G12 Lecture 4

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G12 Lecture 4


G12 Lecture 4 Introduction to Financial Engineering Financial Engineering FE is concerned with the design and valuation of derivative securities A derivative ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: G12 Lecture 4

G12 Lecture 4
  • Introduction to Financial Engineering

Financial Engineering
  • FE is concerned with the design and valuation of
    derivative securities
  • A derivative security is a contract whose payoff
    is tied to (derived from) the value of another
    variable, called the underlying
  • Buy now a fixed amount of oil for a fixed price
    per barrel to be delivered in eight weeks
  • Value depends on the oil price in eight weeks
  • Option (i.e. right but not obligation) to sell
    100 shares of Oracle stock for 12 per share at
    any time over the next three months
  • Value depends on the share price over next three

What are these financial instruments used for?
  • Hedge against risk
  • energy prices
  • raw material prices
  • stock prices (e.g. possibility of merger)
  • exchange rates
  • Speculation
  • Very dangerous (e.g. Nick Leason of Berings Bank)

Characteristics of FE Contracts
  • Contract specifies
  • an exchange of one set of assets (e.g. a fixed
    amount of money, cash flow from a project)
    against another set of assets (e.g. a fixed
    number of shares, a fixed amount of material,
    another cash flow stream)
  • at a specific time or at some time during a
    specific time interval, to be determined by one
    of the contract parties
  • Contract may specify, for one of the parties,
  • a right but not an obligation to the exchange
  • In general the monetary values of the assets
    change randomly over time
  • Pricing problem what is the value of such a

Dynamics of the value of money
  • Time value of money receiving 1 today is worth
    more than receiving 1 in the future
  • Compounding at period interest rate r
  • Receiving 1 today is worth the same as receiving
    (1r) after one period or receiving (1r)n
    after n periods
  • Investing 1 today costs the same as investing
    (1r) after one period or (1r)n after n
  • Discounting at period interest rate r
  • Receiving 1 in period n is worth the same as
    receiving 1/(1r)n today
  • Investing 1 in periods costs the same as
    investing 1/(1r)n today

Continuous compounding
  • To specify the time value of money we need
  • annual interest rate r
  • and number n of compounding intervals in a year
  • Convention
  • add interest of r/n for each in the account at
    the end of each of n equal length periods over
    the year
  • If there are n compounding intervals of equal
    length in a year then the interest rate at the
    end of the year is (1r/n)n which tends to exp(r
    ) as n tends to infinity
  • (10.1/12)121.10506.., exp(0.1)1.10517...
  • Continuous compounding at an annual rate r turns
    1 into exp(r ) after one year

Why continuous compounding?
  • Cont. comp. allows us to compute the value of
    money at any time t (not just at the end of
  • Value of 1 at some time tn/m is
  • (1tr/n)n tends to Exp(tr) for large n
  • Can choose n as large as we wish if we choose
    number of compounding periods m sufficiently
  • X compounded continuously at rate r turn into
    exp(tr)X over the interval 0,t

Net present value of cash flow
  • What is the value of a cash flow x(x0,x1,xn)
    over the next n periods?
  • Negative xi invest xi,, positive xi receive
  • Net present value NPV(x)x0x1/(1r)xn/(1r)n
  • Discount all payments/investments back to time
    t0 and add the discounted values up
  • If cash flow is uncertain then NPV is often
    replaced by expected NPV (risk-neutral
  • Benefits and limitations of NPV valuations and
    risk-neutral pricing can be found in finance
    textbook under the topic investment appraisal
  • Lets now turn to asset dynamics

A simple model of stock prices
  • Stock price St at time t is a stochastic process
  • Discrete time Look at stock price S at the end
    of periods of fixed length (e.g. every day),
  • Binomial model If StS then
  • St1uSt with probability
  • St1dSt with probability (1-p)
  • Model parameters u,d,p
  • Initial condition S0

The binomial lattice model
1 2 3 4
Binomial distribution
  • Stock price at time t St can achieve values
  • utS,ut-1dS, ut-2d2S,, u2dt-2S,udt-1S, dtS
  • P(Stukdt-kS)(nCk)pk(1-p)t-k
  • Here (nCk)n!/((n-k)!k!)

A more realistic model
  • St1utSt, t0,1,2,
  • where ut are random variables
  • Assume ut, t0,1,2, to be independent
  • Notice that utSt1/St is independent of the
    units of measurement of stock price
  • Call ut the return of the stock
  • What is a realistic distribution for returns?

An additive model
  • Passing to logarithms gives
  • ln St1 ln St ln ut
  • Let wt ln ut
  • wt is the sum of many small random changes
    between t and t1
  • Central limit theorem The sum of (many) random
    variables is (approximately) normally distributed
    (under typically satisfied technical conditions)
  • Most important result in probability theory
  • Explains the importance and prevalence of the
    normal distribution

Log-normal random variables
  • Assume that ln ut is normal
  • Central limit theorem is theoretical argument for
    this assumption
  • Empirical evidence shows that this is a
    reasonably realistic assumption for stock prices
  • however, real return distributions have often
    fatter tails
  • If the distribution of ln u is normal then u is
    called log-normal
  • Notice that log-normal variables u are positive
    since uelnu and with normally distributed ln u

Distribution of return
  • Assume that the distribution of ut is independent
    of t
  • Under log-normal assumption the distribution is
    defined by mean and standard deviation of the
    normal variable ln ut
  • Growth rate ?E(ln ut), Volatility ?Std(ln ut)
  • Typical values are
  • ?12, ?15 if the length of the periods is one
    year ?1, ?1.25 if the length of the periods
    is one month
  • Recall 95 rule 95 of the realisations of a
    normal variable are within 2 Stds of the mean
  • Careful if ln u is normal with mean ? and
    variance ?2 then the mean of the log-normal
    variable u is NOT exp(?) but E(u)exp(??2/2) and
    Var(u)exp(2? ?2)(exp(?2)-1)

Model of stock prices
  • St1utSt, t0,1,2,
  • uts are independent identically log-normal
    random variable with
  • E(u) exp(??2/2)
  • Var(u) exp(2? ?2)(exp(?2)-1)
  • Model is determined by growth rate ? and
    volatility ?, which are the mean and std of ln ut
  • Values for ? and ?2 can be found empirically by
    fitting a normal distribution to the logarithms
    of stock returns

  • Find ? and ? for a basic time interval (e.g. ?
    14, ? 30 over a year)
  • Divide the basic time interval (e.g. a year) into
    m intervals of length ?t1/m (e.g. m52 weeks)
  • Time domain T0,1,,m
  • Use model ln St 1 ln St wt
  • Know ln Sm ln S0 w1wm
  • w1wm is N(?,?2)
  • Assume all wi are independent N(?,?2),
  • ? E(w1wm)m?, hence ? ?/m
  • ?2V(w1wm)m ?2, hence ?2 ?2/m

  • Hence ln St?t ln St wt,
  • wt is normal with mean ??t and variance ?2?t
  • If Z is a standard normal variable (mean0,
    var1) then
  • ln St?t ln St ??t ?Zsqrt(?t)
  • Such a process is called a Random Walk
  • Can use this to simulate process St

  • Inputs
  • current price S0,
  • growth rate ? (over a base period, e.g. one year)
  • volatility ? (over the same base period)
  • Number of m time steps per base period (?t1/m is
    the length of a time step)
  • Total number M of time steps
  • Iteration
  • St1 exp(??t ?Zsqrt(?t))St
  • Z is standard normal (mean0, std 1)

  • Call option Right but not the obligation to buy
    a particular stock at a particular price (strike
  • European Call Option can be exercised only on a
    particular date (expiration date)
  • American Call Option can be exercised on or
    before the expiration date
  • Put option Right but not the obligation to sell
    a particular stock for the strike price
  • European exercise on expiration date
  • American exercise on or before expiration date
  • Will focus on European call in the sequel

  • Payoff of European call option at expiration time
  • MaxST-K,0
  • If STgtK purchase stock for price K (exercise the
    option) and sell for market price ST, resulting
    in payoff ST-K
  • If STltK dont exercise the option (if you want
    the stock, buy it on the market)

Pricing an option
  • Whats a fair price for an option today?
  • Economics the fair price of an option is the
    expected NPV of its risk-neutral payoff
  • Risk-neutral payoff is obtained by replacing
    stock price process St by so-called
    risk-neutral equivalent Rt
  • St1 exp(??t ?Zsqrt(?t))St
  • Rt1 exp((r- ?2/2)?t ?Zsqrt(?t))Rt
  • Recall that the expected annual return of the
    stock is ???2/2 expected annual return of the
    risk-neutral equivalent is r
  • Volatility of both processes is the same

Option pricing by simulation
  • Model
  • Generate a sample RT of the risk-neutral
    equivalent using the formula
  • RT exp((r- ?2/2)T ?Zsqrt(T))S0
  • Compute discounted payoff
  • exp(-rT)maxRT-K,0
  • Replication
  • Replicate the model and take the average over all
    discounted payoffs

The Black-Scholes formula
  • Risk-neutral pricing for a European option has a
    closed form solution
  • The value of a European call option with strike
    price K, expiration time T and current stock
    price S is
  • SN(d1)-Ke-rTN(d2),
  • where

Key learning points
  • Stochastic dynamic programming is the discipline
    that studies sequential decision making under
  • Can compute optimal stationary decisions in
    Markov decision processes
  • Have seen how stock price dynamics can be
    modelled by assuming log-normal returns
  • Risk-neutral pricing is a way to assign a value
    to a stock price derivatives
  • European options can be valued using simulation
    (also for more complicated underlying assets)
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