Computer Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer Architecture


... DVD-R/RW, DVD-RAM, Blue-Ray DVD, HD DVD] ... [ RAM, Flash, Disk, Tape, DAT, CD-RW, Blue-Ray / HD / Ordinary DVD-RW] Non Alterable [ROM, EPROM, Flash, CD, DVD] ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture Operating System O.S.
  • Architecture Functions as performed by a
    Computer System.
  • Organization Hardware blocks of a Computer
    System that helps to implement the Architecture.
  • - CPU.
  • - Memory ( Main Secondary).
  • - Input Output Peripherals.
  • Operating System A System Software that helps
    all type of users to operate a computer System.

The Functions of a Computer
  • It is a general purpose, user programmable, A
    program Meaningful Group of instructions
    written in a specific language aimed to do a
    specific task. electronic gadget capable of
    doing the following tasks
  • Data Processing (Numeric Non Numeric) with
    high degree of accuracy at a pretty high speed.
  • Storage of huge amount of information of various
    types Text (in various formats) , Picture,
    Audio, Video with reasonably high access speed
    Information Bank.
  • Communication Gateway Link to the World.

Computer Vs. Other Electronic Gadgets
  • Full User programmability Under some support
    environment. Like do not divide if the divisor is
    0 can be achieved through programming in a
    computer but such a thing cannot be achieved in a
    calculator /organizer.
  • Wide Connectivity Options To other computers and
    various types of peripherals.
  • Ease of upgradeability By installing new
    packages , connecting state of the art
    peripherals, enhancing memory etc.
  • Downward Compatibility Even after several
    phases of up-gradation, almost all computer
    systems do provide support for several old
    versions of Hardware as well as software . This
    enables investments made at any stage of a
    computer system useful and effective for many
    years to come.

Data Processing Activity of any Typical Computer
(achieved by executing some program)
  • Numeric Operations involving manipulation of
    Integers and Floating Point Numbers that includes
    very large values too (achieved through Special
    Application Programs) .
  • Logical Operations like comparing two items.
  • 3.Non Numeric Operations that includes among all
    things the following
  • 3a) Arranging Data Items like
    preparation of merit list.
  • 3b) Manipulating Pictures
  • 3c) Multimedia applications (
    Audio, Video, Graphics, Video)
  • 3d) Create, format, send receive
    messages of various forms.

The Building Blocks of any Computer System
  • The Central Processing Unit C.P.U. performs
    processing control.
  • The Memory System ( Internal as well as
    Peripheral Devices) the storage repository.
  • The various Input Output Peripheral Devices.
  • The links/connections between these Components
    The various Bus .

The Operating System
  • The Operating System is a Modular, Expandable
    Program which is
  • pre-designed stored in the Memory System
    that , when executed by the CPU, makes all the
    components of a Computer function in unison as
    well as enables real world users to interact with
    the Computer System.

The Memory System The Common Storage Repository
of any Computer System
  • The Memory System of any Computer acts as the
    Common Storage repository for the following
  • The Operating System includes various Drivers ,
    Resource Managers, Command Interpreters
    Graphic User Interfaces (GUIs).
  • Other System Programs like Translator ( Compiler,
    Assembler) , Linker, Loader, System Libraries.
  • Various Application Modules like MS-Office,
    Internet Browsers.
  • Data in various forms ( Text, Pictures, Images,
    Audio Video)

Computer Components- 1 The Central
Processing Unit C.P.U. Structure Outline
  • Each every computer MUST carry out some form
    of processing , hence it must possess
  • A Processing Element / Processing Unit /
    Processor Arithmetic, Logical, Manipulation of
    Messages The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) .
  • Some form of electronic local storage /
    Registers Scratchpad .
  • The processing tools i.e. the instructions
    available for processing . These instructions
    constitute any program framed to accomplish any
    kind of processing implemented through the
    Control Unit .
  • Proper sequencing the processing steps /
    instructions as well as controlling the various
    components to achieve the desired result through
    the Control Unit.
  • Interface to the other components of the Computer
    ( achieved through Registers Control Unit ).
  • The above are closely linked together hence are
    all encapsulated into the C.P.U. Central
    Processing Unit.

The Functions of the CPU
  • The Central Processing Unit performs the
    following tasks by executing Instructions of some
    specific Operating System Modules / System
    program stored in the Memory System.
  • 1) Controlling all peripheral devices.
    Relevant Device Driver Program(s).
  • 2) Communicating with all types of Remote
  • Network Protocol Program (s) acting on
    Network Cards
  • 3) Recognizing user commands Command
    Interpreters / GUI (Graphic User Interface) .
  • 4) Inputting Data Device Driver of the
  • 5) Producing Output (on screen /or on
    printer) after obtaining Data from
    Main/Secondary Memory.Device Driver of the O.S.
  • 6) Performing arithmetic logical
    operations. As per Specified Instruction(s) of
    the executing program (s)

The Components of the C.P.U.
  • Arithmetic Logical Processing Unit The
  • Associated Data Storage Components / Scratch Pad
    Storage. Electronic Storage (The Registers).
  • The implementation of the Instruction Set as well
    as the unit that controls sequences all
    operations in accordance with the supported
    Instruction Set The Control Unit .
  • The interface with other components of a
    Computer Special Purpose Registers along with
    associated controls .
  • ( All will be illustrated in due course ).

The Components of the CPU

Storage Interface Registers
Control Unit
The CPU Performance Parameters - 1
  • N.B All the activities of any Computer
    System are being carried out by the CPU by
    executing some machine level /low level
  • 1. CPU Speed Each machine instruction takes
    a definite time to complete execution. This time
    is measured in terms of the Number of CPU Clock
    Periods needed to execute that instruction ( The
    Instruction Latency).
  • Hence one way to measure the CPU speed is
    Number of Instructions executed / second (termed
    as the Throughput) .
  • Typical unit is MIPS (Millions of
    Instructions per second) or MFLOPS (Millions of
    Floating point Operations performed per second.)
  • However one normally finds the CPU
    Clock frequency as rough estimate of its speed
    i.e. higher the clock frequency higher will be
    the CPU speed.
  • But in actual terms speed will be
    affected depending on the most frequently used
    instructions hence the Throughput happens to be a
    more fair estimate of the CPU speed estimated by
    executing some benchmark programs .

The CPU Performance Parameters - 2
  • 2. CPU Processing Power The Operand Size (in
    bits) it can handle at one go i.e. in a single
    machine instruction normally. This is directly
    related to its ALU ( Arithmetic Logic Unit a
    purely combinational Circuit) width.
  • e.g. Pentium is a 32 Bit CPU ? Any Machine
    level instruction of a Pentium Processor can
    handle 32 bit operands or Pentium contains 32
    bit Integer ALUs.
  • N.B This Operand Sized based classification is
    interesting in the sense that any n bit CPU can
    also be used to handle larger sized data provided
    one writes proper programs to achieve that which
    gets translated into n bit processing
    instructions by the Translator Program (The

Computer Components 2
The Memory
  • Memory Essential to create any form of
    Information Bank/ Common Storage Repository ( as
    illustrated earlier).
  • Wide range types of Memory Storage Media
    are available/ in use now a days .

Generalized Memory Structure
  • Large Data Storage repository.
  • Structure is NOT dictated by what is stored in
    that memory (Content Independent).
  • Several access mechanism modes exists to access
    its content .
  • Any memory can be thought to be composed of
    several individually addressable blocks each of
    which contains some data (generic term) item.

User Requirement/ Ideal View point of the
Computer Memory
  • Should be Infinite Sized.
  • Should possess High Speed of access.
  • Should be of Low Cost .
  • Has to be Reliable.
  • Must be Expandable with little or no affect on
    the existing system configuration.
  • Must be flexible adaptable to change in size as
    well as to compatibility with new emerging

Classification of Memory
  • Classification A ( Media Types).
  • Electronic ROM, EPROM, Static RAM, Dynamic
    RAM, Flash , Memory Stick.
  • Magnetic Hard Disk, Flex Disk, Tape, DAT.
  • Optical CD-R/ -RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD-RAM, Blue-Ray
    DVD, HD DVD.
  • Classification B ( Data Retention Property).
  • Volatile. Electronic
  • Non Volatile. Flash, Magnetic , Optical.
  • Classification C ( Alterability Property).
  • User Alterable. RAM, Flash, Disk, Tape, DAT,
    CD-RW, Blue-Ray / HD / Ordinary DVD-RW
  • Non Alterable ROM, EPROM, Flash, CD, DVD.
  • Classification D ( CPU Proximity
    Accessibility, Most System Relevant).
  • Register. Electronic, Volatile, User
  • Cache. Electronic, Volatile, Transparent to
  • Main / Primary. Electronic, Volatile, User
  • Secondary ( Some External) . Flash, Magnetic
    Disks Tapes, Optical, Non Volatile, Some User

Peripheral Remote Devices
  • Peripherals/ Peripheral Devices All those
    Devices that lie in the Periphery of the CPU. All
    Peripheral Devices are connected to the CPU
    through several Buses (as illustrated earlier)
    and are controlled by the CPU through some Device
    Driver program (s) part of the Operating
  • Remote Devices Those which are far away from
    the current CPU/ Computer System connected
    through the Network Interface.

Input Output Peripherals
  • Helps to establish link between computer / cyber
    world Real World. Various forms of I/O
    Peripherals exists.
  • Common Input Peripherals Key board, Mouse.
  • Common Output Peripherals Video Monitor,

Input Peripheral Devices and their Functions (
Architectural Aspects)
  • These are employed to feed data , program,
    picture, commands to the Computer System. A few
    commonly used devices are the following
  • Keyboard ( The earliest and still most commonly
    used Input Device). To type in Commands and/or
    Data Alphabets, Digits, Symbols etc.
  • The Mouse Commands are given by clicking its
    left/right button. It works in a Graphic
    Environment where user is given option to select
    among several Options in a menu by moving mouse
    button on to that item and clicking on that.

Output Peripherals and their Functions- 1
  • Output Peripherals are responsible for providing
    some form of response/result to the user.
    Commonly used Output peripheral devices are
  • Visual Display Unit (VDU) Screen / Monitor Is
    used to display the following
  • Anything typed in via keyboard.
  • The various menus available to the user.
  • The response generated by the system to various
    user commands in some way.
  • The result generated by running various programs/

Output Peripherals and their Functions - 2
  • 2. Printers Used to produce printed Outputs /
    Hard Copy. Various types of printers
  • Impact Printers Where there exists a physical
    printing Mechanism/ print head that strikes on
    the paper ink ribbon to make an impression on
    the Paper. These mostly print in Black . Examples
    of such printers are Dot Matrix , Line , Band
  • Non Impact Printers Here there exists no
    physical printing heads rather printing is done
    by electronic/electrostatic mechanism that
    regulate the flow of ink/toner which are electro
    statically deposited on the paper. These can
    print both in Monochrome (black) as well as in
    Color. Commonly used printers are Inkjet, Desk
    jet, Laser etc.
  • Graphic Printers like Dot Matrix, Inkjet, Desk
    Jet, Laser can print both text as well as
    pictures while Line Printer, Band Printer can
    only print characters . But these are high speed
    rugged compared to graphic printers .

Peripheral Interfaces - 1
  • Most of the peripheral devices helps in
    establishing human interface to the computer
    System (mainly CPU Memory).
  • Each of the peripheral differs in
    characteristics from each other as well as from
    the electronic parts (CPU Memory) in terms of
    electrical features and operating speed.
  • Some kind of programs are required to control
    all the various peripherals (Device Drivers) .
  • Users interact with any computer either by some
    command or alternately by mouse click . Hence
    some form of command interpreter or Graphic User
    interface GUI is needed .
  • These device driver programs as well as Command
    Interpreter GUI forms part of the existing
    Operating System .

Peripheral Interfaces - 2
  • All peripherals must possess the following things
  • a) An Electronic Peripheral Interface
    that helps to isolate the CPU Main Memory from
    the diverse world of peripherals.
  • b) CPU Peripheral connectivity is
    established through the following components
  • 1) Electronically addressable Command
    Register (Write Only).
  • 2) Electronically addressable
    Status Register (Read Only).
  • 3) Electronically addressable
    Local Data Buffer (Read/Write).

BUS The Connection Gateway
  • Group of Electrical Lines ( cables and/or PCB
    Tracks OR both ) performs a particular task in
  • Helps to connect the Different Components of
    any Computer System.

CPU External World Connectivity - 1
  • 1) CPU must be able to address each
    device interface as well as each memory location.
    This Address is sent via a group of electrical
    lines / PCB Tracks termed as the Address bus.
  • 2) CPU sends / receives data to /
    from the device interface memory through a
    separate group of lines termed as Data Bus.
  • 3) CPU sends Command to / or reads
    Device Status from the device interface / memory
    via a 3rd group of lines known as the Control

The Different Buses
  • Address Bus - Group of lines that is used to
    carry address information from the CPU to the
    concerned device(s). Address is one that helps
    the CPU to select one among many devices. Hence
    it is unidirectional.
  • Data Bus - The group of lines used to carry
    data/information from the device to CPU vice
    versa. It is always bi-directional.
  • Control Bus The group of lines that enables the
    CPU to control various activities by sending
    appropriate commands as well as monitor status of
    the concerned device e.g. Read Signal, Write
    Signal, Status Set Signal.
  • Each bus consists of a number of lines, which is
    represented in a compact manner.

Bi Directional Bus composed of 32 Lines
Memory Bus I/O Bus
  • As has already been mentioned , Peripherals
    presents a much larger diverse interface scenario
    than the Memory.
  • The entire Memory hierarchy interacts with the
    CPU through some pre-specified protocol.
  • Whereas, large diverse nature of Peripheral
    Interfaces demands a much larger variety of
    interface protocols .
  • This demands different set of Buses , namely,
    I/O Bus and Memory Bus to connect peripherals and
    Memory respectively with the CPU.
  • However, any type of BUS, in principle , must
    essentially compose of ADDRESS, DATA CONTROL
    Buses only differing in signal level layout.

Oversimplified Bus Level Organization
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