What is SLAVERY?

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What is SLAVERY?


What is SLAVERY? How do you define slavery? * The case began when John Mann hired a slave named Lydia for the term of one-year from her owner Elizabeth Jones. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is SLAVERY?

What is SLAVERY?
How do you define slavery?
  • Historiography- Pigmies placed on the shoulders
    of giants see more than the giants themselves.
    (Didacus Stella).
  • Contextualization- Working with what you know.
  • Role-shifting- What would it take to make you a

Which is a Slave?
Marriage Slave?
Minor Slave?
African Slave?
Wage Slave?
Penal Slaves?
How do you Define Slavery?
  • A system for extracting free labor?
  • Loss of personal freedom?
  • Arbitrary power held by one person over another?
  • A system for enforcing the superiority of one
    race over another?

Defining Slavery
  • You know the worst thing about being a slave?
    They make you work but they don't pay you or let
    you go. Futurama, A Pharaoh to Remember.
  • An obligation to serve another for life, in
    consideration of diet, and other common
    necessaries. (Hugo Grotius, 1583-1645, para.).
  • Perfect slavery is an obligation to be directed
    by another in all one's actions. (Dr. Thomas
    Rutherforth, 1712-1771, para.).
  • The establishment of a right, which gives one man
    such a power over another, as renders him
    absolute master over his life and fortune.
    (Baron Charles de Montesquieu, 1689-1755, para.).
  • Slavery was instituted not merely to provide
    control of labor but also as a system of racial
    adjustment and social order. (Ulrich Phillips,
    The Central Theme of Southern History).

How do you Define Freedom?
  • Mobility? Freedom of movement.
  • Association? Freedom to attend religious
    services of your choice, to meet with friends, to
    date/marry a person of your choice.
  • Ownership? Freedom to inherit, possess, and
    dispose of property
  • Voting Rights?
  • General Choice? Freedom to choose your vocation,
    to labor (or not labor), to live where you

Perspective by Contrast
  • all men are created equal, that they are
    endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
    Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
    the pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of
    Independence, July 1776.

General Characteristics of Slavery
  • Obligation of perpetual service at the will of
    the Master alone.
  • Such obligation is reached in an arbitrary
  • The slaves degraded condition descends from
    parent to child.
  • Master has near limitless power to restrict and
    correct the slave.
  • No acquisition of property without owners
    assent, and even then no recognized right.
  • Furthermore, the slave is alienable similar to
    other forms of property.

Control of Movement
Numerous entities and systems worked together to
limit the mobility of slaves
  • Private
  • Search dogs
  • Neighbors
  • Private slave hunters
  • Plantation informants
  • Public
  • Constables
  • Patrols
  • Night Watch

Control of Movement
  • RUN away from the subscriber, a Virginia born
    Negro Fellow named WALTON, 23 Years of AgeAs the
    said Fellow ran away without receiving any Abuse,
    the Taker up is desired to give him ten Lashes
    every ten Miles. (Virginia Gazette, Dec. 1,
  • Runaway, a negro named Hambleton, limps on his
    left foot where he was shot a few weeks ago,
    while runaway. (Miss. Vicksburg Register, Sept.
    5, 1838).
  • Runaway, a negro boy named Mose, he has a wound
    in the right shoulder near the backbone, which
    was occasioned by a rifle shot. (Columbus Ga.
    Southern Sun, Aug. 7, 1838).
  • Run away from the subscriber in Charles City
    county, the 14th of April last, a VIRGINIA born
    Negro fellow named PETER, about 44 years of
    agethe said Negro is outlawed and I will give
    10 to any person or persons that will kill him
    and bring me his head, separate from his body, or
    40s. if delivered to the subscriber near the Long
    Bridge. (Virginia Gazette, May 11, 1769).

The Ability of one man to Arbitrarily Punish
The end of slavery is the profit of the master,
his security and the public safety... therefore
the power of the master must be absolute, to
render the submission of the slave perfect.
State v. Mann, 13 N.C. 263 (1829).
Slave as Property
A slave is alienable in a manner similar to other
forms of property.
Slaves for Sale
  • "TO BE SOLD, On Saturday the 27th Instant, at the
    London Coffee House, TWELVE or Fourteen valuable
    NEGROES, consisting of young Men, Women, Boys and
    Girls they have all had the Small Pox, can talk
    English, and are seasoned to the Country. The
    sale to begin at Twelve oClock. (The
    Pennsylvania Gazette, July 18, 1765).
  • "TO be sold by public Venue, at the London Coffee
    House, on Saturday the 30th Instant, a likely
    negroe Wench, fit for Town or Country Business.
    She has had the Smallpox and Measles. N.B. She is
    not sold for any Fault, but on Account of the
    Decease of her Master." (The Pennsylvania
    Gazette, January 28, 1762).
  • The subscriber has just received and offers for
    sale at his old standin New Orleansthe
    largest lot of NEGROES in the city, consisting of
    house servants, field hands, and mechanics. They
    will be sold on reasonable terms for cash or good
    paper. (New Orleans Daily Picayune, March 20,

What Makes a Slave, a Slave?
  • Black Skin?
  • Physical weakness/strength?
  • Mental inferiority?
  • The Law !

Constitution of the Carolinas
  • Every freeman of Carolina shall have absolute
    power and authority over his negro slaves, of
    what opinion or religion whatsoever. John
    Locke, The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina,
    110, 1669.

Sommersetts Case
  • The state of slavery is of such a nature, that
    it is incapable of being introduced on any
    reasons, moral or political, but only by positive
    law, which preserves its force long after the
    reasons, occasion, and time itself from whence it
    was created, is erased from memory. It is so
    odious, that nothing can be suffered to support
    it, but positive law.

No Slave Shall
2 kinds of statutes
  • Those which forbid certain actions.
  • Possess weapons (firearm, sword, etc.)
  • Meet together
  • Travel without a pass
  • Learn to read and write
  • Trade or barter
  • Those which excuse
  • certain actions.
  • Capturing a slave
  • Punishing a slave
  • Keeping a slave
  • Selling a slave
  • Killing a slave

Equivalents of the Slave Code
  • Capturing a slave Kidnapping
  • Punishing a slave Assault
  • Keeping a slave False Imprisonment
  • Selling a slave Human Trafficking
  • Killing a slave Homicide

The Testimony of Fountain Hughes
  • Enslaved in Charlottesville, Virginia.
  • Interviewed June 11, 1949.
  • Grandfather belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

Slavery Defined?
  • How has your original definition changed?
  • Surprise, I wont give you a definition of
    slavery! (Hint it may be on the final).

Which is a Slave?
Marriage Slave?
Minor Slave?
African Slave?
Wage Slave?
Penal Slaves?
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