CATEDRA EUROPA 2008 Uninorte, Barranquilla, Colomb
2004 - 2008 2009 - 2013
- The main objectives and instruments of the
programme in the years 2004-08
- The new ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme 2009-2013
- How to obtain information?
3Objective and Actions
Objective The Erasmus Mundus programme is a
co-operation and mobility programme in the field
of higher education which promotes the European
Union as a centre of excellence in learning
around the world.
- Four Actions
- 1 Masters Courses, jointly developed by
European universities - 2 Scholarships for third country nationals
participating in Masters Courses - 3 University partnerships EU-third countries
and scholarships for EU- nationals studying
at partner universities throughout the world. - 4 Visibility and attractiveness of European
higher education in third countries
4ERASMUS MUNDUS 2004-08Masters Courses
- HEI consortium (min. 3 EU countries)
- Joint applications and admission procedures
- Double or joint degree
- 60-120 credit points ECTS (1 or 2 year
masters courses)
- Study period in EU (min. 2 HEI)
5Example Masters Programmehttp//ec.europa.eu/edu
6Example Masters Programme
- Four Actions
- 1 Masters Courses, jointly developed by
European universities - 2 Scholarships for third country nationals
participating in Masters Courses - 3 University partnerships EU-third countries
and scholarships for EU- nationals studying
at partner universities throughout the world. - 4 Visibility and attractiveness of European
higher education in third countries
8Action 2 Scholarships
- Scholarships
- Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for
students who have been admitted to an Erasmus
Mundus Masters Course. - I am Non-European..
- The scholarship covers your travel and living
expenses and tuition in Europe for the full
duration of the course - 1-year Course 21,000
- 2-year Course 42,000
- Course between 1 and 2 years proportional
amount between 21,000 and 42,000
9Action 2 Scholarships, Statisticshttp//ec.europ
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Students by nationality
and gender (main list), selection decision for
2007/2008 (Central America, South America, and
the Caribbean) Country F M TOTAL Argentina
7 12 19 Bolivia 5 3 8 Brazil 38 28 66 Chi
le 6 7 13 Colombia 20 19 39 Costa
Rica 3 3 Cuba 2 4 6 Dominica 1 1 Domin
ican Republic 1 1 Ecuador 4 2 6 El
Salvador 2 1 3
- Four Actions
- 1 Masters Courses, jointly developed by
European universities - 2 Scholarships for third country nationals
participating in Masters Courses - 3 University partnerships EU-third countries
and scholarships for EU- nationals studying
at partner universities throughout the world. - 4 Visibility and attractiveness of European
higher education in third countries
11Action 3 Partnerships
Partnerships allow for the outgoing mobility of
graduate EU students and scholars involved in the
Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
- Title of partnership EUROMIME European master
in Media for Education Sciences - Université de Poitiers en France
- Université nationale d'enseigment à distance de
Madrid/Spain - Faculté d'éducation de l'Université
technologique de Lisbonne/Portugal - Université pontificale catholique du Pérou à
Lima - Université nationale de Brasilia au Brésil
- l'Université Los Lagos d'Osorno au Chili
12ERASMUS MUNDUS 2004-08Types of Mobility (Action
2 and 3)
- Four Actions
- 1 Masters Courses, jointly developed by
European universities - 2 Scholarships for third country nationals
participating in Masters Courses - 3 University partnerships EU-third countries
and scholarships for EU- nationals studying
at partner universities throughout the world. - 4 Visibility and attractiveness of European
higher education in third countries
14Action 4 Enhancing Attractivenesshttp//ec.euro
Promoting European higher education in the world
The creation of information and dissemination
tools, the participation in international fairs,
the organisation of seminars and workshops, etc.
Facilitating access for third-country students
to European higher educationThe development of
courses or material for language training and
cultural preparation, the development of more
effective methods of hosting and integrating
third-country students, services facilitating
mobility, etc.
Complementary activitiesSupport for activities
dealing with issues inherent in the
internationalisation of higher education, such as
the international dimension of quality assurance,
of credit recognition, of curriculum development,
surveys and studies, etc.
15Action 4 Enhancing Attractiveness
Title of the project Forum on Europe Summary
description Forum on Europe Seeks to enhance
the attractiveness and visibility of the European
Higher Education Systems (EHES) in Latin America,
encouraging student mobility through a two-stage
training program with workshops about EHES,
international counselling and mobility.
Partners ES - Universitat de Valencia
(co-ordinator) DE - Johannes Gutenberg
Universität Mainz FR - Université de Paris XII
Val de Marne Colombia Fundación Universidad
del Norte
The Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation Window
(EM ECW) objective is to achieve better
understanding and mutual enrichment between the
European Union and third countries co-operation
in the field of higher education through
promoting the exchange of persons, knowledge and
skills at higher education level. This will be
achieved through the promotion of partnerships
and institutional co-operation exchanges between
European Higher Education Institutions and Third
Country institutions and a mobility scheme
addressing student and academic exchanges.
17EM ECWhttp//eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/mundus/
External Cooperation Window Main Features of the
Partnership activities for the organisation of
mobility and the transfer of know-how and best
Implementation of individual mobility for
students and academic staff
Types of mobility undergraduate, masters,
doctorates, post- doctorates, teaching staff
Balanced partnerships between EU and Third
country Higher Education Institutions
18EM ECW New Windows 2008/09in Central and South
Deadline for applications was 15 February for
19EM ECW Specific criteria for Latin America
region partnership composition
Minimum partnership composition (at least)
BRAZIL three higher education institutions (at
least two of which must be federal universities)
from at least two different Brazilian regions,
considering the five regional divisions of the
country North, Northeast, Midwest, South and
CHILE five Chilean accredited universities out
of which at least one from the following northern
regions Arica, Tarapacà, Antofagasta and
Atacama, at least one from the following southern
regions De los Ríos, De los Lagos, Aysén y
MEXICO five Mexican universities out of which at
least one from one of the ten least developed
Mexican States according to the UNDP HDI ranking
Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Veracruz,
Hidalgo, Zacatecas, Puebla, Tlaxcala and Nayarit.
Priority will be given to partnerships including
State Higher Education Institutions.
20EM ECW List of ACP eligible countries
21EM ECW Specific criteria for ACP countries
partnership composition
- The minimum partnership under the ACP window will
be constituted of - Five EU Universities of at least three European
Union countries (from the EU-15 eligible
countries under the 9th EDF), each of whom
holding an Erasmus University Charter. The twelve
new Members States, plus the candidate countries
and EEA countries are not eligible under this
window. - At least one University from at least five of the
six ACP areas as identified in the table above.
22ERASMUS MUNDUS 2009-2013
Still to be approved by European Parliament and
European Council Starts 01. Jan 2009
23ERASMUS MUNDUS 2009-2013 What will be new?
The main novelties of the programme proposal are
- More opportunities and variety in the
institutional co-operation modalities between
European and third-country universities and in
the individual mobility scheme (Key words
developing human resources, transfer of know-how,
sustainable development)
- Extension of Erasmus Mundus to doctoral studies
and, partially, to the undergraduate level
- Stronger financial support for European students
through the offer of more attractive scholarships.
- Erasmus Mundus / External Cooperation
- Action 1 Erasmus Mundus masters' courses
- Action 2 Scholarships
- Action 3 Partnerships with third country higher
education institutions - Action 4 Enhancing the attractiveness of
European higher education.
- Erasmus Mundus / External Cooperation
- Erasmus Mundus other strands
- Projects in the fields of higher education
(Erasmus Mundus) and youth financed under the
provisions of the Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance (IPA) - Projects in the field of higher education
(Erasmus Mundus) financed under the provisions on
aid for economic co-operation with the developing
countries in Asia - Projects covered by the call for proposals
"Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window"
and financed under the general provisions
establishing a European Neighbourhood and
Partnership Instrument - Projects covered by the call for proposals
"Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window"
and financed under the provisions of the
financing instrument for development cooperation - Projects in the field of higher education
(Erasmus Mundus) financed by resources from the
Ninth EDF.
- The main novelties 2009-20013
- More opportunities and variety in the
institutional co-operation - Extension of Erasmus Mundus to doctoral studies
and, partially, to the undergraduate level - Stronger financial support for European students
through the offer of more attractive
27How to obtain information?
For comprehensive information about the current
programme, please consult http//ec.europa.eu/ed
and the new programme 2009-13 (proposal),
please consult http//www.europafacile.net/Formu
I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be
particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood
what I've said Alan Greenspan
- Rainer Henkel-von Klass
- International Office
- University of Mainz
- D-55099 Mainz
- Tel. 49 6131 3920038
- Fax 49 6131 3925548
- Email rainer.henkel_at_verwaltung.uni-mainz.de