff attractive men
- Chemicals secreted by animals of same species to
transmit signals - Dogs in heat
- E.g. male Emperor Moth
- Chemoreceptors on antennae can detect scent of
virgin female gt 6 miles away!
164 categories of behavior affected by Pheromones
- Mother-Infant Interaction
- Territorial Marking
- Reproductive Synchrony
- Sexual Attraction
17if you had to smell it all the time
- 49 unmarried women
- Chose smell of genetically similar men to fathers
- Women who had pheromone added to perfume reported
50 increase in sexual attention from men - Sexual intercourse, kissing, heavy petting,
affection, slept closer
18Fragrance enhanced performance
- Yale Chocolate Study, 1991
No Odor
21 14
13 14
No Odor
19Fragrance Arousal
- Write description of personality
- Exchange with partner
- Rate partner
- Exchange
- Angry vs. Nonangry
- Aggression Machine
- Jungle gardenia vs. no scent
20Fragrance enhances aggression
21- Organization and interpretation of visual
22How well do our senses sense?
- Experience is subjective
- The same visual input can result in radically
different perceptions - Psychophysics
- Relationship between physical stimulation AND
subjective sensations - Signal Detection Theory
- Detection based on signal AND response criterion
23Perceptual Set
- Center figure depends on the order in which one
looks at the figures - If scanned from the left, mans face
- If scanned from the right, a womans figure
24Perceptual Set Letter B or Number 13?
25Gestalt Principles Applied
- Figure Ground
- Dividing visual displays into the THING being
looked at and the BACKGROUND against which it
stands - THING has substance, stands in front of ground
- Fundamental Attribution Error
- Discounting the situation, attributing behavior
to dispositions - Why did she litter? And you?
26(No Transcript)
27Gestalt Laws of Grouping
- We tend to group collections of shapes, sizes,
colors, and other features into perceptual wholes
28- Proximity
- Seeing 3 pair of lines in A
- Similarity
- Seeing columns of orange and red dots in B
- Continuity
- Seeing lines that connect 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 in C
- Closure
- Seeing a horse in D
- Generalizations about groups with identical
characteristics - We tend to see members of stereotyped groups as
more similar to stereotype than they actually
are - Cliques, sports teams, majors, Greek life
- Read description of b-ball player
30White men cant jump, 1997
- The Zeingarnik Effect
- Tendency to remember an uncompleted task rather
than a completed one - Unfinished business creates psychic tension
- Tension motivates us to seek closure by
completing the task
32Highly adept, yet often fooled
- Blind until 52
- Corneal Transplant performed, sight restored
- Looked out hospital window
- Small objects below
- Climbed out on 4th floor ledge to check them out
by lowering himself with hands! - No depth perception
34The Visual Cliff Eleanor Gibson Richard Walk,
- Visual illusion of a cliff
- At which point in dvlptl process can humans
perceive depth - Nativist vs. empiricist perspective
- 36 infants 6-14 months
- Placed on shallow side
- Mothers called from deep side
- also chicks, turtles, rats, lambs, kids, pigs
- ALL ps crawled when called from shallow side
- ONLY 3 crept across cliff
- Animal abilities varied by when skill was needed
for survival - Chicks less than 24hrs made no mistakes
- Rats showed no preference
37Binocular Cues to Depth
38The Müller-Lyer Illusion
- Perceived length of line altered by position of
other lines enclosing it
39The Ponzo Illusion
- Illusion in which the perceived line length is
affected by linear perspective cues. - Side lines seem to converge
- Top line seems farther away
- But the retinal images of the red lines are equal.
40(No Transcript)