Title: ColorSuperconducting Strangelets
1Color-Superconducting Strangelets
Prerow, 2005
O. Kiriyama ITP, J. W. Goethe-Universitaet
- Introduction
- Model (NJL model finite-size effects)
- Numerical results
- Color-flavor-unlocking transition?
- Summary
hep-ph/0401075 and Phys. Rev. D 72, 054009 (2005)
21. Introduction
Strangelets (small lumps of strange quark matter)
- electrons mainly stay outside of quark core
- finite-size effects are important
Model (NJL finite-size effects) 1.
Color-superconducting (CSC) gap survives in
small strangelets? 2. Stability of CSC
3Stability of color flavor locked (CFL)
strangelets J. Madsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87,
172003 (2001).
- CFL strangelets are significantly
- more stable than normal strangelets!
42. Model
Three-flavor NJL model
Mean-field approximation 2-flavor
color-superconducting (2SC) phase
5Finite size effects
Multiple Reflection Expansion (MRE)
Balian and Bloch, Ann. Phys. 60, 401 (1970) 64,
271 (1971) Berger and Jaffe, Phys. Rev. C 35,
213 (1987) 44, 566(E) (1991) Madsen, Phys. Rev.
D 50, 3328 (1994).
6Finite size effects (cont.)
- density of states is suppressed (more
pronounced at low k) - negative density of states
infrared cutoff
7Finite size effects (cont.)
E/A of normal strangelets
MRE reproduces the overall structure of the
mode-filling calculations (E/A, free energy, )
8Thermodynamic potential (2SC)
Model parameters
9Gap equation, pressure balance, and baryon number
gap equation
pressure balance relation
baryon number
103. Numerical results
A dependence of D
- sizable 2SC gap survives
- in small strangelets
- 2SC gap is almost constant
- (as long as A is not too small)
- 2SC gap decreases at very small A
11GD dependence of E/A
strong GD large 2SC gap large pairing
energy stabilizes 2SC strangelets
12E/A (2SC versus CFL)
- CFL strangelets are more stable
- than 2SC strangelets
- (all nine quarks participate in
- the Cooper pairing)
134. Color-flavor-unlocking transition
Fermi gas model finite-size effects
Madsen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 172003 (2001).
(2SC phase)
(CFL phase)
14E/A (2SC versus CFL)
transition from CFL to 2SC
155. Summary
- rigorous treatment of finite-size effects (at
small radii) - competition with other phases
- color singlet (or neutral) condition
mode-filling calculation with the MIT bag wave
2SC versus CFL
16Deviation from the solid line
Appearance of finite size effects
17CFL strangelets
E/A of CFL strangelets (ms0)
CFL strangelets (ms0) could be absolutely stable
18A dependence of R
Balance between (kinetic energy) and
(volume energy)